how i started using voicethread

How I Started Using VoiceThread VISUAL THINKING CLASS Exposure to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How I Started Using VoiceThread VISUAL THINKING CLASS Exposure to new technologies for learning EduSoCal10 Hybrid Format Best done face-to-face Sorting CTE vThread More e fg ectively done in the cloud Rethinking My Pedagogy Research

  1. How I Started Using VoiceThread VISUAL THINKING CLASS Exposure to new technologies for learning EduSoCal10 Hybrid Format Best done face-to-face Sorting CTE vThread More e fg ectively done in the cloud Rethinking My Pedagogy Research possible tech explored 80 options VoiceThread Choose the best 3 for my classes WikiSpaces Podcasts What is VoiceThread? Michael Kieley / Visual Thinking

  2. Using VoiceThread in Visual Thinking Principles of art Replaces most face-to-face lectures in Visual Thinking TELLING STORIES TEACHING Checking in on project progress Tech Instructions (using mobile app). Information about field trips Upload ppt/Keynote presentations and record audio comments File Types Accepted Student Portfolios / images, video, PPT, PDF, documents, music. Course Reflection CONVERSATIONS (asynchronous) students have time to ponder, before responding Teaching with Images Michael Kieley / Visual Thinking REINFORCING COURSE CONTENT More one-on-one time with students (between face-to-face meetings).

  3. diagrams Useful in any 3d models VoiceThread's use in a course with wide range of subjects. photographs visual content video anything that is visual VoiceThread is used to teach... VoiceThread in your courses... Art, Architecture, Design Business / Entrepreneurship Doodle on images while commenting English / Foreign Languages Interactive SIMPLE TECHNOLOGY Ask students to draw on Information Technology image while they comment Student/Teacher one-on-one connections Mathematics Advantages Engage students by responding to their Students Learn from one another Professional Development comments using your webcam Science Shy students speak up Social Studies Voice Time to consider course content, before Etc. commenting Comment on Images Web Cam Engages visual learners Enhances students ability to speak Text extemporaneously Doodle An engaging and dynamic lecture delivered within an Michael Kieley / Visual Thinking interactive environment engages in a way no 'downloadable' lecture can. -Michelle Pacansky-Brock


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