hygeia wellness park deliverables

Hygeia Wellness Park Deliverables 1 Website Nick Koger, Katie - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Hygeia Wellness Park Deliverables 1 Website Nick Koger, Katie LaBranche, Gabby Redcross, Melanie Tutin Trademark Suggestion Registered Trademark Gives you superior rights to broadly utilize trademarked work within a given industry.

  1. Hygeia Wellness Park Deliverables 1

  2. Website Nick Koger, Katie LaBranche, Gabby Redcross, Melanie Tutin

  3. Trademark Suggestion Registered Trademark Gives you superior rights to broadly utilize trademarked work within a ● given industry. Distinguish yourself from competitors. ● Appeal to the broader public. ● Provide companies with the ability to obtain damages against infringers. ● Deter imitators. ● Provides you with a heavy presumption of ownership in the courts. ● Option to register within the state or nationally (recommend nationally). ● Consider working with an attorney who specializes in trademark ● law/intellectual property (IP). Information about fees included in our documentation (ranges from a few ● hundred dollars to $2k+). 3

  4. Logo and Wellness Wheel Redesign Social Media Logo Primary Logo Secondary Logo 4

  5. Font and Color Suggestions Headlines - Merriweather Body copy - Merriweather Sans Primary Colors Accent Colors #76D177 #2E336B #EF936B #C7A27C #267537 #F7EDF0 5

  6. Sample Written & Visual Content Home page ● About page ● Visual content suggestions ● 6

  7. Wireframes 7 https://xd.adobe.com/view/802d5dfb-ad82-430a-5b9d-0ead934cfc96-f61c/?fullscreen

  8. User Testing Overall liked colors and images used ● All text too small and thin ● Highlight the page the user is on ● Confusing menu structure ● “About” page diffjcult to find ○ “Classes” page unclear whether they were online or in person ● “Resources” page did not emphasize the community aspect ● Wellness Dashboard was not clearly understood ● 8

  9. Revised Wireframes 9 https://xd.adobe.com/view/04549190-cac7-4815-74f4-4534ebafdf44-7265/?fullscreen

  10. Recommendations Use WordPress to implement wireframes ● Webify ○ For additional website development, consider hiring a web ● developer: Digitalminerva.com (Web Designer) ○ Chiedo Labs/Generate Impact (Web Developers) ○ Hire professional photographer for website photos ● 10


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