information competence

Information competence Aim Identify Syntax and Semantic issues - PDF document

INF3280 18 February 2015 Information competence Aim Identify Syntax and Semantic issues for your Assignment 2 Determine the level of mastery of these goals according to the learning models Literature

  1. INF3280 — 18 February 2015 Information competence • Aim • Identify Syntax and • Semantic issues • for your Assignment 2 • Determine the level of mastery of these goals according to the learning models • • Literature – Textbook chapter 7 Except sections on problem solving competence at p79, p82-84 and p95 – • Additional literature • Vessey & Conger (1994) Requirement Specification: Learning Object, Process, and Data Methodologies 1 Domain Malaria cases 300 200 Cases Riversi Semantics de 100 0 JanFeb MarApr May JunJulAug Sep OctNov Dec Months Acti tivity ty fit IT IT Syntax Represe resenta tation ion syste stem • Partly implemented in IT 2 Jens Kaasbøll

  2. INF3280 — 18 February 2015 Information • About something • Representing it • Detached in time and space from what it is representing • Expressed in a representation system Information No information 3 Representation system • Semantics tics • Coupling a domain to a set of symbols • Meaning • Synta tax • Symbols • Rules for combining symbols • Combined symbols International Standard  Combined meaning Book Number • Examples • Language • Formal language • Arabic number system Musical notation • Roman number system 4 Jens Kaasbøll

  3. INF3280 — 18 February 2015 Syntax Malaria cases 300 200 Riversi Cases de 100 0 JanFeb MarApr May JunJulAug Sep OctNov Dec Months IT IT Syntax Many syntactic rules implemented in IT 5 Types and Instances Description of a common A unit of data adhering to set of symbols and the type operations Integer 234 -2 1 000 000 Number without decimals Calculation operators :Account Account 18 473.32 Balance Kari Owner :Account Class Objects Deposit 3 292.00 Withdraw Ola 6 Jens Kaasbøll

  4. INF3280 — 18 February 2015 Data structures 1-many relationship between customer and address Not explicitly stated Restrictions on values 7 Aspect Example – Style Semantics The format of all paragraphs adhering to the style Synta tax - Type Composite of paragraph, character, border and numbering Synta tax – Inte tern rnal Name, two level hierarchy where details of paragraph, character, stru ructure re border and numbering are in the lower level. Synta tax – Exte tern rnal Can be applied to 0 or more paragraphs. All paragraphs belong to a stru ructure re Style. Compari risons with th Style and master slides determine layout of portions of a file. Styles Aspects of an information concept other r concepts ts apply to paragraphs, while master slides apply to slides. 8 Jens Kaasbøll

  5. INF3280 — 18 February 2015 Levels of ease of structuring data Proce cess ss modeli ling Easy sy Data ta and Restuarant Occupancy Room Cleaning expense object ct modelli ling Difficu ficult lt Restuarant Customer Reservation Invoicee Organiser Event Travel Agent Vessey & Conger, 1994 9 Learning syntax – example Because an apostrophe Astrud’s song Type an ‘ between the should precede the name and the s genitive s. Reflect Refer to input & output Explain the rules without doing the operation and how they apply Interpret Navigate Grammar Structure Combining noun, apostrophe and s Fix up representations Reproduce the symbols Repeat which break the rules of the system Imitate Astrud’s song Astruds song 10 Jens Kaasbøll

  6. INF3280 — 18 February 2015 Learning syntax – levels of mastery Structural Functional understanding understanding of syntax Reflect of syntax Refer to input & output Explain the rules and without doing the operation relate concepts Interpret Navigate Information Syntax skills Reproduction Repeat Fix representations Skills Imitate which break the rules Reproduce the symbols of the system 11 Semantics Domain Malaria cases 300 200 Cases Riversi Semantics de 100 0 Jan Feb MarApr May JunJulAug Sep OctNov Dec Months • Users’ Meaning of the Information • Rules and conventions for aligning Information with Domain • Collectively agreed by the group of users 12 Jens Kaasbøll

  7. INF3280 — 18 February 2015 Learning semantics – example Tiger I wonder why they wrote Tiger, The word Tiger denotes a is it a kind of metaphor? large, striped cat. Reflect Functional semantic Structural semantic understanding understanding Interpret Navigate Mammal species Semantic tic skills ls Repeat Aligning information and reality Imitate Tiger Lion 13 Learning semantics Structural Functional semantic Understanding understanding the ability to express the the ability to express why a Reflect rules and conventions state in the domain is governing the domain- represented by a particular information relation piece of information Interpret Navigate Domain Information Skills Repeat Imitate Semantic Skill the ability to observe the domain and enter appropriate data and to read data and relate it to the domain. 14 Jens Kaasbøll

  8. INF3280 — 18 February 2015 Learning failure – interference • Two concepts with similar properties • Basing learning on the wrong preconception Grammar Word processors A paragraph is a sequence of A paragraph is a sequence of sentences dealing with one point characters ending with Enter Headline. Paragraphs No paragraph Learning failures Learner’s often stumble on their paths to understanding, and we often see that the Paragraph concepts they develop do not correspond to those of the teacher. That does not necessarily mean that one is better than another, but some ways of understanding may be inadequate for certain purposes. 15 Structural models 16 Jens Kaasbøll

  9. INF3280 — 18 February 2015 Person data with sources Parish record: Brekke i Gulen Anders O. Torvund (1983) (1853-1880) Family History for Lavik Page 45, no 5 p 349 Pittrine Lassedatter Alt1: Petrine Lassedatter Sætre Alt2: Petrine Trædal Born 6 Jan 1858 Sætre, Gulen, Sogn og Fjordane Christ. 31 Jan 1858 Brekke, Gulen, Sogn og Fjordane Marriage with Torkjell Lasseson Trædal Dead 20 Dec 1943 Trædal, Høyanger, Sogn og Fjordane Buried 30 Dec 1943 Ikjefjord, Høyanger, Sogn og Fjordane Gravestones in Norway 2512909 • Each event may have several sources. • Each source can be attached to several events and several persons. 17 1. Find the data structures Outline views • Data models • Deduce from user interface • 18 Jens Kaasbøll

  10. INF3280 — 18 February 2015 2. Decide main and sub structure types Sequence Grid (array, matrix) Hierarchy Combinations? Network 19 3. Decide user group • Most users Visit • Entering and reporting  Only data Visit-ID Patient Visit-type • Superusers • Setting up data structures  Include types 20 Jens Kaasbøll

  11. INF3280 — 18 February 2015 4. Include abstract entities • Events ts in the Domain represented by a record Occupancy From date # nights # guests • Planned events Reservation From date # nights # guests Room type 21 5. Include examples • In the model Customer Reservation Name: Fjoralba From date: 24.03.14 Address: Oslo # nights: 3 Phone: 123456 # guests: 2 Email: Room type: Luxe • Relate to New reservation recognisable places Name Fjoralba in the user interface # guests 2 From 24 March 2014 # nights 2 Room type Luxe 22 Jens Kaasbøll

  12. INF3280 — 18 February 2015 Start Assignment 2 making • A list of 1-3 concepts to include in your teaching • A table of the aspects for each concept • A structural model for Assignment 2 23 Jens Kaasbøll


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