welcome to our traveller insights session 1

Welcome to our Traveller Insights Session 1 Travellers Insights - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

June 16, 2020 Welcome to our Traveller Insights Session 1 Travellers Insights and Trends 2 Tips and Tools to Connect with Travellers AGENDA 3 POV on Current COVID19 Traveller Outreach 4 Resources and Summary Top 3 Traveller 1 Insights

  1. June 16, 2020 Welcome to our Traveller Insights Session

  2. 1 Travellers Insights and Trends 2 Tips and Tools to Connect with Travellers AGENDA 3 POV on Current COVID19 Traveller Outreach 4 Resources and Summary

  3. Top 3 Traveller 1 Insights and Trends 1 2 3

  4. Be Where Travellers Are Spending Time Throughout All Stages of the Journey: • Be Mobile Obsessed 1 • Test Everything You Do And Are Creating On Mobile Devices First Connect with Travellers by Speaking their Language: 2 • Utilise Videos, and Photos to connect • Test or Expand Outreach Leverage Traveller Sharing and Connecting Behaviours to Create 3 Word of Mouth Advocacy: Using hashtags, location tags, etc

  5. 2 Mobile has changed the way we communicate Now it’s fast and easy for Travellers to create, share & consume video and photos… no matter where they are We are living in the VISUAL LANGUAGE ERA

  6. FULLSCREEN INTERACTIVE ENGAGING 1 Billion IMMERSIVE FAST PLAYFUL stories are shared everyday across the Facebook SUCCINCT FUN family of apps Source: Facebook internal data, October 2018; 2. Facebook earnings call, January 2019

  7. Travellers love to visually document and share their experiences Major traveller behaviour: showing off photo and video “TROPHIES” on Instagram and Facebook Your Opportunity to Create Brand Ambassadors & Word of Mouth Advocacy Inspiration: People get inspired by seeing posts People find Travel tips and local gems by seeing posts

  8. Sharing Tools Travellers Utilise to create Discoverability: Instagram Stories

  9. 2 Tips and tools to connect with travellers

  10. 2 Overarching Ways to Utilise our Platforms Utilising them BOTH mutually helps you succeed. 1.Organic 2. Paid Features Advertising (non-paid) Optimise for business results (reach, clicks, sales etc) • Your Digital Storefront / Welcome Centre • Get your message out • Brand: Presence and Building Credibility • Target your message to specific audiences (location, • Tapping into Sharing Behaviours to • interests, etc) Enhance Discoverability Reach new audiences •

  11. Mix of platform presence Key Benefits and Opportunities 1.Organic 1. Your Digital Storefront Features 2. Connect with Community 3. Brand: Presence and Building Credibility 4. Tapping into Sharing Behaviours to Enhance Discoverability

  12. Organic Features Key Benefits and Opportunities 1. Create and Maintain a Business Profile on Facebook & Instagram as Your Digital Storefront / Welcome Centre: • Contact details and relevant business information • Opening hours • Business Address • Phone Number • Link to your website • Facebook Business Page: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/461775 097570076?id=939256796236247 • Instagram Business Page: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/347556 992775908?id=419087378825961 • Pages Manager App: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/592574 334587977?id=2011347329137638

  13. Organic 2. More Easily Respond and Provide Information to Potential Features Travellers with Community Management Tools 1. Keep your opening hours and contact details up to date 2. Use the “Away Message” or “Instant Reply” tools with Facebook Messenger to help with response times HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BUSINESS/LEARN/LESSONS/ SET-UP-AUTOMATED-RESPONSES

  14. Organic 3. Maintain and Build Brand: 4. Capitalise on inherent sharing behaviours: Features • Create Cohesive and Relevant Presence 1. Make sure you’re discoverable by using a few relevant hashtags and a relevant location tag in your posts • Build Credibility 2. Educate travellers on the relevant hashtags and location tag to utilise when they share 3. Provide experiences people want to share Examples: #Holidayherethisyear #visitvictoria #Travel

  15. Mix of platform presence Key Benefits and Opportunities 2. Paid 1. Optimise for business results (reach, clicks, sales etc) Advertising 2. Get your message out 3. Target your message to specific audiences (location, interests, etc) 4. Reach new audiences

  16. Step 1: Paid Advertising Define your Goals and KPIs • What are the business goals I’m seeking to achieve? • How do they map to the objectives that I can drive on Facebook apps and services? 4 levers of success Ad format Objective Targeting Creative

  17. Paid Advertising Targeting Campaign Objective Which audiences you want Your main business goal to get in front of for advertising Objective i.e. Audience attributes i.e Brand Awareness ”People travelling” Traffic Behaviors on the platform Target Interests like Store Traffic travel etc

  18. Ad format: Guide Paid https://www.facebook.com/business/ads-guide Advertising

  19. Utilising them BOTH mutually helps you succeed. 1.Organic 2. Paid Features Advertising (non-paid) Key Benefits and Opportunities Key Benefits and Opportunities 1. Your Digital Storefront 1. Reach new audiences 2. Connect with Community 2. Get your message out 3. Brand: Presence and Building Credibility 3. Optimise for business results 4. Tap into Sharing Behaviours to Enhance Discoverability

  20. POV on Travel and COVID19

  21. PO POV on Tr Traveller eller Beh ehavio iour Sh Shift ifts d due t e to CO o COVI VID-19 19: 1. WHERE they can travel (Distance) 22

  22. PO POV on Tr Traveller eller Beh ehavio iour Shift ifts due e to CO COVID-19 19: 2. WHY they will Travel Motivations: Early Explorers Mindsets VISITORS DEAL SEEKERS BUCKET LISTERS RESCHEDULERS • • • • Separated from loved Adventurous – first-mover Realized dream trips are Replacing ones and family; deals now or never; cancelled trips; • • • • Life Events generally price motivated pent up demand booking for (Weddings, rescheduled events honeymoons, bucks); 23

  23. 1. Visitors 2. Deal seekers Take a break Take a break after stressful times after stressful times Revive city/region/state/country by Revive city/region/state/country by supporting local businesses supporting local businesses Safety measures and Responsibility Safety measures and Responsibility for customers, employees, etc. for customers, employees, etc. ▶ Empathic messaging- Reconnect with Loved Ones ▶ Discounts and deals ▶ Long-term stay discounts ▶ Free cancellations ▶ Installment payments ▶ Proximity; nearby options 24

  24. 4. Reschedulers 3.Bucket Listers Take a break Take a break after stressful times after stressful times Revive city/region/state/country by Revive city/region/state/country by supporting local businesses supporting local businesses Safety measures and Responsibility Safety measures and Responsibility for customers, employees, etc. for customers, employees, etc. ▶ Dream-trip messaging ▶ Discounts and deals ▶ “Without the crowds” messaging ▶ Free cancellations ▶ Free cancellations; flexible re-bookings ▶ Instalment payments 25

  25. Resources: 1. Facebook Australia Community Boost Insights and Training Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/boost.australia 2. Online Training: Facebook Blueprint https://www.facebook.com/business/learn 3. Facebook Travel Website: www.facebook.com/business/m/travel 4. House of Instagram: https://business.instagram.com/a/houseofinstagram 5. STORIES medium: https://business.instagram.com/a/stories/creative


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