challenge based learning cbl

CHALLENGE BASED LEARNING (CBL) Transforming Your Courses with - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CHALLENGE BASED LEARNING (CBL) Transforming Your Courses with Challenges Introduction to CBL In todays session, you will create one challenge for your course. The process well walk you through today is an abbreviated version not

  1. CHALLENGE BASED LEARNING (CBL) Transforming Your Courses with Challenges

  2. Introduction to CBL ¨ In today’s session, you will create one challenge for your course. ¨ The process we’ll walk you through today is an abbreviated version – not a full course analysis, but... ¨ ...this is just the start! We’ll give you next steps at the end of the session so you can complete the transformation.

  3. Where do I begin? ¨ To begin challenge creation, ask yourself the following questions: ¤ What role does this course help prepare students for? ¤ Which workplace deliverables should it teach students to create? ¤ If the students in the course were your employees, what tasks would you give them, and how would you be available to advise them?

  4. Step 1: Rethink course outcomes Look at the course outcomes in your syllabus. What do they ask students to do, make, create? Course Outcome Design the visual layout of a website using wireframes according to a client specification. Convert the website layout into functional content that addresses client needs/specifications using a combination of HTML5 and CSS3.

  5. Step 1: Rethink course outcomes Brainstorm real-world, workplace-based ways students could fulfill those course outcomes–deliverables that would prove their mastery. Course Outcome Possible Challenge Idea Design the visual layout of a website using wireframes Sometimes clients come to a developer with old paper according to a client specification. documents they want to convert to a website. Students could plan the structure and layout of a website based on those client specs and create a base web structure with appropriate folders. Convert the website layout into functional content that Next, they would construct/draw/design a wireframe diagram to depict the proposed layout of the site. addresses client needs/specifications using a combination of HTML5 and CSS3.

  6. Step 2: Build the workplace scenario You are a ____________________ and you work at a __________________. You are part of a project that will ___________________, and your job is to ____________________.

  7. Step 2: Build the workplace scenario You are an entry-level web developer and you work at a small company called Webtech. You are part of a project that will develop a website for a bed and breakfast, and your job is to plan and build that website.

  8. Step 3: Flesh out the scenario You are an entry-level web developer at Webtech. A client, Desayuno Bed and Breakfast, has presented you with a brochure and images that they want to use to convert to a website. The PDF of these documents contains no content—no web design elements at all. You will be planning, designing, and building this website from scratch!

  9. Step 4: map the course ¨ Move your ideas into the challenge map (template provided in the packet). ¨ Provide a short summary of each challenge in your map. ¨ Can some of the challenges be broken into sub-tasks? Breaking down the challenges into digestible units will ensure the students do not get overwhelmed. It will also ensure they will receive feedback before the final submission of the challenge.

  10. Step 4: map the course

  11. Check In ¨ Are there any questions? ¨ Let’s share our challenges!

  12. Contact Information ¨ Kemi Jona ¤ ¨ Lori Stokes ¤ ¨ Erin Rosas ¤ ¨ Sarah Cochran ¤


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