Jakarta International Seminar on Halal Tourism and Workshop Halalanthoyyiban Standardization and Technology Dr. Muhammad Yanis Musdja, M.Sc Lecturer, Analysis of Food, Drug & Cosmetic Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, State Islamic University, Jakarta Chairman Indonesian Halal Products Foundation Vice Chairman, Association of Indonesian Muslim Intelectual Jakarta Email : myanis88@gmail.com Phone +62 812 8168 1197
ABSTRACT The Word of God in the Qur'an Surah Al Baqorah verse 168 for all human beings to consume halalanthoyyiban food is a rahmatan lilalamin. On the other hand Allah says in Surah Al Araf verse 31, "Please eat and drink, but don't overdo it. Indeed, He (Allah) does not like people who overdo". The concept of consuming halalanthoyyiban food in a standard amount is appropriate With evidence based medicine, because it will provide excellent health to humanity, halalanthoyyiban food is healthy, nutritious, safe and verified.In the current millennial era, the technology of food, medicine and cosmetics is very sophisticated and uses a lot of food additives and excipients sourced from halal and haram chemical compounds as well as many that are not good for health, in order to preserve, beautify the shape, make more delicious and lower prices, even though medicinal food and cosmetics are products that determine the health of humanity. ensure the safety of this product, it is necessary to have sophisticated tools so that security for these products can be guaranteed. Halal Examination Institutions must have skilled Halal Auditors and laboratory equipment that meet the requirements for food and drug cosmetic analysis such as Fourier Transform Infra red (FTIR), Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Electronic Nose (EN), Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry ( LCMS), Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS), UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Food Chemistry Test Kits, Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), ect. Key Words: Equipment Halal analysis Halal, thoyyiban, , Standardization.
Command to do research in Al Quran, Surah Sad (38) verse (29) : ٌ بَٱ تِكٌ هَٱ نْل زن أٌ كْي لِإٌ ك رَٱ ب مٌ يِ لٌ آو رُّبُّدۦِهِتَٱ يا ءٌُّك ذ ت يِل وٌ رٌ او ل و أٌِبَٱ بْل ْلٓٱ “ (This is) a Book (the Quran) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over (conduct research) its Verses, and that those of understanding would be reminded.. ” Kitab (Al Quran) yang kami turunkan kepada engkau (Muhammad), penuh dengan berkah, untuk diteliti (Renungkan) ayat-ayatNya, Agar mendapatkan pemahaman orang-orang yang berilmu.
Islamic Teachings for Food Standardization HALALANTHOYYIBAN Quran Surah Al Baqarah verse168 Kullu Shumu Wasrobu tashihu walatusrifu (Hadits) (Quran Al Araf HEALTHY verse 31) LIFESTYLES IN ISLAM HOMEOSTASIS fasting for (Balanced healthy nutrition) 4
Lebih dari 50% Penyebab kematian didunia karena manusia makan tidak standar
OVER 50% OF DEATH ARE FROM OBESITY RELATED CHRONIC DISEASES (Metabolic Syndrom) Obesity is a source of diseases
Diabetes Prevalence (2007-2025) 2007 2025 Qatar 15.2% 16.9% Bahrain 15.2% 17.0% UAE 19.5% 21.9% Saudi Arabia 15.7% 18.4% Kuwait 14.4% 16.4% Oman 13.1% 14.7% Yemen 2.9% 3.4% IDF Diabetes Atlas- 2006- National prevalence estimates Indonesia 7,1% (2007) 21,3% (2030) Sumber Kemenkes
Al Quran : Surah ‘ Abasa (80) verse 24 ٌِر ظْن يْل فٌ نا سْنِْلٓاٌَٱى لِإٌِهِما ع ط So man must look at his food. (Maka hendaklah manusia memperhatikan makanannya) The Hadith narrated by Abu Dawood. نحنموقلبلكأنىتحعوجناذإوانلكألبعبشن We are a group of people who eat because we already feel hungry and if we eat, stop before full (Kita adalah sekelompok orang-orang yang makan karena sudah merasa lapar dan jika kita makan, berhenti sebelum kenyang)
Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad SAW narrated by Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Ibn Majah and Hakim ‘ ( Hadits Homeostasis for food intake ) املؤميمدآءاعوارشنمهنطببسحبنبامدآتاميقلنمقيهبلصنإفناكدبلبلبعافثلثف هماعطلثلثوهبارشلثلثوهسفنل ) هاورماملئادمحأيذمرتلاوامهريغو ) A son of Adam (human) does not satisfy a place worse than their stomach. It is enough for the son of Adam to be some food bribe that can only raise his spine . If demands must be fulfilled, then 1/3 for food, 1/3 for drinks and 1/3 again for breathing . (Seorang keturunan Adam, tidak memuaskan suatu tempat yang membawa keburukan dari pada lambungnya, cukup bagi anak cucu adam, makan untuk sekedar mengakkan punggungnya. Jika harus diminta untuk dipenuhi, maka 1/3 untuk makanan padat, 13 untuk air dan 1/3 untuk bernapas .) (Hadist Homeostasis = Balanced Nutrition = Gizi Seimbang)
Based on this hadith (Homeostasis), I have done research in 2015 ago, on some medical literature (Berdasarkan Hadist tersebut diatas, saya telah melakukan penelitian pada buku-buku Kedokteran) pada tahun 2015 yang lalu) As the results are shown in the table below. Sebagai kesimpulan dari hasilnya , ditunjukkan pada tabel dibawah ini
Table 1. The result of the compilation of health research and its compatibility with the concept of food in Islam, about homeostasis (balanced Nutrition) in the body for person with a weight of 70 kg. (YANIS, 2015) (Hadits Homeostasis Food Daily = 1/3 Solid Food, 1/3 water, 1/3 for breathing) The volume of food intake and Excretion of food and fluid reabsorption digestive secretions Daily food Daily reabsorption Yeyunum volume 2 L 5,5 L Food Ileum 2 L 2 L Water Colon 4 L 8,8 L 1,3 L Daily Daily excretions digestive Urine secretion 1-1,2 L 1,5 L 0,2 L Salivary Feces Sweat 0.02 – 0,5 L gland 3,2 L 0,01 – 0,1 L Stomach Saliva 2 -3 L 8 L 2 L Gall 0,6 – 0,8 L Respiratory 2 L Pancreas 1 L Gut Daily input and total 12 L Daily total reabsorption and 12 L secretion (INPUT) excretion (OUTPUT)
On the relationship between food and diseases, Rasullulah Muhammad SAW's in his hadith narrated by HR Thabrani: ةءددعملاضوحدبلانرعللاوفواهىلاةدراو،اذإّافتحصةءدعملاترلص قورعلاةحصلاباذاوتمفسةءدعملاتردصقورعلاقلابمقسلاب : هؤريناربطلا The stomach is the body pool. The whole veins come to him, therefore, if the stomach is healthy then the veins will grow healthy, if the stomach sick, then the veins will grow sick. Lambung adalah kolam tubuh, seluruh pembuluh darah bermuara kepadanya, karena itu jika lambung sehat, maka pembuluh darah akan tumbuh sehat, jika lambung sakit, maka pembuluh akan tumbuh dengan sakit
JOURNAL (SCOPUS) MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AND FAMILY ECONOMICS (2018) VOL 21 (SPECIAL ISSUE 2) The Risks of Consuming Haram Food From Medical Perspectives Muhammad Yanis Musdja Halal Food Haram (unlawful) Halal (lawful) Pork and its byproducts ALL FOOD are considered Animals improperly halal in Islam slaughtered EXCEPT the list under haram Animals killed in the name of anyone other than Allah. Alcohol and intoxicants and its byproducts Carnivorous animals and birds of prey Blood and blood byproducts
Explanation of Indonesian government regulations No. 31 year 2019 concerning halal processes Equipment/ mechine By product Raw material process/ Main distri- Consu Logistic product bution -ment transformati food on additives/ Waste Excipient All these things must be HALAL
RECENT EQUIPMENT FOR HALAL FOOD ANALYSIS Minimum standards for halal laboratories • Fourier Transform Infra red (FTIR) Test of Spectroscopy Gelatin • Polimerase Chain Reaction/PCR Test of Genetic DNA • Gas Chromatography Test of alcohol • Food Chemistry Test Kits Rapid test for food Perfect halal laboratory • Electronic Nose Test of Aroma • LCMS Protein Analysis • GCMS Gases Analysis • Spectrophotometer UV Quantity Anaysis • AAS Metals Analysis • Calorimetry Energy Analysis • HPLC, DSC, NMR, SEM, TEM & ect Quality & Quantity Analysis
GS-MS Spect-Chrom LC-MS etc -IR / FTIR GC - Raman HPLC Spectroscopies Chromatography - NMR ect - MS/IRMS etc DSC Thermal TGA Materials Autentication Analysis ect Methods DNA-based Enzyme Technique Techniques (PCR) Immunoassay Enzime Immunoassay
What is covered under Halal Umbrella? Global Halal Market covers both Food & Non-Food Items. Halal Food includes products such as: - Meat & Poultry (Zabih ’ ) - Processed Food - Ready to Eat Food - Dairy Products - Organic & Herbal Food - Confectionery / Bakery Products - Beverages (Drinks/Juices) - Ingredients, Additives & many more Halal Non-Food include products such as: - Cosmetics - Toiletries - Perfumes - Beauty products - Pharmaceuticals - Nutraceuticals - Leather products - Animal & Poultry Feed … etc - Many new products are included with research … ..
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