nexus health group

Nexus Health Group Our priorities over the next 2-3 years Dr Samuel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Nexus Health Group Our priorities over the next 2-3 years Dr Samuel Soo Ms Catherine Arden Our organisation Prescribing Information Management & Technology Telephony Appointments/Clinics The things you dont see Premises Engagement

  1. Nexus Health Group Our priorities over the next 2-3 years Dr Samuel Soo Ms Catherine Arden

  2. Our organisation Prescribing Information Management & Technology Telephony Appointments/Clinics The things you don’t see Premises Engagement The priorities

  3.  Structure  Sharing functions across sites  Decision making  Localism  Centralisation of systems  Governance  Restructuring/different ways to work together Nexus – our organisation

  4.  Back office functions  Admin systems to support clinical care e.g. referrals, reports, recalls, letters  HR  Patient records  Finance systems  Reporting on targets/quality/contractual items  ‘Branding’  How our teams work together – e.g. shared data, administrative and management teams The things you don’t see

  5.  Staff  Patient  Local stakeholders Engagement

  6.  Booking appointments  Looking at clinics/services to share across sites e.g. specialist clinics, same day access  Reviewing clinical capacity  New ways of working  Employing other staff roles e.g. clinical pharmacists Appointment Systems

  7.  Aligning our systems  Improving what we do for patients e.g. repeat prescribing  Using IT effectively  Identifying our own & wider good practice  Quality of prescribing Prescribing

  8.  Clinical system merge  Searches and templates  Document management  Online access planning  Digital strategy  Website - rebranding IM&T

  9.  Review current contracts & systems  Options appraisal – what could we do?  Improvements for patients & staff  Centralised/shared telephony  Costs  Flexibility Telephony

  10.  Do our priorities align with patient priorities?  Prioritising our priorities!  Any other points Discussion points


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