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Virtual Community Forum Overview of Rondout Valley CSD Re-Opening - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Virtual Community Forum Overview of Rondout Valley CSD Re-Opening Plan for 2020-2021 Overview & What Returning to School Health and Safety Instructional Models Will Look Like in the Fall & Hybrid Schedules Process Surveys on

  1. Virtual Community Forum Overview of Rondout Valley CSD Re-Opening Plan for 2020-2021 Overview & What Returning to School Health and Safety Instructional Models Will Look Like in the Fall & Hybrid Schedules Process Surveys on Reopening

  2. Overview Considerations Health and Safety Areas outlined in this plan represent the Our primary commitment is to the students and myriad considerations Rondout Valley CSD families we serve. The health and safety of our will address to reopen schools safely and to students, our staff, and their families is our top sustain their safe operation. priority. We have developed a plan that intends to ensure that students and employees feel comfortable and safe returning to school Academic & campuses. Social-Emotional Needs Strong focus on academic instruction to enhance student performance and Schools Will Look Different address learning loss. On-campus school will look much different Emphasis on the social-emotional needs than previous years due to COVID-19 and of our students and staff is a priority. the health and safety measures that continue to evolve. Guidance This document is fluid and will change as necessary based on guidance from the state, Clear Guidance on Reopening CDC, and NYSED and in consideration of our Plan aims to define clear guidance for the families and our staff. We strongly believe the reopening of schools that align with the services described throughout this plan are in regulations developed in collaboration with the best interests of our students, families, staff, NYSDOH, the NYS Education Department, and local health professionals. and community.

  3. Surveys on School Reopening Our district invited parents and families, students, faculty, and staff in our quest to develop our plan for students in the fall though surveys distributed by the district. School Reopening Family Survey • Integral part of our district’s 1,068 responses planning process as we proactively developed safety protocols for School Reopening Student Survey each instructional model. [grades 3 – 12] . • Important in understanding Instructional Staff Survey [for Teachers, Paraprofessionals, OT, PT, Speech, Nurses, Counselors, stakeholders’ attitudes and beliefs Psychologists, Social Workers, Behavior Specialists, and Administrators] . about COVID-19, which will allow Non-Instructional Staff Survey the district to better align with [for Clerical, Technicians, Buildings & Grounds, and Food Service] stakeholders’ needs and expectations.

  4. Priorities for Health Safety Practices Screening Enhanced Cleaning Training Hand Sanitizer Temperature screening for students 1 Handwashing and staff each day Limiting Seating Staff are trained on CDC guidance to 2 reduce likelihood of COVID-19 transmission Regularly scheduled, adult 3 supervised handwashing Enhanced cleaning occurring in 4 schools Hand sanitizer is provided in 5 strategic areas and is frequently used Limiting classroom seating to 6 maintain social distancing

  5. Priorities for Distance Education Frequent feedback on Time spent on learning new student progress things [Students’ top priority] Time spent on learning how Assignments that can be to succeed in accessed and completed at the students’ own pace distance/online learning Model that Addresses Child(ren)’s Support for families on how Learning Best to support learning at home 53.6% Blended: a combination of both Posting assignments in the synchronous and asynchronous beginning of the week 19.8% Asynchronous [sessions to be viewed at their own pace] Live meetings/lessons with teachers with smaller 26.7% Synchronous [live required and groups of students scheduled sessions]

  6. Returning to School in the Fall Options: Strongly Support/Support/Neutral Feelings About Returning to School in the Fall 51% If social distancing/handwashing/face-covering guidelines and temperature checks are enforced 58% Full-time return to the regular school day or encouraged and schedule 26% Whatever safeguards the school district has in place 43% Full-time return to the regular school day but start later in the fall Preferences for the District to Focus Efforts The highest percentage in both the family and student surveys 56% Blended learning half-day sessions indicated that they preferred that the district focus on both: • Making it safe for students and staff to return to the school building 49% Full-time return to distance education with • Making remote learning the best it can be new learning based on grade level standards Returning to School in the Fall 66% Adjusting the school year calendar in order Yes: 45.4% to decrease the number of students in No: 11.5% school Depends on District's Plans: 43.1%

  7. What Returning to School Will Look Like for Students and Staff Additional Hand Sanitation Face Coverings Stations • Must be worn in congregate settings, on • Each classroom will be outfitted with a buses and in classrooms, and where variety of supplies to encourage proper social distancing is not possible. cleaning practices [gloves, disinfectant • Students and staff will be provided with agent for spot cleaning, and hand reusable masks if they need one unless sanitizer]. Hand soap and paper towels exemptions apply. will be provided at every sink. • Students will be educated on the • Students will be encouraged to take hand- importance of wearing face coverings. washing breaks throughout the day, in • “Mask breaks” will be incorporated into addition to before/after eating and using the day. materials. • We will work together to ensure everyone Social Distancing is contributing to a healthy environment by • Students will practice social distancing wiping surfaces after classroom instruction from the arrival on campus through is complete. departure. • Limited Access to Visitors and Students will load on school buses from back to front. Volunteers • Grab-and-go breakfasts will be • By appointment only, 24 hours in available, eaten in classrooms. advance. • Staggered schedules may be utilized • Screened via entry procedure. to decrease crowding.

  8. Classroom Modifications Controlled Movement Patterns • Students will move in cohorts where possible • Desks will be spaced six feet apart when possible throughout the day, K-6 teachers rotate into • Extraneous furniture will be removed from each classrooms classroom as much as possible • Utilizing controlled movement patterns based • Teachers will minimize the use of shared items in on signage throughout the school, 6’ apart, the classroom, including learning tools, pencils right side and other items • • Staggered dismissal patterns will be devised; Teachers will utilize Google Classroom and Zoom designated drop-off and pick-up areas Mass Gatherings Common Area Modifications • Pep rallies, assemblies, field trips, and other • Encourage social distancing practices large gatherings will not be permitted until • Some classes [Physical Education, Art, Music] will further notice. limit collaborative activity and shared resources. • Physical Education and Music classes will have Before and After School Programs 12 feet between students and indoor and outdoor • areas will be utilized. At this time, no in-person before and after school programs.

  9. Meal Services Athletics and Extracurricular Activities • Grab-and-go style for both breakfast and lunch • We will follow the guidance from the New with pre-packaged items. York State Public High School Athletic • K-6 students will eat in their classrooms. Association to make a determination on fall 7-12 students will eat in a designated sports. • Extracurricular activities should be done classroom. • virtually where feasible. At this time, no During lunch orientation, teachers will explain to in-person extracurricular activities. students that they are not to pass or share items, including food, with other students. Transportation • A face covering must be worn up to the point of • Socially distanced as much as the physical beginning a meal and immediately upon capacity of the bus allows. finishing, the face covering will be put back on. • Load the bus from back to front in order to encourage social distancing. Arrival and Dismissal • 1 student per seat; household members • Arrival procedures to minimize crowding. will sit together. • • Dismissal procedures will limit the mixing Face coverings must be worn at all times. • Bus drivers will have disposable masks to of cohorts of students. • hand out to students in the event a student Face coverings must be worn. • does not one. Parents/guardians picking students up • Buses will be cleaned once a day and high will have to wait in the designated area, contact spots shall be wiped down after with face covering, and student will be each run. escorted to them.


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