what they are how they re marketed amp how we can protect

What They Are, How Theyre Marketed, & How We Can Protect Our - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Electronic Cigarettes: What They Are, How Theyre Marketed, & How We Can Protect Our Youth Amy Barkley Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Coalition for a Tobacco- Free West Virginia Charleston, WV February 26, 2014 Campaign for T

  1. Electronic Cigarettes: What They Are, How They’re Marketed, & How We Can Protect Our Youth Amy Barkley Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Coalition for a Tobacco- Free West Virginia Charleston, WV February 26, 2014 Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  2. Big Picture Points • Tobacco still takes a terrible toll on West Virginia’s health and economy. • We know what to do to reduce tobacco use in West Virginia, and we need to do more of it. • We want to encourage new interventions, but: – They must be based on science/evidence – They must not undercut our progress in reducing tobacco use • Focus on what works; regulate to ensure progress is not undermined by things that do not work. 2 Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  3. Tobacco Industry E-Cigarette Strategies • Tobacco companies have been approaching states and trying to convince them to: – Promote e-cigarettes and other products as less harmful than smoking – Tax e-cigarettes and other products at a lower rate – Create special category for e-cigarettes with less regulation • None of these strategies is evidence-based 3 Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  4. E-Cigarettes What they are… Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  5. Electronic Cigarettes Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  6. E-WHAT?? E-Pipes 6 Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  7. E-WHAT?? E-Cigars 7 Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  8. E-WHAT?? E-Hookah E-Hookah Pens 8 Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  9. E-OMG?? ??? E-Anything E-Pot 9 Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  10. Tobacco Product? Currently, most, if not all, nicotine in e-cigarettes is derived from tobacco. Synthetic nicotine is possible, but extraordinarily expensive, and we are aware of no e-cigarettes or similar products that use it. 10 Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  11. What else is in E-Cigarettes? • Basic ingredients (as listed by most e-cigarette manufacturers): propylene glycol or glycerin, nicotine, flavor chemicals • Additional chemicals found through product testing: – Diethylene glycol – TSNAs (low levels) – Formaldehyde Carcinogens – Acetaldehyde – Acrolein Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  12. Potential Health Risks  Not enough data on health effects (short and long-term) available • Toxic substances • Pulmonary problems from frequent inhalation of glycerin and/or propylene glycol • Toxic levels of nicotine in refills • Airborne chemicals, such as volatile organic compounds and nicotine, released by e-cigarette • No safety standards for e-cigarette components – Cartridges can leak out nicotine solution – Battery issues leading to explosions, fire – Variability in performance – Mislabeled or inaccurate labeling leading to overdoses – Wide variability both within and among companies, of which there are hundreds • Long term health effects are UNKNOWN Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  13. E-Cigarettes Companies Who they are… Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  14. BEFORE NOW Cigarettes Smokeless E-Cigarettes (UK) 14 Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  15. Words of a “Transformed” Tobacco Company? RAI and its operating companies are committed to significantly reducing the death and disease caused by smoking. By embracing tobacco harm reduction principles and working with manufacturers, policy makers could herald a new era that fundamentally changes the impact of tobacco use on society. Today, public policy leaders and companies like RAI have a unique opportunity to lead that change. Source: Reynolds American Inc. Website, “Tobacco Harm Reduction,” accessed August 2, 2013, from http://www.reynoldsamerican.com/harm-reduction.cfm?plank=harmReduction1 15 Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  16. Words of a “Transformed” Tobacco Company? “We have a little mantra inside of the company that we use, which we call the 80-90- 90… We spend about 80 percent of our resources in the combustible space. The combustible space is still 80 percent, 80-plus percent of our operating income. We spend the majority of our resources still in the combustible space. 90 percent of the organizational focus, the human resources inside the company, are actually focused on the combustible space. And despite a lot of these new innovations that you see coming out, 90 percent of our R&D budgets are actually directed at the combustible category…. That is the category that's still going to deliver a lot of growth into the future .” — Daniel Delen, President and CEO of Reynolds November 2012 16 Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  17. E-Cigarettes Can they help smokers quit??? Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  18. Cessation??? E-cigarettes are unproven as cessation aids Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  19. Cessation??? “There is currently no conclusive scientific evidence that e - cigarettes promote long-term cessation …” ( CDC Researchers in peer-reviewed journal , Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2013) Limited data on e-cigarettes and cessation. • Some show e-cigarette users no more likely to quit than non-users • Some show e-cigarette users less likely to quit • Some show e-cigarettes have comparable quit rates to NRT patch – but patch is approved as both safe and effective by FDA Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  20. Cessation??? Important to remember: E-cigarettes companies cannot currently make cessation claims Sottera Inc. v. Food & Drug Administration, 10- 5032, U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit (Washington). Industry uses citizens and retailers to make claims they can’t legally make Most of those arguments are anecdotal, not science-based and are made with many caveats… Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  21. Health Harms from Individual Electronic Tobacco Use • Not a safe alternative but likely much less harmful than cigarettes • Nicotine addiction  possibly graduate to smoking • Majority of e-cigarette users still use cigarettes. This “dual - use” undermines or eliminates potential health benefits. • Can serve as a gateway product for youth Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  22. E-Cigarette Usage Among Youth • National trends, 2011-2012: – 6 th -12 th grades: ever use of e-cigarettes increased 3.3% to 6.8% (more than doubled) – Estimated 1.78 million youth who had used e- cigarettes in 2012 – High school students: ever-use increased 4.7% to 10% – Dual use: 76% of middle and high school students who had used an e-cigarette in the past 30 days had also smoked conventional cigarettes in the same time period Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  23. E-Cigarette Usage Among Adults, 2010-2011 • 6.2% of general population used e-cigarettes in 2011 (doubled from 2010) • 21.2% of smokers used e-cigarettes in 2011 (doubled from 2010) Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  24. Key Questions for E-cigarettes • Are e-cigarettes less harmful to the individual than cigarettes? Likely the answer is yes, but - • Even if less harmful, is this offset by: – Keeping smokers smoking (bridging and/or using unproven method) – Attracting youth users who progress to conventional cigarettes – Luring former smokers back into smoking Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  25. Key Questions for E-cigarettes (continued) • Do people actually switch to e-cigarettes from smoking combustible cigarettes? • What are the impacts of long-term use? • Do e-cigarettes and their marketing (which re- glamorize and re-normalize smoking) encourage initiation, discourage quitting, or lead former smokers to relapse? • What is the net impact on public health? Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  26. E-Cigarettes How are e-cigarettes being marketed??? Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  27. E-Cigarettes Just like cigarettes! Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  28. E-Cigarettes Marketing Mimics the Worst of Cigarette Marketing TV Ads Kid-Friendly Flavors Music Sponsorships NASCAR Car Sponsorships Celebrity Endorsements Branded Items Cartoons Countertop “Cigarette Girls” Displays Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  29. Kid Friendly Flavors Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  30. Kid Friendly Flavors Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  31. Kid Friendly Flavors Resemblance to liquid candy products: Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  32. Celebrity Endorsements Just like cigarettes (used to be) Jenny McCarthy, Steven Dorff, Bruno Mars, Katherine Heigl, Courtney Love and more… Re- glamorizing smoking… Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  33. Celebrity Endorsements Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org

  34. Celebrity Endorsements + Youth Publications = More Hooked Kids 34 Campaign for T obacco-Free Kids www.tobaccofreekids.org


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