we energies solar project

WE Energies Solar Project April 15, 2019 Cooperative - Solar Now - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WE Energies Solar Project April 15, 2019 Cooperative - Solar Now What is it? Solar PV System Hosting Program Offers eligible WE Energies customers the opportunity to lease their ground and/or roof space to WE Energies to install a

  1. WE Energies Solar Project April 15, 2019

  2. Cooperative - “Solar Now”

  3. What is it? Solar PV System Hosting Program Offers eligible WE Energies customers the opportunity to lease their ground ● and/or roof space to WE Energies to install a solar array ● WE Energies is responsible for the design, construction, operation and related costs of the solar array In exchange, the customer receives a lease payment ●

  4. Proposed sites, revenue Rent Payment Est. Total Revenue West - Roof $33,382 $667,640 Ronald Reagan - Roof $15,965 $319,300 Ronald Reagan - Ground $24,673 $493,460 Eisenhower - Roof $20, 380 $407,600 Total $94,401 Total $1,888,000

  5. SDNB costs SDNB is responsible for the cost of temporarily relocating the solar array if the roof needs to be replaced. Estimated costs for decommissioning, disassembling, and reassembling the roof-mounted solar components (figures are for budgetary purposes only (2019 dollars): ● Ronald Reagan - $100,000 ● Eisenhower - $125,000 West - $200,000 ●

  6. Net Difference Est. Revenue $1,888,000 less Est. Costs = *$1.463 million

  7. Educational benefits - for school & community Roof-mounted systems have: Solaredge cloud-based monitoring ● online access to data ● ● kiosk link for use with public display boards Website provides data on: ● energy generated ○ ○ environmental benefits of the clean energy offsets ○ details on electrical characteristics more... ○

  8. Educational benefits - for school & community Could be used for: Community education/demonstration ● ● Incorporation into school websites ● In-class curriculum development Raising local environmental awareness ● Creation of restricted-access accounts for classroom teachers for more ● detailed reporting and analysis

  9. Educational benefits - for school & community Example - public data display: https://monitoringpublic.solaredge.com/solaredge-web/p/kiosk?guid=b6afc499-2941-4ea7-b834-9183161bc89d

  10. Terms Final terms are being solidified by respective legal counsels Once agreement has been reached, the goal is to complete and finalize said projects by the start of the 2019-2020 school year



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