
HEALTHCOACHING Presented by: Rhythmic Touch Therapies, LLC ANDREA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HEALTHCOACHING Presented by: Rhythmic Touch Therapies, LLC ANDREA ULIBARRI Owner of Rhythmic Touch Therapies, LLC Bachelors of Science Degree in Alternative Medicine Licensed Massage Therapist & Skincare Specialist Certified

  1. HEALTHCOACHING Presented by: Rhythmic Touch Therapies, LLC

  2. ANDREA ULIBARRI • Owner of Rhythmic Touch Therapies, LLC • Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Alternative Medicine • Licensed Massage Therapist & Skincare Specialist • Certified Health Coach- US Foundation of Health • Certified Yoga Instructor- Empath Yoga • Certified Qigong/Meditation Instructor • Continuing Education Instructor- LMTs- Reiki, Reflexology, Craniosacral Therapy, Acupressure, Shiatsu, Aromatherapy, Chakra Therapy, Etc.

  3. WHAT IS HEALTH COACHING? Health Coaching is a relationship between the client and the Health Coach with the objective of assisting the client with achieving his or her personal health and wellness goals. Health Coaching uses simple behavior modification principles to assist people to make healthy lifestyle changes. Health coaching involves listening the client and helping them facilitate a lifestyle change that incorporates physical activity, sensible eating habits, stress reduction and healthy lifestyle choices.

  4. ACHIEVING WELLNESS • Set and reach goals • Nutrition • Exercise • Behavioral Changes • Stress Management • Personal Empowerment

  5. WHAT HEALTH COACHING IS NOT • Health Coaching does not replace practitioners on a more advanced skill level such as physicians, nutritionists/dieticians, psychologists/LMHP, physical therapists, personal trainers, financial planners, etc. • To get more advanced help reaching your goals outside of the health coaching arena you may want to seek out help from a specialist in the field you need assistance.

  6. GOALS LEAD TO RESOLUTION Resolution: • a firm decision to do or not to do something. • synonyms: intention · resolve · decision • the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter. • synonyms: solution to · answer to · end to · explanation to Goal: • the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. • synonyms: aim · objective · target

  7. GETTING STARTED When setting intentions, we want to look at what is for our greatest good. Often the problem/imbalance is affecting all areas of our lives. When we resolve the imbalance, we see balance occur on all levels. This is optimal and takes the least effort to do so. Getting to the root is finding the solution-making a resolution. Goals create the steps and support our resolution.

  8. JOURNAL EXERCISE • Focus on areas of imbalance in your life, look for the common factors and the root cause. Take your time with this exercise and be honest with yourself about where you need resolution. Goals will be set to support your resolution.

  9. GUIDELINES FOR WELL-BALANCED GOALS • Safety 1st – Do no harm- be gentle with yourself, treat your body as you would like to be treated. • Be realistic- Everyone is different, tune into you, your capabilities, your desires, your weaknesses, your strengths and your support system. • Baby Steps: Rome wasn’t built in a day, instead it was pieced together to create something magnificent and lasting. What are your building blocks and be patient and proud of progress. • Make room for mistakes- one of the biggest mistakes people make when setting goals or making resolutions is that they do not leave room for mistakes. This can be devastating to your confidence and also the learning process. • Fall in love with the process- life is a process, a series of ups and downs, learn to go with the flow and you will learn to enjoy life.

  10. JOURNAL EXERCISE • Take some time to brainstorm about some goals you would like to set for yourself. Remember to start out small and be realistic on what you can accomplish, leaving room for mistakes. These goals should be the steps and the support to your resolution.

  11. WHAT IS PREVENTING YOU FROM REACHING YOUR GOALS? The best way to reach your goals is to understand what is blocking you from doing so….

  12. JOURNAL EXERCISE • Take some time to look at your goals, ask yourself what is blocking me from reaching them.? Then we can start working on removing the blocks that prevent the forward movement. Dig deep when doing this exercise and be honest with yourself about your excuses, it is very eye opening to see what is really stopping you from being the best version of yourself.

  13. EXAMPLES • Goal: I want to quit smoking • Block: work related stress, don’t have time to research alternatives, not ready • Solutions: stress management, scheduling a time and asking for help, looking at the root cause, when did your start? What are you afraid of? How is this benefitting you? • Goal: I want to lose 15lbs by summer • Block: home related stress, not enough time/eating out/unhealthy eating, too tired to work out after work • Solutions: stress management, meal prep, pantry makeover, try working out before work or on lunch break.

  14. ADDITION VS SUBTRACTION • Naturally, letting go puts us in a state of resistance in which we want to hold on more. Adding to our lives puts us in a state of acceptance making it much easier to make desired changes. Focus on what you would like to add to your life vs. taking away. “The Secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” ~Socrates

  15. JOURNAL EXERCISE • Make a list of things you would like to ADD to your life. • Example: instead of taking away donuts, add juice. Instead of losing fat, add muscle mass or cardiovascular endurance. Instead of taking away cigarettes add minutes onto your life.

  16. MOTIVATION VS INSPIRATION Motivation: • the reason(s) someone has for acting in a particular way. • the general desire or willingness of someone to do something. Inspiration: • divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation • the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions

  17. JOURNAL EXERCISE • Make a list of what motivates you and also a list of what inspires you. Look at the similarities and the differences between the two lists. • If you are struggling with this exercise think back to goals you have been able to accomplish or things you love to do and see what made those goals work? What works naturally for you is generally the easiest to accomplish.

  18. BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER • Bring together your journal exercises and spend some time looking at the topics we have covered. Write down or reflect upon some things you discovered that you weren’t aware of and see how knowing this information has already changed you.

  19. CREATE YOUR PLAN • Now take some time to formulate your plan moving forward. • Remember to be honest with yourself about what you would like to accomplish and the amount of time needed to do so. • Leave room for mistakes • Think about the long term, the resolution and use your goals to help you get there


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