
JJ._ \ ( r:'{"t e !l) I rs, (itErr.Jo lt1 JJ.r +- : - PDF document

r,i!rr? *1 'p1lr : a"rltr s',s/'rc + *.mrro .r. ?.rtls ra + s'y'"'ona p..9 la\t'?!y , (.)t r'' --.Y. 'Yr.q yiar\rrf ft t +- 'g v'. 'rrJ a JJ._ \ ( r:'{"t e !l) I rs, (itErr.Jo lt1 JJ.r +- : .r.+s,.,..|

  1. r,i!rr? *1 'p1lr : a"rltr s',s/'rc + *.mrro .ôr. ?.rtls ra + s'y'"'ona p..9 la\t'?!y , (.)t r'' --.Y. 'Yr.q yËiar\rrf ft tô +- 'g v'. 'rrêJ a JJ._ \ ( r:'{"t e !l) I rs, (itErr.Jo lt1 JJ.r +- : .r.+s,.,..| t'o J E . (Û!r'rsr.t rF..-/ ' $: \ 'P,ùrJ-ry 0 Vc.-- 'g r rl'4 "\ra ) (rJ..,8 rlrr b rr r,,.) 1ar,r'g/.""--t lri{1 ^.1 sr4f,.v.+.oJlo r o5 a

  2. I C?.,o&S.( * &*VqQ . S.b. ,irtLr' dria^rt.l d bb.Àl.r*Z ,^.ti'( r trr.r letrr'tr

  3. decays CP violation in lÀ - J/r"<D I with and without mixing of d € cav through interf € r € nce . CP violation JI*I1',l ',---------,------ sorden \*r' o(ù) Dot in s<o,a r,.l,i, o(ù)

  4. / , ù dc.rys ||r /r. cP vrohtron without mixing of decay with and . CP violâtion through interference p---------------, JtvK\ \*r" s, \\; n"s((li.t,i,)r/(1,.t.i,)r = O.O1A3 2r:M = I o.ooo9 . Phase small: Jlfects lh. , P !iolJtron or'r+, ,, ''v .ZtlP . Npw physrcs . CDF and Do pciforn, ô tidre dep.ndent nnalysis of Il. p ê .' i ^',ôl.rr^d ê \ 1 I or ('Ar , , , | | | | . ' ' ' ' '

  5. llrqrry rJrr /r, St,nr(' . B{ g,/ oscallôtions the Schr<rdinger I ')( ) rr' \/r: and I L. with ,r = ,1/ q( r/r., rr-,) . OfFdiâgonal elements of physical eigen states Br and 81. .-,t..,,, j*z l/,, r/i -r l/jl -\ l/ lo llorvv 0.rtr.l.s) l3cnsrtrve D.trt r,'t' Jrlf."1r, c f)o.i! Ir lrr 3bsûr)l v. r).'rl {lrght Intern.,l not new t)hVsr(s) I t, t).r'lr(lcs, \/r-, (Bag pârômeter, r r- (OPE ,,6 . . Large uncertâinties: ht), l,) ^q* I rr l/r-, lx,sl (improved by new oper.tor s)

  6. to Al = 2 dntpllttldes ùpprolrclr Model rodcDcrrder)t .-D,rHiÏ1li'lrv- = > ! Re(4,/) + ,lm(^,) Bq Htl.=210, -t = ,,,1(a,tJ 2rr r1r" = rf!o: rttl2{=lrill , . It âssume \r € ^, : ? ûew ohysrcs . Sod)e obs € ryibles se.sitive to Al . ta./l = 2tririllt - Â,rr{ . coslofM = 2lrr2.{l I zrr.,1 - Âlrql - ql = Im(rr:.c/,rrr:.s) = (lr!2.e|ll:rrr2.{l) + 2'l) / ^,r ' sin(o;M - Ba - J/t h: z,r;sit +:,,,1 - B" - J /r,t' : 2it|'tt - 2 . ,i-irl.,r,:1/ n, = only if t/- 21. Note:

  7. , ,{rll','r'Ll: r'r lrl lA,/) s rrr /r 1r rrrrxrrrq a lftA.r) r)l.rr. f:ix SM paranreters (.,5sr ,,,.(i 1,) l)L 5[1 with I '.. [ /.1 transitions W.rrhg e r{n NP N(, ev,derx bùt .trll .r7.rbl. NI:' 1'lIl)ùl!,fs Jllowrll È hypolhe" dêvidrio. Ner Physcs In 8d.Ed mirrng rnilrsis uf llT f t <r"ii." I Re ad

  8. Little intermezzo: strong phâses in K' and SU(3) symmetry to relate . Oo analysis invokes (problematicl). ô final states âsâin âssumption in the Do ânalysis . UT-fit eliminated the SU(3) analysis Do (also problematicl). combin € d data of CDF and and in O. to 3 7. evrdcr)ce toi NP contribution A full SM + NP fit leâds available; . Now of Do without SU(3) âssumption 2D likelihood scan to 2 6d in SM+NP UT fit ior NP d.oDped dôwn signrficince

  9. (10) 24 (ao) l9 I Nd Phy.ld rr.! [ mkh! li

  10. . P,osp.cts of the levâtron to estâbli5h NP Prob(5d ) 1 I. 1.0 I è L=2',8tb o8 i 0.8. 08 o0 o! 0.6 I L=2'5tb o4 04 o.2 o2 0.2 CDF only 0$ 0.4 05 06 07 o8Ê, O.OL ol LHCb ^(.t,,t): Possible

  11. yôrr\\.à.r F?. 0.r)F.)n:,?-ûr,rd{rfr^ 4.6rh,1,ry ttt v"o g,1$YDJ , b,o.?) ùlb.a:^rrrn 4h^l!!a ''^r l.'Jn" )t.r : 'Y -r^r<c (?ro.T) Y'vr,rl 6à.:.p""!'(.ot' orr111J'-.o h.r{.rlaa.J l, srp"r?^â,r? ï, Fr1r.frr lo ,,É,.r a ta"r*t 'r'o--I ' v+r +- o *\ U s.aqr 1'1d F-<C"..o ,-"> - qr ^J rr'.ï.11.1s11o '11,1'1 -1{."- rary y'"o ryrpJ { q,.o {y'g , rSrrn 1. : ry-.J-.c -..:- aj 1r prpr:.. v .oÇ-'o lr,ràt -,rt-o -ye- n d3 r.i4D 1.n rv Y.it t!r.{ {. 5^ .a- 1t ï.i ?e rr- /r.rp l" --'lqr € *".tr 'Éin.r. ry.|?Flt

  12. ro-.1 - * iw.1-s1"st;fu,r!s .-]" [r*lvr't Il"' = T,3 (,.r-?d '"c l(4"Y1l(')'Yl l-= + =..1r')'!.1 ft'"-'ri'"'1 * -1 y:"r] I r;.lG)'v | ",s ! [r-v) -s \l=.I(')"v I - #v r.-]";?.1(.) ,fi"'-./i*., -" ôrs + f(r-v) I' .l(')!l - *f "'""] t,,r.t('t'Y 1p-'1 ;lo,r*' "'.r't h '*'r'r z'rr-r '-r r-:1'-1-.: 'Yl J. ,,".?.J 1..^? l. "3--'";1 3 - (1'ô'o' € )i (.'}e (À, ô'{)..g rr'' *l '..'1-1q , -.-* 1'*1..1/1.a-) Êvvzzroo/rJ-'\a _r.s ? t n!\.rs r |r lo à! rr:{r4Ytt-.{: '-"q r51"-4'5* '1 1. '1;-4'j.','11. .s qJr-o,n 7-a ^:11n r,'f r-'S. ( n-n.-) e i-r.r.-)

  13. /r'Jq,.,- rr*t-r * ('3- ')rrf v zr.-i 4-.,'o-$ f' r r/,S"- ,r"o.11uo: e.qs rrq a . 1-.r ô --.t'.t g l-1',-,:;11" ",/a,*yJ'11-' o+!9 l, r,y1,".o r.9 - r-r- t-r9 ' 0 - ,r r--r " a .r-.- '9 ) (., ''.'5-- P"lz | Yild ht"''!n*'= rb r/!sr.r y* ,a ft {,": l. J. -.1y' .pr.â!l. r>!.fe'r a. rÉ r".X"-h çy r.r-r"e-'+.s&.T$, = (,e-9'o c.- ."e "V e 'b) :s5 € tr9lr- >r1'..qn7,"or r!. :ss.tr ' $hs' eq-9 r.),I 'rs's '9r''- F'o shs r.-,1p"'D \4.i + '^.\],h,. r+E.y ="S ' xe-ls :tg \-rS rs'Bo)'vl r*\s .- 6,.13'-'\i (-4 èa) tr.)rl - 9J* "' rshr fli'*e-"s'- - r-v'"' 6'-"s*.f (rhv) s.- il), , *._z l(C'vl [-t lk)'v l= iv fr'l-v ! -r _ +-t-s {s.' !!cc; (rn9 {,f*-t4'-t..' -r'rrs{, | =it1'yt-');yJ " r.3 lt.)'v 1 1r.r'v -c

  14. .(in."a) F (i^-4 :,1."D '"-r,:^ rer:4 -! r^'\ l. iir;.lqc-r '-( *a*n) ,. wH "l ' ïb )a rlla )À?| -l -\ r{ :'^ -,t ^ '-.1J L-,w r+ *J .rr; ï' :" -,Jrr p1 nnd,n ,r f'-r7 -,.r1r." = , , '6 t a. f. ..$.) rr"b 1r{ ["a[$- = f.ti.a*]19.,- r 'i2 'r.1-1a.\ r r?I!tt"..o ct Pt : t2 e t"r\) I l" rsre rry rè{ ',-.r o <-- r3 "(!A .( l*a oÂ) ,H .* ',.e) S-nrq,N r)v --,1 '.,-. (' '{+l/cr\Ë..r .1./ Ci'y,*, a1,':.J tr;.1'1 r.c:,.'r- q 'yw::r T -r r-r{r Pq',n,. ]. r/u:rp r?r.- Y,na - =,'r)r. ,.rv1d.4:v È." L(:'^-^)/,(ï^'^ ) J b\x_'t rr r' 1D '4,t_ l'1',{r r,rt S':r'..r 'dz *"e , -o-|-" 3 'ô

  15. 09 a.TLèh.J 4r..l,.Lr to" clot {L\!ur 6ù^a4 tr.A 2 Êr . Lti cL a<curg>? <{ÀcTù.qr IrÉxibrh4,[.r * (c>=Ae) " . . Uckrwv r 'ç.,-c*t ôà. È)rG. cràïr +- -2Ê! - -zF, zûI Ô, -'-r Q, r- 2 qç s. il 9J ^r siralt --r s r-' ir..E ^rt/Pr .

  16. b tr- ({r.l^L&t.4h..l Ir,îq(: lr, c, È Daqèr*as ,i r :J r(u--Grvo),)= I l{ I I'h ,-r. a sr't '"'Ft'Jt* I o,,r, LT {ê *T) /r.' + V-v"i Pr'+V*,v.!$ -r;) + (r,"_rJ) 'l! v",n"i ft 3i...............! i-î' ù" *,,,1 I - a *' 13 , AÀ'(,-{) 14 --1 {r -:- l crtlA+ Al- e .lo, (a i ,| '' - *t ''r /--A \' (hLe, , Lar,tt. _n4l*Jà.t

  17. rnâ^ r- etl.,ryfL +- (lr- .tù * . q'-.J'-.è +*-1a 'rÉi/ | ty.a$rt .r rr-.Ifu,.:c5. ;Ît 'rrra" ., - o11.1z3 prr-/4.r : lor^.O . - n1.q2. 'rc,'rd rir ,,tÙ'. "ltt" rT! rt ssÉæ f It I .r t rrrrù dÉ t- læ er'r+ï Jt"ù''?":$t tl ('<.-.q*.:.) (t.-'lra n9u.r6 r,o fs .- ôo twpalrp -r*4 >l.1d 1or,'1 iÉ{ 'r f â/gr-- iÈ ty ., rrl sr""{,y iâr..rT a ht || titp.rnr r.t 7.rn i rt*ie," q-.{)r € -r1f| .rhô/!!-.W tr.r-æ6.1.qrod ra ,1çlrlrirh* l.r -\r { <.'e> ') 3 l. ri.qrF.1r'o r'rr,q ! r.","4 ,." y-r.4o |9 vra t..li.lg.ra 7,- -tn-1 "pl'd ,.nqi',qt'"f.l!' q.'y,ùJ.l 'a' l'.s4 1 4L.t--l

  18. I t'cltrxd+is ot!,lfJ {'t/ rù-"+) r',1 + $r)nsV pnsv' L-) .r., 1c- "'a .E)V . lLô/È.-- rî'à?i (Eib5 rr^:.îE of à.*'oro ('1Èù . og?roJg,/y'-4t :"r,lt'.à.Sr Fet{,ty".o +a-,.ri) >|l Xrq > 'r.\,Èo.'n-: +\'\.i]1,r!o r\6n/ .n.Ey'E,,.ry'q!È tf tA ('!l'-. h -ê1' .tidl IsoÉr '..a. Jsoeolo/*ÀY .i { , . * ft" r11" ( -r- a 'rt (,r.- lh -a t o) " * (*è-.a.*,.r-) Yt)v Vt.- "^1'^ - (r'i yrr.rc'"t- , a*t4 o19,1o3 l.r""rro h11!r, û)y Îr{.er" ^.j 'r,c {r".) ( !,.-tsÀ-Frr.r .iy'L.- Pe I '\w'i,s o i r*5.1'',o {t"d ':,t

  19. ô"q-* "È | ,s.:nr x')r^e rrrr 1'*.le -j ,rr*rllre,,, "q ÀÀ € "f, l' 1at'ç.1-{'1r r ..,,. ',^o.]6 r.-4 rr! .r.' ûp r,{r. \ 5'lt-4--d, r:r$ tt,{ r.r'rc lsrirJ.''.l trrF na.t ' ^^r-o21 *1r:-qyr Irs prpp y"o ,5a .r1.1ù."- "y y" -.vn 1 (J1wr1*v {y fl t{ .\ô/È.-.t .àr-.'P ù-àrr5/,'rt - ,.----ffi abaoBoarô/t -.T '----'-i;;l J'\p'rqr,tr-t ' 'riï:n r-l.J 1*ærr o-sr rirv'Ytr ùl,s ., 0 I o,r-1 [,i I aQr rroro a ,oob = Sy '.: ,,) tê r- .,(ory rr, t*1e &:t (:)vrsï "rraosoTTr-\,1 / i t'.ol F*JÀ'-.ti,rrc r:t lt y--r.,lt 4FF':*r 'r1r t^t5 ,rrro elà{lvr le 1r*9sr . r" ,_""1 .1 f..- ,".0 'J,-.r ( *-'l.- 4 1Y.|'*-.- rrg-r.'.) 1y*<t y"n * 1.v -"s.'l 'r (r)v,s (r) ln*,t r* ,, r'1'Èêl odl, t/l/ tr-û\a (r)hs (o1 :1o"o3 -.)-tx -'\r5

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