salisbury university web development office internship

Salisbury University Web Development Office Internship NICOLE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Salisbury University Web Development Office Internship NICOLE BENNETT FALL 2017 The Web Development Office Maintains the Salisbury University website Web office staff Todd Smith Web Communications Manager Dave Raizen Web

  1. Salisbury University Web Development Office Internship NICOLE BENNETT – FALL 2017

  2. The Web Development Office Maintains the Salisbury University website Web office staff ◦ Todd Smith – Web Communications Manager ◦ Dave Raizen – Web Developer ◦ Andrew Coulbourne – Assistant Web Developer

  3. Responsibilities Maintenance of website content Fulfilling web request tickets Using Siteimprove to make website ADA compliant Training users to use the CMS

  4. Challenges Not much experience with scripting languages Learning to use the CMS Learning to navigate Siteimprove

  5. Classroom Experiences Web Design and Programming certificates in Community College Programming courses at Salisbury University

  6. Knowledge Gained Web accessibility New languages Training over phone

  7. Thank you.


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