elementary wc cyber program open house

Elementary WC Cyber Program Open House Thursday, July 16, 2020 at - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Elementary WC Cyber Program Open House Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 5:00 pm Scan the QR code or use this link to submit any questions: https://bit.ly/WCelemcybOH Introductions and Open House Agenda Welcome and Introductions Tonights Agenda

  1. Elementary WC Cyber Program Open House Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 5:00 pm Scan the QR code or use this link to submit any questions: https://bit.ly/WCelemcybOH

  2. Introductions and Open House Agenda Welcome and Introductions Tonight’s Agenda ● Dr. Jim Scanlon - ● Why choose the WC Cyber Superintendent of Schools Program for your elementary child? ● The WC Cyber Program is a ● Dr. Rebecca Eberly - Partnership: A family choice WC Cyber Elementary Program ● The Elementary WC Cyber Administrator Program’s Schedule ● FAQs ● Enrollment Information ● Questions and Answers

  3. Why Choose the Elementary WC Cyber Program ? ● Smoother transition when returning to WCASD brick & mortar schools. ● WCASD Reputation. ● Teacher Quality is #1 indicator of student success - WCASD Teachers. ● WCASD Rigorous Curriculum. ● Access to all WCASD support services, clubs, & sports. ● Uninterrupted schooling experience throughout the year. “In a world of unknowns, you’re already home.”

  4. West Chester Area School District’s Points of Pride

  5. Why Choose the Elementary WC Cyber Program ?

  6. WC Elementary Cyber Leadership Team Dr. Rebecca Eberly Dr. Mary Beth Clifton Mr. Chris Cromwell Mrs. Ashley Melanson WC K-5 Cyber Program Instructional Technology Instructional Technology Instructional Technology Administrator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator reberly@wcasd.ne t mclifton@wcasd.net ccromwell@wcasd.net amelanson@wcasd.net Scan the QR code or use this link to submit any questions: https://bit.ly/WCelemcybOH

  7. Scan the QR code or use this link to submit any questions: https://bit.ly/WCelemcybOH

  8. The Elementary WC Cyber Program Partnership: It is a family choice ● Core Subjects ● The WC Cyber Program ○ English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies provides personalized, ● Unified Arts and Social Emotional meaningful learning Learning experiences that help students ○ Art, Physical Education & make connections to the world Health, Library/Media, Music around them, learn foundational knowledge, acquire study ○ Pro-Social Skills Program, skills/habits, and develop a love Second Step & embedded of learning

  9. vs Cyber Program Remote Learning ● Extensive planning and professional ● Increased expectations, likely development, specific to teaching in a more live instruction, as cyber environment compared to the Spring ● Blend of live and recorded instruction, ● Transition from brick & mortar along with independent practice and to online learning teacher check-ins ● Continuation of instruction ● Can expect 1 daily live check-in and ● Combination of synchronous approximately 2-4 live lessons per week, likely via small group and asynchronous learning ● Daily Unified Arts/Specials lesson ● Flexible approach

  10. WC Cyber Program K-5 Supports Available ● Cyber Classroom Teacher/Facilitator ● Cyber Administrator ● Special Education Accommodations & Services ● 504 Accommodations ● Gifted Resource ● Reading Support ● English Language Development ● Guidance Support

  11. Daily Sample Schedules: K-1 2-3 4-5

  12. Frequently Asked Questions Scan the QR code or use this link to submit any questions: https://bit.ly/WCelemcybOH

  13. What is the Role of the Parent/Guardian? Learning Coaches (parents/guardians) of cyber students can expect to: ● Sign a Parent Agreement/Learning Coach form. ● Establish an an appropriate learning at-home environment. ● Devote about one hour per day per subject overseeing students’ schoolwork. ● Set the daily schedule with varied activities and breaks. ● Assist with lessons and communicate frequently with the teacher. ● Help monitor students’ emotional well-being, motivation, progress, comprehension, and grades.

  14. Will I Be Able to Transition Back to My Building During the Year? While we would like families to commit to the WC Cyber Program for one ● year, we know that these are not normal times. Because of that, if / when you are ready to return to your building we will be ● able to transition you back to your home school. ● We would aim to do this at a natural point, such as a trimester transitions or vacations.

  15. What If We Have Another Extended Emergency Closure? ● In the event of another extended closure, students in the cyber program will remain in their cyber class, undisturbed by the need to close our buildings. ● Students who are in our buildings will need to transition to online learning as well, rostered in their existing classes with current teachers and peers. ● As compared to the Spring 2020 Closure, our students will experience more synchronous learning, with higher expectations. ● Teachers will continue their instruction and meet all curricular expectations and students will receive grades.

  16. What Materials are Provided to Cyber Students? ● iPad preloaded with required grade level applications and programs ● Students in grades 3-5 will also receive a keyboard ● Online access to literature ● Curricular materials: ○ Workbooks ○ Science experiments Keyboard for 3-5 ● Teachers will prepare supply list Only

  17. What Platforms Will K-5 Cyber Students Utilize? Grades K-2 Grades 3-5

  18. How Will Students Learn Social Skills and Have Opportunity to Socialize with Cyber and Home School Peers? ● Social skills are built into the WC Cyber curriculum ● Pro-Social Program, Second Step, lesson once a week ● Cyber Welcome Gathering: Tuesday, August 25 3:30-5:30pm ● Encouraged to participate in home school activities and events, such as Welcome Back Social, Spring Fair, Math Night, etc.

  19. Supports Are in Place for Students with IEPs, GIEPs, 504s, & ELD Students ● English learners and students with 504 plans, IEPs, and GIEPs will receive additional support and instruction to support their learning. ● All cyber students will receive full access to support services as needed including school counselor and academic supports. ● Based on need, some supports may be in person and others online. Cyber teachers will meet in small groups to provide differentiated instruction. K-12 Cyber School Special Education Meeting: Monday, July 20 at 6 pm

  20. What Does the Class Look Like in the Cyber Program? ● One classroom teacher: ○ Support teachers as needed Based on enrollment we ○ Extensive application & interview following class size guidelines: process and specific professional ● K and 1st - 25 ● 2nd and 3rd - 27 development for teaching in cyber ● 4th and 5th - 30 environment ● Students from all schools join together to form cyber class

  21. The Cyber Program Enrollment Process Who Can Enroll? ● Since we are a public school, there is no cost or tuition fees to enroll. ● WC Cyber Program is open to WCASD students and non-WCASD students living within District boundaries. Application Process for Current WCASD Students: ● Registration documents: ○ Interest Form ○ Application & Parent Agreement Form- Submit to Home School Office ■ Follow Up Email & Website ● You will receive confirmation of your Cyber enrollment status. ● Your child will remain enrolled in their current school. ** Enrolling early will give you time to set up your home learning environment and will help us determine staffing needs for the start of the year. **

  22. The WC Cyber Program Enrollment Process If you are NEW to the WCASD: ● Go to the WCASD New Student Registration Page on the WCASD website. ● Register for the WCASD and select the box that reads,???

  23. Program Contact Information For more information, please contact Dr. Rebecca Eberly at reberly@wcasd.net or call 484.266.1602

  24. Did You Complete Our Interest Survey? Interest Survey Click the link above, or use a mobile phone or tablet’s camera to scan the QR code and respond to the Interest Survey.


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