earth and the universe getting started

Earth and the Universe Getting Started Notebook Set up: Table of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Earth and the Universe Getting Started Notebook Set up: Table of Contents Page: Title is: 6.E.1.2 - Properties of Earth Go to the next page. Label it Vocabulary, put the date and page number. Then add Vocabulary as a

  1. Earth and the Universe

  2. Getting Started Notebook Set up: Table of Contents Page: ⋆ Title is: “6.E.1.2 - Properties of Earth” ⋆ Go to the next page. Label it Vocabulary, put the date and page number. ⋆ Then add Vocabulary as a subheading under 6.E.1.2 - Properties of Earth. 2 MThis template is free to use under Creative Commons Attribution license. You can keep the Credits slide or mention SlidesCarnival and other resources used in a slide footer.

  3. Vocabulary ⋆ Planet ⋆ Sun ⋆ Atmosphere ⋆ Radiation ⋆ Comets ⋆ Meteors ⋆ Asteroids ⋆ Satellites 3 MThis template is free to use under Creative Commons Attribution license. You can keep the Credits slide or mention SlidesCarnival and other resources used in a slide footer.

  4. How far apart are our planets? 4

  5. Let’s Explore Procedure: What you need: 1. Let the length of each sheet of Chart paper ⋆ chart paper equal 36 A yardstick ⋆ astronomical units (AU). 1 AU A ruler ⋆ = appx. 92,960,000 miles. A pencil 2. Make a Model Mark the ⋆ location of the Sun at one end. Colored Pencils ⋆ 3. Measure the distance that each planet would be from the Sun and draw the planet on the paper towel. 5

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  7. Let’s Explore Draw Conclusions: Interpret Data: Compare the distances between Mercury and Mars, 1. Mars and Jupiter, and Jupiter and Neptune. Which are farthest apart? Infer: What can you conclude about the distances between the 2. planets in the solar system? Explore More: Your model has all of the planets in a line. How could you make a model to show the positions of the planets at a specific time? 7

  8. Getting Started Notebook Set up: Table of Contents Page: ⋆ Go to the next two pages. These pages must be side by side, not front to back. Label them “Properties of Solar System One Pager.” ⋆ Then add this title as a subheading under 6.E.1.2. Properties of Earth. 8 MThis template is free to use under Creative Commons Attribution license. You can keep the Credits slide or mention SlidesCarnival and other resources used in a slide footer.

  9. One Pager Rubric 5 points - labeled with title, date, and page number (both pages). 10 points - four or more colors added that match the colors described for objects in our solar system. 20 points - a diagram of our solar system is created with the sun, all eight planets, Pluto, and Earth’s moon labeled. 15 points - at least one fact about each of the following: Pluto, comet, meteor, and asteroid. 40 points - at least three facts about the properties of each of the eight planets. 10 points - at the bottom of one (or both) of the pages for the one pager you write at least three sentences explaining how Earth can sustain life while other planets cannot. 9

  10. What is the solar system? I n ancient times, observers noticed that the stars stayed the same distance from one another as they moved across the night sky. However, they noticed a few exceptions. Five of the tiny bright lights appeared in different parts of the sky every night. They did not stay the same distance from the other stars. At other times they were not present at all. The ancient Greek observers named these objects planets , a word that means “wanderer.” A planet is a large object that orbits a star. Many ancient observers believed that Earth was the center of everything. They believed the Sun and all the objects in the night sky revolved around Earth in perfect circles. However, many astronomers doubted this belief because the planets moved in different ways. 10

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  12. What is the sun? The sun is the star that the Earth and other planets revolve around in our solar system. 12

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  17. What is an atmosphere? The previous slide mentioned that Mercury lacks an atmosphere. Talk to your group about what you think an atmosphere is and how would you define it. 17

  18. Atmosphere Defined Atmosphere - the gases surrounding Earth or other planets. 18

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  22. Radiation On a previous slide it mentioned that Earth’s atmosphere helps protect life on Earth from Sun’s intense radiation. Talk to your group about your definition of radiation and why it’s important that our atmosphere protects us from much of this. 22

  23. Radiation Defined Radiation - the transfer of energy through waves or fast traveling particles. Radiation is a high-energy wave that is small enough to infiltrate human cells and destroy tissue. This radiation can come from the sun and cause sunburns. Overexposure to radiation can harm tissues of the body and cause cancer. Extreme radiation from nuclear power plant meltdowns can destroy environments and living things for miles around. 23

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  28. Getting Started Notebook Set up: Table of Contents Page: ⋆ Go to the page in your notebook. Label it “Study Questions.” ⋆ Then add this title as a subheading under 6.E.1.2. Properties of Earth. 28 MThis template is free to use under Creative Commons Attribution license. You can keep the Credits slide or mention SlidesCarnival and other resources used in a slide footer.

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  43. Infer If scientists discovered a large object moving around a distant star, what would they call it? 43

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  51. How do the moons compare? A moon is a natural object that orbits a planet. M oons are also called satellites (SA•tuh•lites). A Different planets have different numbers and sizes of satellite is an object in space that circles around moons. another object. While moons are natural satellites, people also put objects into space that orbit Earth or The inner planets have fewer moons than the outer other planets. These objects are called artificial planets. Mercury and Venus do not have moons. Earth satellites. They include weather and communications has one moon, and Mars has two. satellites as well as space probes that orbit planets to With more than 60 moons, Jupiter has the most moons observe their surfaces. of any planet in the solar system. Saturn has more than The size of the moons in the solar system varies. Some 45 moons. Astronomers have discovered at least 27 of the moons are only a few kilometers wide. Jupiter’s moons around Uranus and 13 moons orbiting Neptune. Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system. As astronomers observe the outer planets with better Ganymede is larger in diameter than Pluto and Mercury. telescopes and with space probes, they continue to Earth’s moon is also larger than Pluto and is visible find more moons. without a telescope. Ganymede is the only other moon that can be seen without a telescope. 51

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  54. Getting Started Notebook Set up: Table of Contents Page: ⋆ Go to the page in your notebook. Label it “Study Questions.” ⋆ Then add this title as a subheading under 6.E.1.2. Properties of Earth. 54 MThis template is free to use under Creative Commons Attribution license. You can keep the Credits slide or mention SlidesCarnival and other resources used in a slide footer.

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  60. Scholar Project Let’s use your knowledge on Place your screenshot here how we can survive on Earth. We are going on a quest to locate another planet where we could find life. 60

  61. Video Presentation Y ou’ve completed your online Grading Rubric - mission, now it’s time to showcase 5 points - A title with the ⋆ what you’ve learned. You will create project name, date, and a video on your device explaining scholar names are listed at your online mission and how the beginning. knowing Earth’s properties helped 15 points - Each scholar has ⋆ you in choosing your planet. equal (or close to equal) speaking parts. 50 points - Earth’s properties ⋆ Your video must not be more than 3 for the ability to sustain life minutes long. It can be in iMovie or are explained and compared to just using your device’s camera how you chose your planet. feature. Your video must meet all of 30 points - All notebook pieces ⋆ the requirements listed on the are explained in the video. grading rubric. 61


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