7 12 2018

7/12/2018 1 Aging Adults Virtual Neighborhood Presented by the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

7/12/2018 1 Aging Adults Virtual Neighborhood Presented by the Painesville Senior Center Painesville Senior Center 2 The Painesville Senior Center is a non-profit organization committed to making a positive impact on the aging community

  1. 7/12/2018 1 Aging Adults Virtual Neighborhood Presented by the Painesville Senior Center Painesville Senior Center 2 • The Painesville Senior Center is a non-profit organization committed to making a positive impact on the aging community through a variety of programs & events contributing to overall well-being through: recreation, socialization, education & fitness. • Its history spans over 45 years of service. That’s quite a lineage. • In recreating a Vision Statement applicable to our current environment, leadership focused on establishing a new foundation. One that includes a strong cornerstone of collaborative partnerships. That’s you folks • Because our physical footprint is transitional at this time, we have chosen to place our cornerstone in a mobile foundation that can expand and relocate as necessary. With the intent to reestablish a permanent location within the City of Painesville. Seniors Today, Tomorrow and In the Future 3 • In October of 2015 the Lake County Senior Citizens Advisory Panel requested the services of a consultant to conduct a senior citizen needs assessment/gap analysis and to facilitate development of a factual based strategic blueprint for sustainable programming and investment on behalf of its senior citizens. The main purpose of that research was to guide decision making for the Senior Levy distribution. • One of its issues to be addressed was the suggestion to consider alternative models of the traditional senior center in order to meet more needs. It is from this verbiage and communications with a west coast virtual senior center model, that our Aging Adults Virtual Neighborhood was created. This program embraces the challenge to meet senior needs on an innovative level. Our target base is as broad as the age span of AARP Seniors Today, Tomorrow and In the Future 4 • The most independent, still in the workforce neighbor, can utilize our programs at a time that is convenient to their schedul e. The tween that just doesn’t feel old enough to go to a traditional senior center but wants some type of interaction can pick and choose their activities. And a more homebound neighbor can be just that – homebound- but still participate in the community through technology. • This is our future. This can be our reality. Let’s pool our resources and succeed together for the future of Lake County’s aging population…. Communication Technology 5 • This mobile foundation will be formed out of virtual communication technology. Which is the ability to hear and or see one another in real time: simulating the experience of a physical visit. This includes devices as common as a traditional landline to flip phones, smart phones, tablets and computers. 6 Aging Adults Virtual Neighborhood • Welcome to our Virtual Neighborhood! • Painesville Senior Center’s new ability to connect our aging population to their peers within the comfort of their own reside nce, to create a neighborhood, a neighborhood of engaging adults. • Our commitment to the community will be similar to that of a Home Owners Association. We’ve already secured the lots by creating the program’s platform and a wide array of home styles are move in ready. All we need now are neighbors! 7 Partners & Hosts • Who are they? They are you…

  2. 7/12/2018 • And you can play a significant role in t he development & success of “The Neighborhood” • How we’ll accomplish this is through collaborations, we will provide a conduit • Connecting your services and events to a county wide community of aging individuals • We can offer everything from virtual socialization to education and recreation with your skills and expertise 8 Partners & Hosts • So please… Select your lot, pick an appealing model: villa, town house, ranch or multilevel and let’s create a neighborhood 9 The Neighborhood • The Neighborhood is the heart of the program • Social Corner • Topic Driven • Neighborhood Newsletter • Telephone Network • Video Social Network Amenities of the Neighborhood 10 • We’ll help you move in, by providing on -site tutorials for your staff and participants • Is fiscally supported through the Lake County Senior Service Levy, the City of Painesville and Painesville Township. • At this time there are no service fees to participate • It is open to all Lake County senior service providers, aging adults and their family members • It connects participants to venues they may not otherwise choose or be able to attend in person • The Neighborhood will offer key components of healthy aging but through a modern approach: virtually. And as the Neighborhood grows, in-person Block Parties will be held at pop-up locations throughout Lake County offering participants the ability to interact face to face as well. 11 Telephone Network • Conference calls with multiple neighbors dialing in from external lines • Sessions are scheduled internally or with partners Telephone Network – Get Connected 12 • Pick up a phone, when a dial tone is heard on the land line or see the dial pad on the cell phone screen dial this number 605-4754936 (Attn: number may change) • Neighbors will be asked for an access code enter 391875 (Attn: number may change) • Once connected, neighbors are to announce their name 13 Video Social Network • Neighbors will socialize with video by seeing each other • iOS: FaceTime, Skype

  3. 7/12/2018 • Android: Skype • Neighbors will be grouped together by the App of their choice Social Corner 14 • No fixed topic. • Neighbors socialize through the phone or video • Sessions such as Social Chatters offers small groups the ability to fellowship and socialize either by traditional land line or mobile device in a controlled conference environment • General free chit chat! Bring a joke! Topics all over —no politics please • Topic Driven 15 • Topics centered around health, support, social services, live community events, video travel and vacationing, etc. • Senior service partners throughout Lake County have committed to supporting our outreach by utilizing their experienced specialists to guide neighbors through an array of activities and community awareness • Partner/host will be presenting their topic followed by Q&A Neighborhood Newsletter 16 • Informs the neighbors of upcoming events • Partner/hosts may market their information on our community bulletin board • Monthly promotion of all events being offered: details, visuals, transportation, money needed, etc. Intriguing Possibilities 17 • Foreign Language Social Groups, such as Chinese or Spanish • Fascinating Lake county history with Albert DeOrio • Save A Life: New easy hands on CPR We would like to ask a partner to give some simple CPR techniques on dummies through video social! • Veteran Chat: Calling all local veterans! • Music live: Du-Wayne Henke has a blue grass group, local music groups, or share your own music. Now we can have a Sing-ALong! Intriguing Possibilities 18 • New and amazing science! We have a bag of new and improved science tricks • How to survive a _________ (fill in the blank; involve medical, police, fire, sheriff Dept.'s set up to broadcast on site • Do you remember? Share past events, wild hairdos, we did... • Meet your city/township councils: water Dept./recreation Dept., etc. • Sport’s chat: sport of the season! Defend the Land Program Policies and Etiquette 19 • The Aging Adults Virtual Neighborhood program is divided into sessions

  4. 7/12/2018 • Creating small personal social groups of no more than 8 per chat session • All neighbors are required to register for the session of their choice • Each session has a host that will monitor and lead the program • The program sessions may be recorded for future references and improvements 20 Program Policies and Etiquette • Privacy is very important; therefore, the Painesville Senior Center will neve r share information without a participant’s consent • Neighbors and hosts share open information at their own discretion • Defamatory, libelous, abusive, or obscene verbiage is prohibited • Discrimination is unacceptable, all opinions of neighbors and hosts are of their own, they do not represent the Painesville Senior Center Tutorial 21 • The Aging Adults Virtual Neighborhood program has one tutorial session each week to familiarize neighbors with the program located at the Painesville Senior Center on Thursdays 1:00-2:00pm • Visit www.painesvilleseniors.com/neighborhood/ for an in-depth tutorial 22 Volunteers and Partners • We are inviting volunteers to be the host Volunteers and Partners 22 • We are inviting volunteers to be the host • Being a host is simple, just making sure people are following the program policies and etiquette • Partners can schedule time blocks they wish to host for sessions • Please go to www.Painesvilleseniors.com to register or contact Leona 23 QR Code • QR stands for Quick Response Code • Used widely around the world • Can easily be used with a smart phone camera to scan and connect to www.painesvilleseniors.com QR Code 24 • Right side contact card is Denise’s contact information at the Painesville Senior Center • All the information on this contact card is compiled into the QR code 25 QR Code • Leona’s contact information at the Painesville Senior Center • iOS: open the camera app and aim • Android: need to download a QR code scan app


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