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4/20/19 MEDICAL SYSTEM CHALLENGES 16 ADVOCACY NEEDS Research Funding Healthcare Coverage Regulatory through the and Choice Special Diabetes Program 17 COMMUNITY SUPPORT Mentoring Event Participation 1 4/20/19 T1D Research 19

  1. 4/20/19 MEDICAL SYSTEM CHALLENGES 16 ADVOCACY NEEDS Research Funding Healthcare Coverage Regulatory through the and Choice Special Diabetes Program 17 COMMUNITY SUPPORT Mentoring Event Participation 1

  2. 4/20/19 T1D Research 19 PREVENTION T1D IS ON THE RISE Number of people in the US <20 years old 700,000 projected to develop T1D in the coming decades Projected number of youth with 600,000 500,000 400,000 T1D The incidence of T1D 300,000 among young people in the U.S. is projected to 200,000 roughly triple by 2050 100,000 0 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year Diabetes Care 35 (12), 2515 (2012) 20 Immunotherapy Intercepting the immune attack on beta cells 21 2

  3. 4/20/19 IMMUNOTHERAPY T1D is one of the only major autoimmune diseases that still does not have a drug therapy to stave off, slow or cure the illness. But we are getting close. We have found, created and are testing drugs that are showing – in early clinical trials -- that they can and are able to: • Trick the body into protecting instead of attacking beta cells • Slow the progression of T1D • Help the body create its own insulin A break in any of these products would be life changing for millions. And could serve as a working cure for T1D. 22 Prevention Prevent or delay insulin dependence 23 BETA CELLS Today, we are working – racing – with teams of experts around the world, to: Regenerate Beta Cells Replace Beta Cells Keep them healthy, improve Make beta cells, ensure the their function, and help them body does not reject them, and reproduce. shield them from attack. This research is accelerating, with new discoveries daily. We need to do more. With healthy beta cells, a person’s body would once again normalize its blood glucose levels – on its own. If we can save Beta Cells, we can cure T1D. 24 3

  4. 4/20/19 ARTIFICIAL PANCREAS A DECADE OF PROGRESS, MORE TO COME Multiple advanced systems in • “I am thinking about development diabetes 50% less of the • More automated and user friendly time, which enables me to • Smaller form factor focus on what I want to do in • life.” Single device Kady Helme // AP Trial Participant And more choices for patients • • JDRF Open Protocol Initiative 25 GL GLUC UCOS OSE CONT ONTOR ORL A pill to dodge high blood sugars • Daily pill • Avoids high blood sugar • Improved time in range, body weight, and HbA1c blood pressure – no increase in hypoglycemia FDA 2019 • If approved, 1st ever therapy developed for T1D before T2D 26 INNOVATION IS ALL AROUND US 27 4

  5. 4/20/19 GET INVOLVED 28 CALL TO ACTION Continue to Learn Seek Be Active Perspectives Accelerating Progress 29 GET INVOLVED! WE NEED YOUR VOICE! • If you haven’t already, please sign up to become a JDRF Advocate at www.jdrf.org/join • If you’re already an Advocate, please respond to all alerts • Share any connections with Congress, federal officials, health plans and large employers with our team. Who you know matters! 30 5



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