community meetings

Community Meetings Virtual Host Communities: Medford, WI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Virtual Community Meetings Virtual Host Communities: Medford, WI Marshfield, WI Minong, WI Portage, WI July 14, 2020 July 15, 2020 July 21, 2020 July 22, 2020 Virtual Community Meeting Meet the Speakers: Michelle Johnson Dan Quick

  1. Virtual Community Meetings Virtual Host Communities: Medford, WI Marshfield, WI Minong, WI Portage, WI July 14, 2020 July 15, 2020 July 21, 2020 July 22, 2020 Virtual Community Meeting

  2. Meet the Speakers: Michelle Johnson Dan Quick Amanda Schooling Trent Wetmore Community Relations Supervisor Emergency Response Director Northern WI Emergency Response US Midwest Region Midwest Region Mike Pahnke John Schwarz Jim Sojka Operations Operations Operations Midwest Region Midwest Region Midwest Region

  3. Safety & Values Moment

  4. About Enbridge

  5. Enbridge Story A leading energy delivery company in North America

  6. Delivery and Generation of North American Energy Energy Infra rastructure re Leader ~25% of crude oil transported in N. America ~20% of natural gas consumed in the U.S. ~2 Bcf/d of natural gas distributed in Ontario 1,750 MW of renewable power generation

  7. Delivering Crude Oil to Midwest Market and Beyond Enbridge: A Vi Vital Link to Energy Supply ly Enbridge meets : ~70% Refining demand in broader Midwest

  8. Wisconsin Energy Consumption vs Pro roduction Wisconsin is not an energy island Energy Consumption* 12 12 10 million 8 gallons a day 6 4 2 0 0 Consumption Producers Wisconsin fuel consumption in million/gallons Wisconsin crude oil producers Enbridge transports the energy people need and want. 8 *Source: EIA, 2017

  9. Uses of Petroleum and the Petroleum Products We Use Fueling Our Lives Household & transportation Energy inputs Everyday uses of energy

  10. Pipeline Operations, Safety and Maintenance

  11. Pipelines and Facilities Enbridge in Wisconsin • 10 pipelines – energy to fuel vehicles, power industry and heat homes • More than 300 employees • $43 million annual property taxes paid to the state of Wisconsin in 2018 • Capital, operating, and administrative expenditures in Wisconsin totaled $486 million in 2018

  12. Enbridge on Safety Pre reventative Pipeline Maintenance • High quality materials and anti-corrosion coatings • Cathodic protection and pressure testing • Inspection programs and preventative maintenance • Monitoring pipelines and facilities, and maintaining a clear right-of-way 12 12

  13. Investing in Pipeline Safety and Opera rations • Doubled the size of our Pipeline Control Systems and Leak Detection Departments • Added staff and enhancing organizational structure at our Pipeline Control Center • Significantly Enhanced our Public Awareness program • Intensify what was already an aggressive, proactive approach to pipeline integrity management 13

  14. The Safety of our Communities & Employees is our Top Priority Opera rational Excellence We invested We performed $1.1+ B 29,000 + 2018 to help us maintain the pipeline integrity integrity and reliability of our inspections in 2018 on pipeline systems our liquids and natural gas pipelines and distribution network We monitor our lines We held 24.7.365 300+ with people and multiple emergency exercises drills computerized leak and equipment detection systems deployments in 2018 14 14

  15. Protecting What Matters Most Our Commitment to the Enviro ronment Planning projects with care • Field survey crews The safety of people, • Wildlife protection strategies • and protection of the environment, Routing along existing corridors • Consulting with Tribal groups is our top priority at Enbridge. Limiting the construction footprint • Use existing routes to and from construction sites • Minimal ground disturbance practices • Minimize amount of temporary work space • Wildlife protection initiatives • Restricting access to project areas Our post-construction commitment • Environmental monitoring programs • Landowner consultations • Habitat restoration techniques 15 15

  16. Our Commitment to Being a Good Neighbor Community Investment In 2019 In 2020 • $115,249 • $108,681 in community and safety strengthening initiatives across Wisconsin • Wascott Volunteer Fire Department • $5.2 million • Hayward Community Food Shelf • Taylor County Emergency across US to community projects near our Management infrastructure • Pardeeville Fire Department • And others, including local and regional COVID-19 relief efforts 16 16

  17. Current Projects in Wisconsin

  18. Project Overview Line 5 WI Segment Relocation Pro roject Update • Line 5 is a vital link to propane and Project timing: other energy supplies for region – Permits filed in early 2020 – Open houses held in February 2020 • Built to get products off the – Permitting 2020-2021 Great Lakes; avoid truck and rail – Construction upon receipt of permits • Safely operating Line 5 since 1953  700 union jobs • Consider the alternative – In service – Late 2021 (pending permit approvals) 18 18

  19. Environmental Surveys and Permitting Line 5 WI Segment Replacement Pro roject Update 2019-2020 Field Surveys: • Archaeological • Tribal cultural resources • Wetland and waterbody • Threatened and endangered species • Geotechnical drilling WDNR Public Comment Period • July 2020 • Virtual public meeting held July 1 19 19 Field surveys support permit applications and help us refine our route.

  20. Community Engagement Line 5 WI Segment Replacement Pro roject Update Public events hosted by Enbridge in 2020: 150 people attended over three days • Open houses - February • Virtual Update meeting - June

  21. Tribal Line 5 WI Segment Relocation Pro roject • Tribal monitors on the conventional Archaeological Surveys & geotechnical drilling sites • Tribal Cultural Resources Surveys • Project & survey effort introduced to Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPOS) • Small group meetings & one-on-one conversations with Tribal citizens 21 21

  22. Safety Begins with Public Awareness

  23. For Your Safety and the Safety of Others Call 811 Before re You Dig • 811 is a free, nationwide number designed to keep you safe when digging or excavating • Calling 811 is a simple process and is always the safest option anytime you are moving dirt • You can visit to find out if online locate requests can be made for the state where you will be working. Did you know? It’s never safe to assume the depth of pipelines. • Pipeline depth can vary or change due to erosion, previous digging projects and other factors • Some pipelines and related facilities may be located above the ground • If a product is released from the pipeline, it could damage your property • If the product released comes into contact with you or ignites, it could cause injuries or even death 23 23

  24. Where Pipelines are Located Safety Begins with Aware reness • Other products may also be transported by other pipeline operators in this area • Product transported in the pipeline is always listed on any pipeline marker • Familiarize yourself with the products and operators in your area 24

  25. Pipeline and Facilities: Minong (Washburn County) Enbridge in your Community Pipelines: • Line 13 • Line 14 • Line 61 • Line 6A Above Ground Facilities: • Minong Station - Lines 6A & 14 Pipeline and Facil

  26. National Pipeline Mapping System NPMS and Enbridge Resourc rces National Pipeline Mapping System: Enbridge Land Services: Todd Ochsner Sr. Lands Advisor Midwest Region – Northern WI Phone: 715-395-3813 David Schultz Sr. Lands Advisor Midwest Region – Central and Southern WI Phone: 608-756-3167 26 26

  27. What to Know About the Products We Transport Pro roduct Chara racteristics Crude Oil • Unrefined petroleum • Color can range from yellow to black • Flows with the land profile • Can be thick and slow moving or light and able to move quickly • May contain hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and benzene An updated ERG is published every 4 years 27 27

  28. How to Recognize a Potential Release What Do I Need to Know? • You might see - Dead or discolored vegetation or snow - Colorful sheens on water - Stains or pools of hydrocarbons or liquids - Dirt being blown into the air - Fire coming out of the ground - Dead animals or insects - Construction or excavation equipment nearby • You might hear - An unusual hissing or roaring sound along a pipeline right-of-way • You might smell - An unusual rotten egg odor 28

  29. Reporting a Release and Obtaining Information What Do I Need to Know? To Report a Release: • • Call 911 • • Call Enbridge 800-858-5253 • Twitter: @Enbridge • National Response Center • Or, 800-424-8802 response/emergency-response- • EPA, Region 5 my-community 312-353-2318 If you can do so safely, turn off any mechanized equipment. Move as far away from the leak as possible in an upwind direction, avoiding contact with escaping liquids and gases. 29 Obtain information at:

  30. Emergency Response

  31. Response Planning with Federal, State and Local Interest Planning Integra ration • Enbridge works closely with Federal, State and Local interests during: - Training - Exercises - Plan Development • Incident Command System • Unified Command 31


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