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Nedbank Group Commercial Property Finance 30 August 2019 NCIB - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Nedbank Group Commercial Property Finance 30 August 2019 NCIB business overview Property Finance Brian Kennedy Anl Bosman Brad Maxwell Ashraf Patel Group ME: Nedbank ME: Markets ME: Investment Banking ME: Client Coverage Corporate

  1. Nedbank Group Commercial Property Finance 30 August 2019

  2. NCIB business overview – Property Finance Brian Kennedy Anél Bosman Brad Maxwell Ashraf Patel Group ME: Nedbank ME: Markets ME: Investment Banking ME: Client Coverage Corporate & Investment Banking 960 clients Market leader in #1 Primary Dealer renewable energy Best Sales Team – Bonds #1 Bloomberg FI league #1 Equity options market share table rankings: SA bonds 2 731 employees Francis Brand Gary Garrett R6.7bn ME: Transactional ME: Property Finance Headline earnings Services (2018) >20 primary bank wins per Market leader with >30% annum (since 2013) 22 years banking experience of which 13 in Property sector 2 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation

  3. NCIB business overview – Property Finance Headline earnings, ROE Key drivers ▪ Highly experienced team – specialist 27.5% knowledge 26.1% ▪ Specialisation & key client relationships 23.7% driving leading market share in SA 22.3% 21.6%20.6% 19.6% ▪ Rest of Africa 17.8% 17.9% 21.2% ▪ Property Partners 19.3% H1 2019 HE contribution 14.1% 25% 1 318 1 430 1 540 1 560 1 499 800 660 501 629 716 945 820 75% 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 H1 19 HE (Rm) ROE (%) Property Finance Rest of CIB 3 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation

  4. Agenda 1. SA property market context 2. Sector insights 3. Nedbank Property Finance 4 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation

  5. SA commercial property market estimated at R1.3 trillion – banks fund ~30% of this through debt SA property sector 1 R5.8tn Residential Public sector Zoned land Commercial property R3.9tn R0.2tn R0.5tn R1.3tn ▪ Commercial property Sector split Ownership split State owned funded through equity, enterprises bank debt & debt capital Retail Corporates R66bn markets R534bn R789bn Metros & selected ▪ Bank debt funding 2 ~30% Office REITs local municipalities of the total commercial R357bn R298bn property sector (R423bn) R69bn Industrial Unlisted funds R281bn R131bn Department of Public Works Life & pension Hotel/Other R102bn funds R94bn R49bn 1 MSCI for the Property Sector Charter (July 2016) | 2 SARB BA 900 returns (June 2019) 5 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation

  6. SA commercial property market – Nedbank CIB a leader in commercial mortgages & combined with Nedbank RBB’s market share in residential mortgages our overall property exposure is in line with peers Commercial mortgage market share 1 (%) Total mortgage market share 1 (%) 2% 1% 11% 22% 20% 39% 17% 7% 29% 14% 21% 17% Nedbank Std Bank ABSA First Rand Investec Rest of Market 1 SARB June 2019 BA 900 returns 6 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation

  7. SA commercial property market – macro fundamentals & lending observations Macro fundamentals ▪ Low economic growth environment ▪ Rental income under pressure across all segments of the market – negative rental reversions common Property sector lags the broader economy by 12 – 18 months ▪ ▪ Policy uncertainty regarding land reform Lending observations ▪ Increased competition across lenders to win high quality deals at the top end of the market ▪ Low levels of speculative lending – pre-let conditions vital ▪ Predominately originate to hold strategy ▪ Property sector is a reflection of the broader economy given corporate SA is tenant base 7 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation

  8. Agenda 1. SA property market context 2. Sector insights 3. Nedbank Property Finance 8 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation

  9. Sector insights Listed property – Equity investors JSE SA listed property index ▪ Significant downward correction in sector experienced over the last 18 months: Free Float Weighted Market Capitalisation – Difficult economic environment with downward earnings outlook revisions – Historically trading at significant premiums to NAV – Specific counters declined significantly due to fund specific issues Listed property – Debt providers ▪ Largely considered to be the lowest risk segment for lenders ▪ Typical fund level lending covenants: – Loan-to-value (LTV): 40%-50% – Interest coverage ratio (ICR): 2x 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ▪ Significant levels of equity ranking behind debt ▪ Generally diversified high quality portfolios 9 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation

  10. Sector insights Office space – oversupplied Retail sector – largely oversupplied in metros ▪ ▪ Office vacancies remain high but stable at 11.3% Retail vacancies currently at 4.2%, above the long across the board term average of 2.9% ▪ ▪ Rental growth has largely been flat over the last Retail largely oversupplied in metros 12 months ▪ Some development opportunity exists in outlying & ▪ Improvement in vacancies unlikely in the short-term rural areas where there is an undersupply given the economic environment ▪ Retail likely to remain under pressure due consumer ▪ spending constraints – low growth in HCE New office stock being developed, but activity is at a 13 year low anticipated for the foreseeable future (1.6% in 2020) ▪ ▪ Changing consumer habits – online retail likely to 55% of new stock concentrated in 3 nodes: have a lower impact in SA in the medium-term – Sandton (25%) relative to other markets (currently accounts for 3-4% of sales in SA) – Waterfall (16%) – Rosebank (14%) ▪ Co-working or flexible office space a potential new trend Source: Sapoa Sector reports 10 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation

  11. Sector insights Industrial sector – resilient Residential – cautious ▪ ▪ Industrial vacancies currently at 3.6%, an Strong demand for residential product in lower price brackets – purchase price below R1m & monthly improvement from 5.2% in 2016 rental under R8 500 ▪ Rental growth of 4.6% over the past 12 months ▪ Affordable rental stock market buoyant in the current ▪ market environment Further development opportunities for high quality logistics space in key nodes ▪ Developers more cautious in the current economic ▪ environment Potential load shedding could impact manufacturers – increased vacancies in that segment Source: Sapoa Sector reports 11 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation

  12. Agenda 1. SA property market context 2. Sector insights 3. Nedbank Property Finance 12 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation

  13. Nedbank Property Finance overview – leading market share with well diversified, high quality client base Strategy – grow in line with market Nedbank market share 1 (%) Key differentiators ▪ Highly experienced team – deep sectoral & geographic knowledge 40.8% 40.5% 40.4% ▪ PF business well understood & embedded within the group 39.1% 38.6% ▪ Steady growth & selective origination – supporting clients throughout cycles ▪ High quality client base with experienced track records and significant portfolios – cross collateralisation ▪ Well diversified portfolio – underlying sectors impacted at different points in the cycle (diversification inherently reduces sector concentration risk) 2015 2016 2017 2018 H1 2019 1 SARB BA 900 returns 13 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation

  14. Well diversified book – deep knowledge & expertise across sectors Loan book by property type (%) Retail 26% Offices 6% Industrial 10% 25% Multiple Portfolio 2% Vacant Land 13% 18% Residential Other Note: Residential development limit – 5% of total portfolio Currently below 3% 14 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation

  15. Valuations methodology ▪ Internal team of 22 qualified valuers ▪ Establish our own collateral valuations & base our lending decisions off these ▪ Listed funds ▪ Use their independent valuations as a base & make adjustments to those ▪ Generally our valuations are 5% - 10% lower ▪ Unlisted environment ▪ Perform our own valuations on each property we take as collateral ▪ Frequency of valuations ▪ Valuation performed at deal inception ▪ Valuations updated at least annually ▪ Watchlist items – valuations performed 6 monthly ▪ Non performing items – valuations performed on default & at least 6 monthly on a market & forced sale basis ▪ A missed payment triggers a valuation review ▪ Outsource approximately 25% of valuations to an approved panel – every valuation approved by a Nedbank valuer 15 NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED – Commercial Property Finance presentation


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