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Ali Adams Partnerships Manager, UTC Oxfordshire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UTC Oxfordshire: working with businesses to create successful routes to employment Ali Adams Partnerships Manager, UTC Oxfordshire What is a UTC? Ages 14 19 Partnerships with further & higher

  1. UTC Oxfordshire: working with businesses to create successful routes to employment Ali Adams Partnerships Manager, UTC Oxfordshire

  2. What is a UTC? • Ages 14 – 19 • Partnerships with further & higher education • Supported by business partners • Free & non-selective • Has environments that are more similar to the work place than a school • Improved transition into employment & further study •

  3. What is different from more traditional schooling? • Input from industry & academic partners • Dress and language code - smart, professional, appropriate • Flexible blend of technical & academic qualifications, projects & practical learning • More teaching time per subject • Longer working days, a professional working environment, strong working relationships • Increased study time in the extended working day rather than homework

  4. Why do we need a UTC in Oxfordshire? The engineering sector employs 5.6 million people, four times the number of people working in the NHS (which is the largest employer in the UK) 39% of STEM companies who need employees with STEM skills & knowledge currently have difficulties recruiting staff 41% expect those difficulties to persist in the next three years

  5. 2017 - Outcomes & Destinations KS4 – at 16 KS5 – at 18 A-level results 100% pass rate A* - E 64% pass (grade 4 or above) in English & maths 97% pass rate A* - C 85% pass (grade 4 or above) in maths 50% pass rate A* - B 69% pass (grade 4 or above) in English 30% pass rate A* - A 100% pass rate A* - C in Physics, 82% C or above in separate sciences (GCSE Further Maths & Computer Science Biology, GCSE Chemistry & GCSE Physics) Technical 69% achieved at C or above in Engineering 100% pass rate BTEC average grade = Distinction 66% of students achieved the equivalent of three A* - B at A-level

  6. 2017 - Outcomes & Destinations University Entry – 32% Apprenticeships & Degree apprenticeships – 48% Employment / Other – 20%

  7. How employers can invest… interest & talks & trips mentoring curriculum- real-world based projects projects employer- work led projects experience

  8. … & the outcomes available understanding communication of work skills environment work readiness (dress, timings, technical skills relationships) experience of awareness of other work destinations places


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