calif california or organics nics regula gulations tions

Calif California Or Organics nics Regula gulations tions Or - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Calif California Or Organics nics Regula gulations tions Or Organics nics Di Diversion Reduces duces GHG GHG Footprin ootprint Re Recovery Or Organi nics cs Fr From om All All Wa Waste Str Stream ams Commercial Waste Residential Waste

  1. Calif California Or Organics nics Regula gulations tions

  2. Or Organics nics Di Diversion Reduces duces GHG GHG Footprin ootprint

  3. Re Recovery Or Organi nics cs Fr From om All All Wa Waste Str Stream ams Commercial Waste Residential Waste SSO 29% Food Waste 30% Food Waste 75% Food Waste The Challenge is in Extracting Clean Food Waste

  4. St Staff Ef Efforts to to Da Date MOU with SVCW ◦ conduct a technical & financial feasibility study SBWMA Long Range Plan ◦ Organics to Energy system design and capital costs included in Plan approved by Board. ◦ Project CapEx included in subsequent Budgets MOUs with EBMUD & SL ‐ WWTP approved by Board CalRecycle Grant funding for SBWMA Organics to Energy Pilot Pending – Landfill and Organics RFP ◦ (Will establish future waste handling costs)

  5. SB SBWMA Pr Project to to Com Comply ly wi with Or Organics nics Di Diversion Requir quirements Pilot Organics Recycling Project ◦ CapEx: ~$1.8M (Total of $3M with $1.2 covered by CalRecycle grant) ◦ OpEx: ~$68 per ton (equal to current composting) ◦ Infeed Materials: 75 tpd SSO & MSW on test basis ◦ Output Material: 50 tpd Organic Slurry to EBMUD for anaerobic digestion to green electricity Full Organics Recycling Project ◦ CapEx: Estimated at $15M ◦ OpEx: Goal to be equal to future landfill disposal ◦ Infeed Materials: 750 tpd MSW & 75 tpd SSO ◦ Output Material: 250 tpd Organic Slurry to various local WWTP for anaerobic digestion to green electricity or vehicle fuel

  6. SB SBWMA Or Organi nics cs to to Ener Energy gy Pi Pilot lot Pr Project Dry Wet Recyclables Fraction Fraction Recovery Landfill 50 tpd Infeed Organics Organics Bag Bag Anaerobic Anaerobic SSO MRF MRF Extraction Extraction Opener Opener Digestion Digestion MSW (OREX) (OREX) EBMUD Biomethane to green Power

  7. EBM EBMUD/R D/Recology logy Pilo ilot Pr Project

  8. SB SBWMA Full Full ‐ Sc Scal ale Pr Project SSO MSW


  10. Or Organics nics Ex Extr tract acted fr from om SF SF MSW MSW 11

  11. Broad Expansion of SSO Can be Costly for Some Communities

  12. Centralized Organics Recovery is More Cost Effective Than SSO Source Separated Organics Centralized Processing SSO Collection, Processing, and Transfer MSW Centralized Processing, Organics to WWTP or Compost Site Recovery to WWTP $/ton Diverted $/ton CAPEX 31 Diverted OPEX for Processing 21 CAPEX 21 Collection and transfer 210 OPEX for Processing 34 Outreach, education, enforcement 16 WWTP Tip Fee Less Current T&D to Landfill 3 Composting Tip Fee Less Current T&D to Landfill 3 58 282 Source: Third party study by Golder Associates Inc. for Northern California Solid Waste Hauler

  13. Removal of Contaminants

  14. Residual Contaminants After Organics Extraction Need to Be Removed

  15. Clean Organic AD Feedstock from MSW Organics Extraction Organics Polishing Anaerobic Digestion (1) (2a) (3) (2b) OREX DYNAMIC CYCLONE DIGESTERS HYDROCLYCONE Wet Wet fraction MSW Clean Grit Floatable Film Dry fraction Digestate Wet Fraction Polished Wet Fraction MSW 16


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