dc wic workforce system technical assistance call august

DC WIC Workforce System Technical Assistance Call August 1, 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DC WIC Workforce System Technical Assistance Call August 1, 2017 Introduction & Welcome Technical Assistance Team Diane Pabich Rosalyce Broadus-Brown Interim Executive Director Policy Analyst DC Workforce Investment Council DC

  1. DC WIC Workforce System Technical Assistance Call August 1, 2017

  2. Introduction & Welcome Technical Assistance Team Diane Pabich Rosalyce Broadus-Brown Interim Executive Director Policy Analyst DC Workforce Investment Council DC Workforce Investment Council Lauren Scott Anika Holmes WIOA Program Manager Workforce Intermediary Program Manager DC Workforce Investment Council DC Workforce Investment Council Guest Speaker: Jeffrey Marcella Workforce Consultant DC Workforce Investment Council

  3. Session Agenda and Session Objectives Diane Pabich, Interim Executive Director DC Workforce Investment Council

  4. Session Agenda and Objectives • Provide an overview of three recently released WIGLs • DC-WIGL-2017-012: Common Identifier • DC-WIGL-2017-013: Technical Assistance Request Form • DC-WIGL-2017-014: One-Stop Certification • Provide updates on: • Career Pathways initiatives • Q&A

  5. Session Note – Q&A - There weren’t any previously submitted questions that we will be answering on the call today. - For anyone who did not submit questions in advance of today’s session, we will open the phone lines up at the end of the call to take questions. - Please include your name, organization, and program with your question. - We will provide answers to all questions submitted today in the call summary.

  6. Common Identifier (DC-WIGL-2017-012) Lauren Scott, WIOA Program Manager DC Workforce Investment Council

  7. Common Identifier Objectives: − Achieve USDOL three critical hallmarks of excellence in the workforce investment system, that: − the needs of businesses and workers driving workforce solutions, − American Job Centers provide excellent customer service, and − together the workforce system supports strong regional economies − Establish a recognizable, national brand to provide an easy way for jobseekers and employers to locate, recognize and access workforce development services

  8. Common Identifier What is the Common Identifier? States and local areas have the option to use the “American Job Center” name and logo only or the tagline, "A proud partner of America's Job Center Network;“ in connection with any locally-developed identifier (cobranding)

  9. Common Identifier Who must use the Common Identifier? Required for comprehensive and affiliate One Stop Centers • On bricks-and-mortar • Materials printed, purchased, or created by the one-stop delivery system • Websites, mobile applications, and electronic resources • Social media Optional for partner sites Where there are other partners that also have physical structures, partner programs that might have standalone offices or additional offices, they're welcome to use the brand

  10. Common Identifier When are the Common Identifier Rules/Regulations Effective? − As of November 17, 2016 , all primary electronic resources used by the one-stop delivery system, and any newly printed, purchased, or created materials are required to comply with the new branding requirements. − One-stop centers may continue to use materials without the “American Job Center” branding which are created before November 17, 2016 , until those supplies are exhausted. − As of July 1, 2017 , all products, programs, activities, services, electronic resources, facilities, and related property and new materials used in the one-stop delivery system materials must comply with the new branding requirements.

  11. Common Identifier Poll question: Has your agency/organization implemented the common identifier or tagline? a) Yes, we have updated all of our materials b) We are working on an implementation plan c) We’ll get started right after this TA call

  12. Common Identifier References and Guidance WIOA Law sec. 121(e)(4) WIOA Final Rule 20 CFR § 678.900(c) (Aug. 19, 2016) (81 Fed. Reg. 55791) TEGL No. 36-11 http://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/corr_doc.cfm?DOCN=7695 FAQs https://www.doleta.gov/wioa/FAQs.cfm (September 30, 2016 and February 27, 2017) Graphics Style Guide for Partners (with the terms of use for the logos) https://www.dol.gov/ajc

  13. Technical Assistance Request Form (DC-WIGL-2017-013) Lauren Scott, WIOA Program Manager DC Workforce Investment Council

  14. One Stop Certification (DC-WIGL-2017-014) Lauren Scott, WIOA Program Manager DC Workforce Investment Council

  15. One Stop Certification Certification includes assessments of: − One Stop effectiveness − Physical and programmatic accessibility − Continuous improvement Certification of One Stops build upon commitments to integration and coordination through partner MOUs

  16. One Stop Certification The One Stop Certification evaluation includes how well the One Stop center: − Integrates available services among all system partners for participants and businesses − Meets the workforce development needs of participants and the employment needs of local employers − Operates in a cost-efficient manner − Coordinates services among the One Stop partner programs − Provides access to partner program services to the maximum extent practicable, including providing services outside of regular business hours where there is a workforce need

  17. One Stop Certification Process − Business plan − Application for Certification − On-site review − Recommendation − Board approval and report to USDOL

  18. One Stop Certification Business plan − − Customer Target Groups Staffing Plan and Case Management − Marketing, Outreach, Recruitment Caseload Strategy − Strategies Staff Development and Capacity − Physical and Programmatic Building − Accessibility Partner Engagement − − Cultural Competency Plan Sustainability Plan − − Partners and Service Integration Resource Allocation Report − − Services Mix and Delivery Management Information System − − Supportive Services and Barrier Performance Outcomes − Remediation Strategies Business Performance Management Plan − − Services Functional Alignment Strategy Monitoring and Evaluation Plan − − Organizational Structure Customer Feedback Data − Management Structure

  19. One Stop Certification Application for Certification − Effectiveness criteria − 10 categories with 23 total elements − Accessibility criteria − 7 categories with 13 total elements − Continuous improvement criteria − 3 categories with 5 total elements − Other (Certification Team observations) ‒ Notable practices ‒ Improvement opportunities ‒ Other comments

  20. One Stop Certification Supporting Documentation − Applicants should submit or reference sufficient documentation to support achievement of each criteria − Ensure/maintain client confidentiality when submitting materials − EXCESS COPYING OR PRINTING OF MATERIALS SHOULD BE AVOIDED − OK to attach existing documents to submission − Direct the Certification Team to materials in their existing locations online or in hardcopy during site visit

  21. One Stop Certification On-Site Review − Scheduled at a mutually convenient time/date − Recommend an initial brief meeting to discuss the review and its components − Recommend that the One Stop or Affiliate make relevant staff of all on-site partners available as needed − Review will not interrupt normal operations − Review should take less than one business day − One Stop should be provided two to three business days to supply any missing documentation or respond to follow-up questions from Certification Team

  22. Career Pathways Taskforce − The Workforce Investment Council will host the first of series of training courses; “Foundations for the Future Training”. The introductory course is a curriculum designed to help system staff understand the transformational vision, why the District is focusing on workforce system transformation, and what their critical roles will be in support of the transformation. The first training will be on August 9, 2017, 8:30 a .m. at Bertie Backus Campus − The Career Pathways Asset and Efforts Survey was launched on Friday, July 14, 2017

  23. Career Pathways Taskforce OSSE AEFLA AND WIC AWARDEES KICK-OFF EVENT AUGUST 29, 2017 R.I.S.E. DEMOSTRATION CENTER 1. Academy of Hope Public Charter School 2. Briya Public Charter School 3. Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington 4. Congress Heights Community Training and Development Center 5. Four walls Career and Technical Education Center 6. Latin American Youth Center 7. Opportunities Industrialization Center–DC 8. So Others Might Eat (SOME) 9. Youthbuild Public Charter School 10. YWCA-NCA

  24. Q&A

  25. Session Note – Q&A - There weren’t any previously submitted questions that we will be answering on the call today. - For anyone who did not submit questions in advance of today’s session, we will now open the phone lines up to take questions. - Please include your name, organization, and program with your question. - Answers to all questions submitted today will be provided in the call summary.

  26. Workforce System Technical Assistance

  27. Workforce Implementation Guidance Letters • WIGLs posted at http://dcworks.dc.gov/node/1202060 • To be notified of new WIGLs, email contact information to dcworks@dc.gov


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