welcom ome e

Welcom ome! e! May 29, 2020 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Zoom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Campaign for Community Wellness Welcom ome! e! May 29, 2020 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Zoom Meeting Meeting Protocols Please use the mute button on your phone or in Zoom to eliminate background noise. Mute and unmute mic if using

  1. Campaign for Community Wellness Welcom ome! e! May 29, 2020 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Zoom Meeting

  2. Meeting Protocols  Please use the mute button on your phone or in Zoom to eliminate background noise. Mute and unmute mic if using computer audio

  3. Meeting Protocols  Start your Video so we can see you!

  4. Meeting Protocols  Please speak up – unmute, “wave your hand”, or type into the Zoom chat box. We will recognize you as soon as possible. To see participants and “raise hand”

  5. Meeting Protocols  Please speak up – unmute, “wave your hand”, or type into the Zoom chat box. We will recognize you as soon as possible. To go to chat box and message “everyone” or specific participant

  6. Meeting Protocols  Jennifer Cook will help with Zoom technical issues and will help me monitor comments and recognize people as needed.  This meeting is also being recorded and will be distributed afterward along with the PowerPoint slides.  Let’s start by finding out who is on the call today!  Jennifer will call on those joining by phone one by one to say their name & agency.  If you joined by computer, please type your name and agency in the chat box.

  7. Agenda 10:00 Welcome & Zoom Meeting Protocols 10:10 School Closures Update: Phillip Williams 10:20 Lived Experience Speaker: Chezia Tarleton 10:50 COVID-19 Impact Updates: Placer County 11:00 COVID-19 Homeless Response: Placer County 11:05 MHSA Coordinator Update 11:10 CCW Charter Survey Results

  8. Pr oje c t Room Ke y Se r ve s thr e e c r itic al public he alth pur pose s: 1. Prio ritize individua ls e xpe rie nc ing ho me le ssne ss who a re a sympto ma tic , b ut a re a t hig h risk, suc h a s pe o ple o ve r 65 o r who ha ve c e rta in unde rlying he a lth c o nditio ns a nd mo ve the m into mo te l o r ho te l units whe re the y c a n mo re sa fe ly she lte r in pla c e . 2. Pro vide iso la tio n c a pa c ity fo r individua ls e xpe rie nc ing ho me le ssne ss who ha ve b e e n e xpo se d to COVI D-19 (a s do c ume nte d b y a sta te o r lo c a l pub lic he a lth o ffic ia l, o r me dic a l he a lth pro fe ssio na l) tha t do no t re q uire ho spita liza tio n, b ut ne e d iso la tio n o r q ua ra ntine ; a nd 3. Pro vide iso la tio n c a pa c ity fo r individua ls e xpe rie nc ing ho me le ssne ss who a re COVI D-19 po sitive , b ut who do no t ne e d ho spita liza tio n. Witho ut the se iso la tio n units, the ir o nly c ho ic e is to re turn to a c o ng re g a te she lte r se tting o r b a c k to a n e nc a mpme nt – b o th o f whic h c o uld le a d to furthe r spre a d o f COVI D-19.

  9. 3 c r ite r ia: Proje c t Room Ke y 1. Pla c e r Co unty Re side nt 2. De te rmine d to me e t e ithe r T a rg e t Po pula tio n # 1 o r # 2 3. Ca n the y so c ia l dista nc e ? I ndividua ls re fe rre d to the Pla c e r Be d Pro je c t must me e t a t le a st o ne o f the fo llo wing two c rite ria : 1. T ar ge t Population #1 (Isolation/ quar antine d) Be ing disc ha rg e d fro m I npa tie nt me dic a l unit o r a n e me rg e nc y de pa rtme nt for tre a tme nt o f o COVI D-19 a nd in ne e d o f o ng o ing c a re tha t is no t inc lusive o f a Skille d Nursing F a c ility o r a n Alte rna tive Ca re Site . Ha ve a re c e nt (within 7 da ys o r still is sympto ma tic ) po sitive COVI D-19 te st re q uiring the o individua l to b e iso la te d. Ha ve a re c e nt (within 14 da ys) a nd ve rifie d c o nta c t with so me o ne who ha s a ve rifie d o po sitive COVI D-19 te st a nd is unde r c urre nt q ua ra ntine . Be suspe c te d a nd unde r inve stig a tio n fo r po ssib le COVI D-19 e xpo sure b a se d o n: Sig ns a nd o Sympto ms Che c klist (Appe ndix B), pe nding te st re sults (a wa iting la b o ra to ry c o nfirma tio n) a nd is a ske d to iso la te .

  10. 2. T ar ge t Population #2 (high- r isk gr oup) o Ag e 65 a nd o lde r; or o I ndividua ls who ha ve o ne o r mo re o f the fo llo wing he a lth c o nditio ns: Lung disease including asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic bronchitis • or emphysema) or other chronic conditions associated with impaired lung function or that require home oxygen; or Serious Heart Condition/Heart disease (e.g., congenital heart disease, congestive heart • failure, coronary artery disease) Compromised immune system (immunosuppression) (e.g., sickle cell disease, seeing a doctor • for cancer and receiving treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation, received an organ or bone marrow transplant, taking high doses of corticosteroids or other immunosuppressant medications, HIV or AIDS) Chronic kidney disease defined by their doctor: Patient has been told to avoid or reduce the • dose of medications because of kidney disease or is under treatment for kidney disease including receiving dialysis Chronic liver disease as defined by their doctor (e.g., cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis): Patient has • been told to avoid or reduce the dose of medications because of liver disease or is under treatment for liver disease Current or recent pregnancy in the last two weeks • Endocrine disorders (e.g., diabetes mellitus) • Metabolic disorders (e.g., inherited metabolic disorders and mitochondrial disorders). • BMI over 40 •

  11. Pr oje c t Room Ke y I ndividua ls me e ting any o f the fo llo wing c rite ria a re e xc lude d fro m the Pla c e r Be d Pro je c t pro g ra m a nd sho uld NOT b e re fe rre d: Do e s no t a b ide b y She lte r in Pla c e re c o mme nda tio n a nd pro g ra m a g re e me nts to • pro te c t the he a lth a nd sa fe ty o f c o mmunity. De mo nstra te s a c tive suic ida l o r ho mic ida l ide a tio n tha t a re a shift fro m kno wn • b a se line . Re q uire s de to x ma na g e me nt. • Ha s a n a c tive re stra ining o rde r, pro te c tive o rde r, o r o the r c o urt o rde r pre ve nting • the re fe rre d g ue st fro m b e ing within a c e rta in dista nc e o f a pe rso n o r po pula tio n c urre ntly she lte re d a t the ho te l. Wa lk-ins o r se lf-re fe rra ls. • Una c c o mpa nie d mino rs. •

  12. Pr oje c t Room Ke y Re fe r r ing E ntitie s: De sig na te d re fe rring a g e nc ie s in the Co unty c a n re fe r ho me le ss individua ls to the • Pla c e r Be d Pro je c t b y c o nta c ting Ho me le ss Re so urc e He lpline a t 1-833-3PL ACE R. COVID 19 Outr e ac h and Re fe r r als: T wo te a ms – o utre a c h to she lte re d a nd unshe lte re d a nd ha ve distinc t ro le s: e am -o utre a c h to unshe lte re d individua ls fo r 1. E duc ation and Pr e ve ntion (E P) T the so le purpo se o f pro viding e duc a tio n o n COVI D-19 a nd e ntitle me nts a va ila b le . S, - pro vide o utre a c h se rvic e s tha t fo c use s o n linking kno wn ho me le ss 2. L INKAGE individua ls ide ntifie d thro ug h the HMI S Syste m to a ppro pria te c o mmunity re so urc e s a nd re so urc e s a va ila b le thro ug h the Pla c e r Be d Pro je c t pro g ra m. Disc har ge Planning

  13. MHSA A Coordina nator Updates...  June: Implicit Bias & WRAP  Updated Website  Contracts, RFP & 3 Year Plan

  14. CCW Survey Results  3 Respondents  Some comments can easily incorporate into the draft.  Some comments may get addressed on this call.  Broader comments primarily related to stakeholder inclusion.  Perhaps convene Campaign Development and Community Outreach Subcommittee.  Discuss other strategies for moving forward.

  15. CCW Charter Survey Results

  16. CCW Survey Results

  17. Campaign Development & Community Outreach Meets as needed Claire Buckley, Jennifer Price, & Janice LeRoux Next m meeting: Clairebuckley2@yahoo.com jleroux@placeroe.k12.ca.us June une 26, 2020 2020 jprice@amihousing.org 10:00 10: 00 a.m. Workforce Education and Training Meets every 4 TH Monday 1:00-2:30 PM Via Zoom Vi Michele Irwin mirwin@pirs.org Sue Compton, MHSA Coordinator O (530) 889-7222; M (530) 308-3238 scompton@placer.ca.gov

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