datacenters ers datace cent nters

DATACENTERS ERS DATACE CENT NTERS What is a Dataceneter? What - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DATACENTERS ERS DATACE CENT NTERS What is a Dataceneter? What makes up a Datacenter (Processing, storage, networking, infrastructure)? What is searched in a Datacenter (High availability, efficiency, security)? R? WH WHAT IS A T


  2. ERS DATACE CENT NTERS • What is a Dataceneter? • What makes up a Datacenter (Processing, storage, networking, infrastructure)? • What is searched in a Datacenter (High availability, efficiency, security)?

  3. R? WH WHAT IS A T IS A D DATA CE A CENTE TER? • Data centers are facilities with optimal conditions for the operation of processing equipment, storage, communications or other IT device. • The Datacenter houses devices that support an activity that needs to be in continuous operation (Ej: Banks). • The malfunction of a datacenter can cause large losses.

  4. Wh What' at's in in a a Dat atacen acenter er? • Computer equipment, storage and communications (High density equipment) • Physical infrastructure • Essential applications and services (Services that can not stop working) • Critical information (Accounting, suppliers, customers, etc.)

  5. Wh What at are y e you ou lo look okin ing g for or in in a da datacen acenter er? • High availability of IT equipment (Banks, stock exchange) • Redundancy • Reliability • Flexibility • Scalability • Modularity • Efficiency • Security

  6. Cl Classifi assification cation ac accor cording ding to to "Ti Tier er" • Express the availability of the datacenter. • The datacenters are classified into 4 levels, with Tier 4 being the most robust: • Tier 1: Basic elements UPS, air, safety without redundancy. Cold maintenance (You must de-energize). It does not tolerate failures. Availability 99.671% • Tier 2: Complies with Tier 1. Some critical redundant elements (UPS, air). The only way of electricity supply and cooling. Something tolerant to failures. Availability 99.741% • Tier 3: Complies with Tier 2. All critical redundant equipment. All servers have two sources. Several power lines. Great fault tolerance Hot maintenance. Availability 99.982% • Tier 4: Complies with Tier 3. Several power lines for air conditioning equipment. Availability 99.995%

  7. Ba Basi sic c da datacent acenter er in infr fras astructure tructure • Physical structure (Racks) • Power (UPS, PDU, Power plant, etc.) • Environmental control • Security (Protection against intruders, fire, flood, etc.) • Cabling • Administration

  8. Ph Phys ysic ic stru tructu cture re • Rack • Standardized structure • The most common is the 19-inch rack (19 inches wide) The background is not standardized, common 60cm, 80cm, 90cm, 100cm, 120cm • The height is measured in "U" (44.45mm or 1.75in) • Must be able to support the weight of installed equipment • Elevated floor (Not recommended for high availability datacenter) • Fake roof

  9. Ra Rack Two poles Four poles Cabinet

  10. Ra Rack: k: Bl Blin ind Pan anel el Avoid mixing cold air with hot air

  11. Ra Raise ised flo floor or

  12. Fak ake ro roof of

  13. Power er • Distribution boards • Electric plants • Transformers • Protections against overvoltages and short circuits • Surge Arrester (Surge Protection) • Breaker (protection against short circuits) • UPS • PDU

  14. Power er: : UPS UPS • Uninterruptible Power System (Uninterruptible Power Supply) • Improvement of energy quality • Protects against: • Abnormal voltage levels • Distortions in the input voltage • Power cuts not prolonged

  15. Power er: : PD PDU • Power distribution unit (Power Distribution Unit) • Adequate power delivery for datacenter equipment • Types of PDUs: • Basic • Monitored ("Metered") • Switched ("Switched") • Intelligent • Administration of the energy consumed by the datacenter • Understand how energy is consumed in a datacenter • Monitoring and remote on / off • Increase Efficiency • Decrease operating cost • Some PDUs include ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch)

  16. Power er: : PD PDU Pre U Prese sent ntations ations (For (F orm F m Fac actor) or) Rack PDU Horizontal mounting Zero U PDU PDU in cabinet

  17. Power er: : Typ ypes es of P of PDU Characteristics Basic Monitored Switched Smart Power distribution Always Always Always Always present present present present Current measurement at PDU level Absent Always Present a few Always present times present Remote switching of the sockets Absent Absent Always Always present present Measurement of current, power, energy in Absent Absent Absent Always each tap present Encryption and secure access Ausente Absent Present a few Always times present Administration by the user Absent Absent Present a few Always times present Accessibility by IP and SNMP Absent Present a few Always Always times present present Support for environmental sensors Absent Present a few Present a few Always times times present

  18. Environm Environment ental con al control: trol: Hea eat, t, en ener ergy an gy and po d power er • Heat is a form of energy, such as electrical energy or mechanical energy. • Temperature is a measure of the movement of molecules. • The heat can be expressed as movement of the molecules, that is to say, it is related to the temperature. • The power represents the amount of energy that is spent for a certain time

  19. Environm Environment ental Con al Control trol: : La Laten ent t he heat an at and se d sens nsib ible le he heat at • Sensitive heat: Heat that is reflected in a change in temperature • Latent heat: Heat that is reflected in a change of state (water evaporation). There is no change in temperature.

  20. En Envi viron ronment mental al Con ontrol trol: : Hu Humi midity dity • Humidity is the amount of water present in the air. • It is expressed as relative humidity and absolute humidity: • Absolute humidity: Amount of water (Usually in grams) per unit volume of air (Usually cubic meters) • Relative Humidity: Represents the portion of water in the environment with respect to the amount needed for condensation. It is expressed in percentage. • In datacenters it is important to keep the relative humidity in an adequate range.

  21. Envir Environ onment mental al Con ontr trol: ol: Opti timum mum co conditions ditions of of t tem emperatur perature e an and d hum umidity idity • The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (ASHRAE) recommends the following humidity and temperature ranges: • Temperature: 18 to 27 ° C • Humidity: 40 to 60% • High temperatures reduce the useful life of electronic equipment and batteries • Low temperatures increase the energy consumption of cooling equipment unnecessarily • High humidity can produce condensation (short circuits) and corrosion • Low humidity produces electrostatic discharge (Malfunction of electronic equipment)

  22. Envir Environ onment mental al co contr trol: ol: Unit its s to to mea easur sure e re refr frig igera eration tion ca capacity pacity

  23. Enviro Environment nmental al co contr trol: ol: Si Sizi zing ng re refr frig igerat eration ion

  24. Envir Environ onment mental al co contr trol: ol: Oth ther er co conside siderations rations for or ai air con r conditionin ditioning g si sizi zing • Number of people in the area • Area and thickness of the walls • Material of the walls

  25. Enviro Environment nmental al co contr trol: ol: Pr Prec ecis ision ion ai air r Vs Vs Com omfor ort air ir PRECISION COMFORT Designed for environmental control of IT equipment Designed to maintain people's comfort Higher initial cost Lower initial cost Lower long-term cost (Maintenance, Efficiency, Higher long-term cost (Maintenance, Efficiency, Failure) Failure) High heat density (Up to 5 times that of an office) Densidad de calor baja Continuous operation (24 hours per day) Intermittent operation (8 hours per day) Maintains humidity and temperature in a smaller Maintains humidity and temperature in a wider range range Little latent heat More latent heat (Higher capacity air is needed) Handles greater volume of air (500-900CFM / ton) Lower air volume (350-400 CFM / ton)

  26. Envi viron ronmen mental al co contr trol: ol: Typ ypes es of of air ir condition co ditioner ers • Direct expansion: Use some type of refrigerant to cool. • Use two units: • Internal unit (Evaporator): Cools the air that is going to be supplied to the equipment • External unit (Condenser): Eliminates heat to the environment • The outdoor unit must be outside the place to be cooled • Water (Water chilled): Water is used, previously cooled. • Use a single unit. • You need a source of cold water.

  27. Envir Environ onment mental al co contr trol: ol: Di Dire rect ct exp xpans ansion ion

  28. Envi viron ronmen mental al co contr trol: ol: Water er co cool oled ed sy system tem (W (Water er chilled) illed)

  29. Envir Environ onment mental al co contr trol: ol: Col old d hall ll-Hot Hot hal all

  30. Sec Secur urity ity • Detection and extinction of fires • Access control (Biometric devices) • Monitor human activity in the Datacenter


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