the mission of ocfec is c elebration of o range c ounty s

The mission of OCFEC is C ELEBRATION OF O RANGE C OUNTY S C - PDF document

The mission of OCFEC is C ELEBRATION OF O RANGE C OUNTY S C OMMUNITIES , I NTERESTS , A GRICULTURE AND H ERITAGE (with results justifying resources expended) NOTICE OF MEETING 32 ND District Agricultural Association OCFEC Board of

  1. 6. Matters of Public Comment Speakers are requested to sign in prior to the start of the meeting and are limited to three minutes. Public comment is allowed on issues NOT on the current Agenda. However, no debate by the Board shall be permitted on such public comments, and no action will be taken on such public comment items at this time, as law requires formal public notice prior to any action on a docket item. Comments will be accepted on Agenda items during the meeting. Speakers wishing to address the Board on items on the agenda are requested to sign in prior to the start of the meeting and identify the agenda item[s] on which you desire to address the Board. Speakers are limited to three minutes.

  2. 7. Minutes A. Board Meeting held December 14, 2017 Action Item

  3. 8. Consent Calendar: (Policy Reference: 4.3.4) All matters listed under Consent Calendar are operational matters about which the Board has governing policies, implementation of which is delegated to the CEO. They will be enacted in one motion by category in the order listed below. There will be no discussion of these items prior to the time the Board of Directors votes on the motion, unless members of the board, staff or public request specific items to be discussed separately and/or removed from this section. Any member of the public who wishes to discuss Consent Calendar items should notify the Chair of the Board, at the time requested and be recognized by invitation of the Chair to address the Board.

  4. 9A. Committee/Task Force/Liaison Reports INFORMATION ITEM: To assure compliance with the Bagley-Keene Act, Committee reports are only for the purpose of the Committee chair, Task Force members or Liaison to provide a verbal update. Should the Board want to discuss any Committee work item not already on the agenda; those would need to be agendized for a future Board meeting. i. Centennial Farm Foundation Board (Director Cervantes) ii. Heroes Hall Veterans Foundation Board (Director Berardino, Director La Belle) iii. Financial Monitoring Committee (Director Pham, Director Mouet) iv. 2018 OC Fair City Liaison Committee (Director La Belle, Director Cervantes) v. Legislative Monitoring Task Force (Director Berardino, Director Aitken) vi. Master Site Plan Task Force (Director La Belle, Director Ruiz) vii. Tenant Liaison Committee (Director Tkaczyk, Director Berardino) viii. Equestrian Center Task Force (Director Aitken, Director Tkaczyk) ix. Pacific Amphitheatre Operation Evaluation & Review Task Force (Director Berardino, Director Tkaczyk) x. Community Outreach & Education Task Force (Chair Bagneris, Director Berardino)

  5. 9B. Centennial Farm Foundation Report from New Foundation President, Marc Van Eden INFORMATION ITEM: Chair Bagneris requested that a representative of the Centennial Farm Foundation provide an information update to the Board of Directors on fundraising and grant activities. Marc Van Eden, the incoming Centennial Farm Foundation Board President, will provide an update on Foundation activities and plans for he coming year. Dr. Van Eden, Ph.D. is the Vice President of Business Development for Zymo Research Corporation, an Irvine- based biotechnology company, and has served on the Centennial Farm Foundation Board since February, 2017.

  6. 9C. Cannabis Event Guidelines Report and Policy Discussion At the November, 2017 Board meeting, the Board of Directors gave direction to staff to review the California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) Cannabis Event Guidelines and to bring back recommendations to the Board for consideration. Staff will present findings on the CDFA Cannabis Event Guidelines. In addition, representatives from the City of Costa Mesa will provide information on the City’s Ordinance No. 17-16 regarding marijuana uses and activities. The Board will determine whether or not cannabis events will be held on District property.

  7. Cannabis Events at OC Fair & Event Center

  8. First Steps • Research information regarding cannabis events from the CA Department of Agriculture and prepare a presentation for Board consideration Board Direction to Staff • Board to consider: • 1. Community values and standards in regards to cannabis as reflected by local city and county cannabis ordinances • 2. Proximity to schools, youth recreation centers, parks and other areas where minors congregate Public • 3. Potential federal enforcement on cannabis law Discussion • 4. Relationship with local law enforcement • Board to discuss during an open public meeting

  9. City of Costa Mesa Marijuana Ordinance ARTICLE 20. - MARIJUANA AND/OR MEDICAL MARIJUANA USES AND ACTIVITIES Sec. 13-200. 84. - Purpose. The purpose of this article is to prohibit marijuana-related uses and activities in order to promote the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the residents and the businesses within the city by maintaining local control over the ability to authorize and regulate marijuana -related businesses, including cultivation. Except as preempted by state law, or as specifically authorized by Chapter VI of Title 9, Chapter IX and Articles 20 and 21 of this Title, this prohibition includes all marijuana related uses and activities, including but not limited to dispensing, cultivating, transporting, distributing, processing, delivering, manufacturing, labeling, testing, and/ or selling, whether for recreational, medical, or any other use.

  10. City of Costa Mesa Marijuana Ordinance Sec. 13- 200.85. - Applicability. a) Nothing in this article is intended, nor shall it be construed, to burden any defense to criminal prosecution under the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. b) All the provisions of this article shall apply to all property, public and private, within the city. c) All the provisions of this article shall apply indoors and outdoors.

  11. Proximity to Schools, Youth Recreation Centers, Parks or Areas Where Minors Congregate

  12. Potential Federal Enforcement on Cannabis Law • Regardless of California State Law, marijuana is a Schedule 1 controlled substance under federal law. Possessing or participating in the manufacturing, distributing, dispensing of marijuana is a federal violation and may be subject to federal enforcement which is carried out by the U.S. Department of Justice. • Through a federal budget act, first passed by Congress in 2015 and extended through 2017, the DOJ is prohibited from using federal funds to take enforcement actions against medical cannabis operations and medical cannabis users under a State regulated program. Note that this applies only to medical cannabis, not adult use. • Recreational use of cannabis is prohibited for individuals less than 21 years of age. In addition, medical use requires a medical marijuana identification card or physician’s letter recommending use. • Smoking cannabis for medical purposes carries the same restrictions as state and local tobacco use restrictions. Smoking for recreational purposes is strictly prohibited in public.

  13. OCFEC Relationship with Local Law Enforcement • The OC Fair & Event Center has very good working relationships with all first responders including: – Costa Mesa Police Department – Costa Mesa Fire Department – Orange County Sheriffs Department – EMS

  14. Next Steps • Board to provide direction to staff to draft a policy to either allow or prohibit cannabis ‐ related events at OC Fair & Event Center per the outcome of the Board Direction public Board discussion to Staff • Staff to bring back draft policy language per Board direction at a future Board meeting for approval Policy Development

  15. 9D. Board of Directors Governance Training Workshop at March Board of Directors Meeting INFORMATION ITEM: While attending the Western Fairs Association convention, Chair Bagneris participated in a Fair Directors training workshop that provided new California Department of Food & Agriculture training materials on best practices and roles and responsibilities as a Fair Director. Chair Bagneris suggested that the same type of training workshop would be beneficial for the entire OCFEC the Board of Directors.

  16. 9D. Board of Directors Governance Training Workshop at March Board of Directors Meeting INFORMATION ITEM: A Board of Directors training workshop will conducted at the March 22 nd Board of Directors meeting. Bill Kelly from Kelly Associates Management Group will facilitate this Board training workshop. We are allocating up to three hours for this portion of the meeting. In addition, the Board of Directors Governing Policy 4.5 – Board Members’ Code of Conduct, recommends annual governance training for Directors.

  17. 10. Closed Session A. Pending Litigation – The Board will meet in closed session to consult with legal counsel regarding the following pending litigation. [Gov. Code section 11126(e).] i. To confer with and receive advice from legal counsel regarding potential litigation involving the 32nd District Agricultural Association. Based on existing facts and circumstances, the Board of Directors will decide whether to initiate litigation. ii. To confer with and receive advice from legal counsel regarding potential litigation involving the 32nd District Agricultural Association. Based on existing facts and circumstances, there is significant exposure to litigation against the 32nd District Agricultural Association. iii. To confer with counsel, discuss, and consider the following pending litigation to which the 32nd District Agricultural Association is a party: The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors on behalf of the bankruptcy estate of HH Liquidation, LLC, et al. v. 32nd District Agricultural Association, United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Delaware, Case No. 17-51212 (KG)

  18. 11. Board of Directors’ Matters of Information

  19. OC Fair & Event Center – Costa Mesa, California

  20. 1 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR & EVENT CENTER 2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 3 4 5 6 Regarding ) ) 7 ) ) 8 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING, ) ) 9 ) ) 10 ) ) 11 ) ___________________________________) 12 13 OC Fair & Event Center 14 Administration Building 15 88 Fair Drive 16 Costa Mesa, California 17 18 Thursday, January 25, 2018 19 9:00 a.m. 20 21 22 23 Reported by: 24 LUIS R. HERNANDEZ 25 Page 1 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187


  22. 1 I N D E X 2 Page 3 Proceedings 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 E X H I B I T S 10 None 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 3 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  23. 1 Costa Mesa, California, Thursday, January 25, 2018 2 9:00 a.m. 3 4 5 6 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Good morning, everybody. Good 7 morning. I'm going to open this meeting and we'll get 8 started. Right now, the Mission of the OCFEC is the 9 Celebration of Orange County's communities, interests, 10 agriculture, and heritage. And we are going to always 11 remember that; justifying resources expended. 12 I'm going to ask Doug LaBelle to give us the 13 Pledge of Allegiance today. 14 MR. LABELLE: Thank you. Please join me. 15 16 (Pledge of Allegiance recited) 17 18 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you very much. We'll now 19 have roll call. 20 MADAM SECRETARY: Chair Bagneris? 21 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Here. 22 MADAM SECRETARY: Vice Chair Ruiz? Director 23 Berardino? 24 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Here. 25 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Mouet? Page 4 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  24. 1 DIRECTOR MOUET: Si. 2 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Aitken? 3 DIRECTOR AITKEN: Present. 4 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Tkaczyk? 5 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Here. 6 MADAM SECRETARY: Director La Belle? 7 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Here. 8 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Cervantes? 9 DIRECTOR CERVANTES: Here. 10 MADAM SECRETARY: And Director Pham? 11 DIRECTOR PHAM: Here. 12 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you. We're now to going to 13 have our CEO Operational Announcements and Updates. 14 Kathy? 15 MS. KRAMER: Well, good morning. And I'm happy New 16 Year. I'm happy to share for the first time in OCFEC 17 history, we broke an all-time monthly revenue record 18 generating over $1 million in December for our year-round 19 events program thanks to the incredibly hard work of our 20 events and operations' staff on events like Winter Fest, 21 Fight Club OC, Flying Miz Daisy, and the Gem Faire. 22 We were able to achieve this milestone. I think 23 we need to give the team a big round of applause. 24 (Applause) 25 Never happened before. So nothing like setting Page 5 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  25. 1 the benchmark for next year; right? So stay tuned -- lots 2 more great events in 2018. Speaking of what's ahead, we 3 kicked off the New Year focusing on our technology 4 initiatives. Over 25 employees spent a combined 275 hour 5 training on a new version of Ungerboeck, which is our 6 event event management software. 7 Over the next several months, we will 8 systematically implement it across the organization so 9 that all the departments will be using this robust tool to 10 improve efficiencies -- allow for more effective flow of 11 information between departments and create realtime 12 reports, which will help the team better plan, execute, 13 and measure our year-round events. 14 We are finalizing the scope of work for an RFP to 15 secure software that will provide labor-management 16 solutions across the organization. This software will 17 provide a platform for employee scheduling and time 18 keeping, integration into the current payroll system, 19 automated human resource management, and robust reporting 20 and labor management functionally. 21 We are planning to release this RFP by the end of 22 January with the goal of having this system in place prior 23 to this year's fair. We are also implementing an 24 automated PO system to manage all purchasing functions and 25 staff will be training on that system in February. Page 6 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  26. 1 After almost a year in the planning, I'm excited 2 to announce that we have finalized our partnership with 3 the Culinary Lab to provide culinary education to 4 underserved high school students. This program will 5 operate under the brand "Hatch Kitchen," and incubator for 6 tomorrow's culinary leaders. 7 The mission of the program is to empower 8 underserved youth by providing food education, resources, 9 and opportunities necessary to thrive as individuals and 10 nourish they communities. Through this partnership, high 11 school students from underserved schools in Orange County 12 will be able to participate in this program. 13 All the transportation to and from the high 14 schools will be sponsored by the school districts, and we 15 will be utilizing the Spectra Industrial kitchen as a 16 hands-on kitchen classroom with the Culinary Lab providing 17 the training curriculum. The program will kick off on 18 February 28th, where 20 students will begin an eight week 19 program. 20 In addition, we are working to organize the 21 summer intern program and Fall programing dates as well. 22 I am so excited that we will be utilizing the Fairgrounds 23 for this great community give back and that the partners 24 that have come together to make this program a reality. 25 So more to come. We'll keep you updated. May we Page 7 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  27. 1 convince them to do some sampling down the road as well. 2 Pretty excited about this. 3 We also kicked off the year being part of a new 4 intern program with Hope Builders. We had a young lady 5 working with the IT Department, and I spoke to her last 6 week and she said she was learning a lot, which is good 7 and was impressed with everything that the IT team does. 8 We look forward to welcoming other interns in the future. 9 At this time, I'd ask Ken Karns, VP of 10 Operations, to provide an operational update. 11 MR. KARNS: Thank you, Kathy. At the May Board of 12 Director's meeting, a report that we were working on a 13 development of the very first OCFEC, Joint, Health, and 14 Safety Committee. This committee is made up of workers, 15 supervisor, and managers from across section of 16 departments. 17 The Joint, Health, and Safety Committee is 18 established to provide a means by which workplace safety 19 is approved as a result of workers and management 20 communicating to one another what the hazards are in the 21 workplace, and working together to eliminated these 22 hazards. 23 I am happy to report, the committee held its 24 first meeting on January 17th, and established its goals 25 and objectives for 2018. Page 8 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  28. 1 Electric car charging stations. As you know, we 2 installed some last year in our administration lot. We 3 have completed the installation of additional electric car 4 charging stations just south of Heroes Hall. The two 5 station gives us an additional four hook-ups on our site. 6 Guard car training. Our security department has 7 a group of about 23 staff that we use 24/7. Patrol and 8 advanced monitoring cameras -- things of that nature. We 9 undertook guard car training for this group in 2017. They 10 are required to complete all three modules, A, B, and C as 11 required by California, BSIS. 12 Module A is eight hours of training delivered by 13 a professional consultant. Some of the areas he's going 14 to cover are basic training, risk-management, legal 15 issues, use of force -- things of that nature. Module B 16 is 32 hours of on-the-job training and practice that must 17 be completed. And Module C is completed online and 18 includes items like working with law enforcement, working 19 with customers, and a thorough background check. All our 20 staff is now fully in Guard Card training. 21 MS. KRAMER: All right. 22 CHAIR BAGNERIS: So you said an additional four 23 electric charging stations? 24 MR. KARNS: So we have two stations with four hook-ups 25 here. Now two stations with hook-ups. So four plug-ins. Page 9 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  29. 1 MS. KRAMER: All right. Thank you, Ken. We will not 2 providing a financial update this month. That said, the 3 2017 year-and financials in January 2018 will be presented 4 at the February Board meeting. 5 This February will mark the one-year anniversary 6 of Heroes's Hall -- hard to believe. It's been a year. 7 We will be celebrating with cake on February 15th at 3:00 8 o'clock. 9 In almost a year, over 52,000 people have visited 10 Heroes's Hall. This doesn't include the school tour 11 program where over 100,000 children visit. We hosted many 12 events to include two performances of Voices, a 13 partnership with Arts OC. We are seeing a diverse 14 interest in groups wanting to tour and use Heroes Hall. 15 In fact, next month we'll be hosting Junior 16 League Kids, American Aircraft Historical Societies, and 17 Daughter's of the American revolution. In addition, staff 18 is working with the Military Union Group to bring 50 to 19 100 -- believe it or not -- World War II veterans from all 20 over the U.S. for a tour and event in October in addition 21 to other groups. 22 Also, mark your calendars for March 22nd at 5:30 23 p.m. where we will celebrate Women's History Month at 24 Heroes Hall. Everyone is welcome. We will celebrate our 25 women veterans and leaders in the community. Evening will Page 10 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  30. 1 start with the reception in the Medal of Honor Courtyard, 2 followed by a short presentation and guided tours of 3 Heroes Hall and of the current exhibition -- Kimberly 4 Millet's, Operation Iraqi Freedom -- a female photo 5 journalist's perspective on the conflicts in the Middle 6 East. 7 At this time, I'd like to ask Michele Richards, 8 VP of Business Development, to give us an update. 9 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Before you go, Ken, I had a 10 question for you. I'm sorry. I should have jumped in 11 sooner. On the charging stations -- and I don't have an 12 electric car, but I'm sure in the future I will -- when 13 you plug in over there, do you have to pay for it? 14 MR. KARNS: Yes. When we first had them -- but now we 15 have nominal charge to cover our costs. 16 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: So if you have an electric car -- 17 MR. KARNS: You sign up for a program and you get a 18 card. If you own an electric car, you're in the system. 19 And you have this card that you swipe -- 20 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: And then you put it and then they 21 charge you on the card for it? So it's not free? 22 MR. KARNS: Correct. 23 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Okay. All right. I did not know 24 how it worked. Is that standard in the industry? 25 MR. KARNS: Yeah. And some people say it's much Page 11 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  31. 1 higher prices to cover the cost of -- 2 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Just like a gas station. You have 3 to pay for the prices for juice there? 4 MR. KARNS: Yes. 5 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Thank you. 6 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Yeah. They've been doing that for 7 some parking spots in the malls. Where you can sign up 8 for a program and you pay to get a special reserved 9 parking area. 10 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Interesting. Thank you. 11 MR. KARNS: And the rates also change. 12 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: All right. So there's a lot of 13 different things to learn about that system. Thank you. 14 MS. KRAMER: Thank you. Michele, you want to provide 15 an update on upcoming event? 16 MS. RICHARDS: Well, following that tremendous 17 performance in December with our record breaking month, we 18 continue -- there's no slowing down. We have a very 19 robust February schedule. Starting February 3rd and 4th, 20 Saturday and Sunday with the Great Train Show -- the 21 nations only coast-to-coast model train show. 22 That will be hosted from 10:00 to 4:00 on 23 February 3rd and 4th -- $11 general admission -- and 24 that's good for both days. We have another wonderful 25 garden class at Centennial Farm. This one is all about Page 12 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  32. 1 olive oil. Tom Curry of the Temecula Olive Oil Company 2 will teach about olives and olive oil. That's on 3 Saturday, February 3rd starting at 9:30, and you can RSVP 4 to save your spot online by February 1st. The cost is $50 5 and that covers all of the materials the handouts for the 6 class. 7 The following weekend, another interesting class 8 at Centennial Farm. This is Floral Jewelry Design. Come 9 and enjoy this introductory jewelry making workshop. 10 Instructors will leave the class in making a glass tile 11 pendant with real foliage. Saturday, February 10th, 12 starting at 9:30. And again, please RSVP online to save 13 your spot by February 8th. The cost is $20 for that class 14 to cover the cost of materials. 15 A new event at the OC Fair and Events Center, on 16 Sunday, February 11th, it's the baby Date Festival. Take 17 your baby on a date with fun activities, such as arts and 18 crafts, face painting, balloon artists, photo booth -- 19 there's something for everyone. That's February 11th, 20 from 9:00 to 6:00. And general admission is just $3 for 21 that event. 22 Roy will be back in the Hangar for Fight Club OC 23 on Thursday, February 15 with pro boxing and pro mixed 24 martial arts. Admission is $60. 25 We're very happy to welcome back the annual Tet Page 13 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  33. 1 Festival, again at the OC Fair and Events Center. This is 2 presented by the United Vietnamese student association. 3 It's the 37th Annual Tet Festival celebrating the Lunar 4 New Year. If you haven't been, it's a wonderful cultural 5 festival with food, music, live entertainment, cultural 6 displays. That will be on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 7 February 16th through the 18th, admission is just $6. And 8 kids two and under are free. 9 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Is this the third year for this 10 now? 11 MS. RICHARDS: No. I think it's fifth. 12 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: All right. Thank you. 13 MS. RICHARDS: It's a beautiful festival. We're also 14 welcoming back the Goodwill Karate Tournament, Saturday 15 and Sunday, February 17th through the 18th, $5 admission 16 for that event. 17 And a long standing event at the OC Fair and 18 Events Center is the Pacific Coast Sportfishing show, 19 Southern California's premier fishing show. That's Friday 20 through Sunday, February 16th through 18th, $15 admission. 21 Military is $10 and kids 12 and younger are free. 22 Back to Centennial Farm. On Saturday February 23 17th, a class on Ikebana Floral Arranging where students 24 will learn the basics of this beautiful flower arranging 25 style. Class starts at 9:30. Sign up to reserve your Page 14 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  34. 1 spot online at by February 15th. The cost for 2 that class is $35, which covers the cost of the materials. 3 We're welcoming back Gem Faire again. The 4 weekend of February 23rd through the 25th with fine 5 jewelry -- precious and semi-precious gem stones -- 6 millions of beads -- over 200 exhibitors, $7 general 7 admission. 8 Again, the long standing show at the OC Fair and 9 Events Center, the 41st Annual Orange County Home and 10 Garden Show. Find everything for your home and garden. 11 That's Friday through Sunday, February 23rd though the 12 25th. General admission is $6. 13 And it's tomato planting at Centennial Farm. 14 This how-to class will provide all the practical knowledge 15 necessary to begin growing tomatoes today -- well, 16 actually, February 24th. RSVP by the 22nd. The cost for 17 that class is just $5. 18 And the long anticipated debut of Luzia, Cirque 19 Du Soleil begins here at the OC Fair and Events Center on 20 February 21st running through March 18th. It looks like a 21 beautiful show. Experience water inside the big top, 22 jaw-dropping acts and larger than life production unlike 23 any show you have ever seeing. Tickets start at $50 and 24 you can go online to reserve your tickets. 25 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Is that going to be a repeat next Page 15 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  35. 1 year? Do we have any long-term commitment for that? 2 MS. RICHARDS: Every two years. We do. We a 10-year 3 contract with Cirque. They will be here every other year. 4 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Thank you. Thank you. 5 MS. RICHARDS: Yeah. Just a reminder that Centennial 6 Farm is open to the public Monday through Friday, 1:00 to 7 4:00, Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. And 8 the farm is alive with animals and crops. You can learn a 9 whole lot about agriculture and the Centennial Farm. 10 Heroes Hall, currently opened daily from 11:00 to 11 5:00. But beginning on January 5th, we're going to be 12 adjusting the schedule at Heroes Hall. It will be opened 13 to the public 11:00 to 5:00 Wednesday through Sunday. And 14 we will be using Mondays and Tuesdays closed to the 15 public, but that's when we hope to post our private, 16 private tours, and then also allow the staff to get in and 17 do maintenance and upkeep of Heroes Hall. 18 And Kathy mentioned several tour groups that we 19 already have planned to host in February. So it's going 20 to be a busy month at Heroes Hall as well as. Just a 21 reminder, too, that the Orange County Market Place is 22 opened Saturday and Sunday from 7:00 to 4:00, and they're 23 doing some really great new stuff at the Market Place. 24 And our Farmers Market in front of the box office at the 25 Pacific Amphitheater on Thursdays from 9:00 to 1:00. Page 16 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  36. 1 Happy to take any questions that the Board might 2 have about our events in February. 3 MS. RICHARDS: Okay. Thank you. 4 MS. KRAMER: Thank you. Mitchel. And that includes 5 our report. 6 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you for that report. 7 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Madam -- Kathy, I noticed in the 8 Orange County Register that we've announced the first 9 several shows. Could you maybe summarize those real 10 quickly. 11 MS. KRAMER: I'm going to turn that over to Ken. 12 MR. KARNS: There's four shows on sale and more to 13 come. 14 MS. KRAMER: We'll bring an update back in February of 15 all the great events happening. Thank you. 16 CHAIR BAGNERIS: What's exciting about that is we're 17 getting ready for the fair. Let me go back and read -- 18 I'm going to read the consent calendar statement that all 19 matters -- notice on this agenda in any category -- may be 20 considered for action as listed. Any item not so noticed 21 may not be considered. Items listed on this agenda may be 22 considered in any order at the discretion of the 23 Chairperson. 24 We're now going to move to the public comments. 25 Public is allowed on issues not on the current agenda; Page 17 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  37. 1 however, no debate by the Board should be permitted on 2 such public comments, and no action will be taken on such 3 public comment items at this time. As law requires formal 4 public notice prior to any action on a docket item. 5 Speakers are requested to sign in prior to the 6 start of the meeting and are limited to three minutes. 7 Comments will be accepted on agenda items during the 8 meeting. Speakers wishing to address the Board on items 9 on the agenda are requested to sign in prior to the start 10 of the meeting and identify the agenda items on which you 11 desire to address the Board. 12 Speakers, again, are limited to three minutes. 13 So we're going to start with Reggie Mundekis. 14 MS. MUNDEKIS: Good morning. And thank you for this 15 opportunity to address you today. I'm going to read a 16 short notice that was posted by this agency and then ask 17 some questions about. The date of the notice is January 18 18th, 2018. 19 "Subject, cancellation of bids and award for 20 RFPCT-06-17 -- computerized ticketing services. This 21 letter is to inform you that the OC Fair and Events Center 22 has cancelled all bids. At this time, we are also 23 resending the Notice of Proposed Award. The OC Fair and 24 Events Center plans to rerelease the solicitation in the 25 near future." Page 18 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  38. 1 This is regarding the contract which is currently 2 held by Ticketmaster. There is an RFP -- bids were 3 accepted -- Ticketmaster was selected as the winning 4 bidder and a notice was posted on approximately December 5 27th, 2017. Then on January 18th, 2018, a notice of -- 6 bid and proposed award was announced. So I and other 7 members of the public would like to know why did we get 8 this far down the road only to have this proposed award 9 cancelled? 10 Was it due to something defective in the bidding 11 or contract award process? Was there a bid protest or did 12 something else happened? And I understand that this is 13 not agendized, so technically, you can't discuss this at 14 this meeting, but perhaps at a future meeting we can have 15 a discussion about what happened. Because there's a lot 16 of work that went into this. And it's unfortunate when 17 you get to the end of the process and it has to be 18 completely undone. So thank you. 19 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you. Are you we're going to 20 call for Jay Humphrey. 21 MR. HUMPHREY: Good morning, Board. Welcome to the 22 cold and flu season. I'm sure all of you are affected by 23 it, but hopefully everybody will stay healthy and happy 24 for the -- through the season and enjoy the rest of the 25 year. Page 19 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  39. 1 I'm talking about an issue that I talked about 2 before and it has to do with transparency. I note, again, 3 that a number of items within the staff report have 4 minimal, if any, real explanation about what is going on 5 with the item. What staff field, what the background is, 6 or anything like that. 7 I, unfortunately, use the City of Costa, City of 8 Huntington Beach -- that when they do a staff report 9 pending for an agendized item -- I mean, some of those 10 reports are 300 pages long. I'm not asking for that. But 11 what I'm asking for that is that it would be nice to be 12 able to have information to think about before I come to 13 this meeting so that I'm not talking just in general. 14 That I have some specific places to go -- that I, 15 as the public -- have the availability to actually 16 question the choice being made without just hearing it at 17 the last moment here within the timeframe of this meeting. 18 It is a concern of mine that it continues to keep the 19 public from being truly a partner. And I heard you guys 20 say over and over again that you want to be good 21 neighbors. 22 Well, being a good -- part of that -- is being 23 willing to chat and talk to the people that you're 24 chatting and talking. And making it as easy for them to 25 talk to you as they will let you talk to them. Page 20 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  40. 1 So I'd appreciate, whatever the Board is -- to 2 make sure that they move forward and try to expand the 3 staff reports to give the public the ample opportunity to 4 address and speak to items that are coming before the 5 Board. Thank you very much. 6 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you. Ms. Mary? 7 MS. MARY: I want to thank the Board for all of their 8 hard work, and I'd like to acknowledge that there's a lot 9 of people from the community that have done as much hard 10 work as the Board who have been appointed. And 11 Reggie Mundekis that just spoke -- that probably knows the 12 Fairground as well as any single person that you have on 13 staff. 14 So when there was a comment made about her the 15 last Board meeting, I was a little irate as not only her 16 friend and as a resident of Costa Mesa, but just in 17 general that when someone referred to her as tramping 18 around, spreading rumors/whatever, I thought that was 19 really inappropriate. 20 And I would hope from this moment forward that we 21 would have respect for each other as residents, as all 22 having the best concern for the Fairground, and especially 23 the residents of Costa Mesa because you're an island in 24 our city. 25 And, you know, we don't want to boat you off the Page 21 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  41. 1 island. We want to help you and be part of what's going 2 on. So please a little respect for those that are giving 3 their time and effort outside of their own duties and 4 lives to see what's going on and dedicated to the fair. 5 Thank you. 6 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Mr. Roy? 7 MR. ROY: Thank you. As Mitchel mentioned, three 8 weeks from tonight will be the opening night of our eighth 9 season of Fight Club OC Shows at the Hangar, but what 10 makes it very special is that it will be our 50th show 11 anniversary, and that's pretty neat. Also, two-and-a-half 12 weeks ago Oscar De La Hoya's Golden Boy Promotions called 13 me and said, "Roy, we want to bring an ESPN show to Orange 14 County. Can you help us out?" 15 I got with Jen and Courtney and Don and looked at 16 some Hangar availabilities and we had a site surveyed 17 yesterday and I think next week, Golden Boy Promotions 18 will announce their ESPN show live from the Hangar on 19 Friday, March 9th. So that's pretty special. 20 You know, you don't have a 50th anniversary -- 21 you don't bring a national network like ESPN to a venue if 22 you don't have good partners. And I am privileged and 23 blessed to have a great partner in the Orange County Fair 24 and Events. 25 Kathy you lead an outstanding staff. Thank you. Page 22 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  42. 1 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you. Very good. We will now 2 move to the minutes from the Board meeting December 14th. 3 Chair will accept the motion. 4 DIRECTOR CERVANTES: I so moved. 5 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Second. 6 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Moved and second. Any discussion? 7 We will call for roll. 8 MADAM SECRETARY: Chair Bagneris? 9 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Yes. 10 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Berardino? 11 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Yes. 12 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Mouet? 13 DIRECTOR MOUET: Yes. 14 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Aitken? 15 DIRECTOR AITKEN: Yes. 16 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Tkaczyk? 17 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Yes. 18 MADAM SECRETARY: Director LaBelle? 19 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Yes. 20 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Cervantes? 21 DIRECTOR CERVANTES: Yes. 22 MADAM SECRETARY: And Director Pham? 23 DIRECTOR PHAM: Yes. 24 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Very good. Thank you. We're now 25 going to move to the Consent Calendar. All matters listed Page 23 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  43. 1 on the Consent Calendar are operational matters about 2 which the Board has governing policy implementation of 3 which is delegated to the CEO. 4 They will be enacted in on motion. There will be 5 no discussion of these items prior to the time the Board 6 of Directors votes on the motion, unless members of the 7 Board, staff, or public request specific items will be 8 discussed separately and/or moved from this section. 9 Any member of the public who wishes to discuss 10 Consent Calendar items should notify the Chair of the 11 Board at the time requested to be recognized by invitation 12 of the Chair to address the Board. 13 And with that, we're going to have public comment 14 from Reggie Mundekis. 15 MS. MUNDEKIS: Thank you. Good morning, again. I am 16 pulling the contract amendments with CH Johnson 17 Consulting, Inc. Contract No. SA-241-16MS and Kelly 18 Associates Management, LLC, Contract No. SA-239-170BP. 19 I wish to have the following information 20 provided: What is the purpose of the extension of each 21 contract? Have schedules for deliverable items been 22 modified for each contract? Is schedules for deliverable 23 items have been modified for each contract? Please 24 provide information on the schedule modification for 25 deliverable items for each contract. Page 24 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  44. 1 What work is to be performed under each of these 2 contract extensions? How does the extension of each of 3 these contracts impact and/or change the Master Site Plan 4 process? 5 The contract with CH Johnson Consulting, Inc. was 6 amended on October 20th, 2017, to increase the amount of 7 the contract 30 percent to $252,369. What was the purpose 8 of the October 20th, 2017, amendment? What additional 9 work is paid for using the October 20th, 2017, contract 10 amendment? Why is the third contract amended needed? 11 And also, please include any other information 12 which you may have which will assist the public in 13 understanding the scope and requirements of the work to be 14 performed under these contract extensions. Thank you. 15 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you. With that, we are going 16 to take Items A, C, D, E, and F at one time and we're 17 going to pull Amendments SA24116S, Amendment No. 2 and 18 SA23917BP, Amendment No. 1. 19 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Moved the remainder. 20 DIRECTOR LABELLE: Second. 21 CHAIR BAGNERIS: It's been moved and second. For the 22 remainder, is there any discussion? With that, we'll do 23 roll call. 24 MADAM SECRETARY: Chair Bagneris? 25 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Yes. Page 25 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  45. 1 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Berardino? 2 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Yes. 3 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Mouet? 4 DIRECTOR MOUET: Yes. 5 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Aitken? 6 DIRECTOR AITKEN: Yes. 7 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Tkaczyk? 8 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Yes. 9 MADAM SECRETARY: Director LaBelle? 10 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Yes. 11 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Cervantes? 12 DIRECTOR CERVANTES: Yes. 13 MADAM SECRETARY: And Director Pham? 14 DIRECTOR PHAM: Yeah. 15 CHAIR BAGNERIS: So at this time, we're going to 16 discuss the two amendments that were pulled and I'm going 17 to turn the discussion over to the CEO. 18 MS. KRAMER: Thank you, Madam Chair. In regards to 19 the Kelly Associate Management contract, that contract was 20 expiring in December. The only change was to extend the 21 time to the end of May. Nothing on the scope of work -- 22 same original funding, same original scope of work -- we 23 just needed some additional time to finish the project, 24 which is the strategic -- the five-year strategic business 25 plan. Page 26 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  46. 1 DIRECTOR MOUET: Move to approve. 2 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Second. 3 CHAIR BAGNERIS: It's been moved and second. 4 MS. KRAMER: SA239-17BP. 5 CHAIR BAGNERIS: If there's no further discussion. 6 We'll have a roll call vote on SA239-17BP. 7 MADAM SECRETARY: Chair Bagneris? 8 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Yes. 9 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Berardino? 10 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Yes. 11 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Mouet? 12 DIRECTOR MOUET: Yes. 13 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Aitken? 14 DIRECTOR AITKEN: Yes. 15 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Tkaczyk? 16 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Yes. 17 MADAM SECRETARY: Director LaBelle? 18 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Yes. 19 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Cervantes? 20 DIRECTOR CERVANTES: Yes. 21 MADAM SECRETARY: And Director Pham? 22 DIRECTOR PHAM: Yes. 23 MS. KRAMER: Okay. Regarding the CH Johnson 24 Consulting, Inc. contract, I will turn it over to either 25 VP Karns or anyone in the Committee. You may choose. Page 27 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  47. 1 MR. KARNS: So we're not done with our work as it 2 relates to the Master Site Plan. At the direction of the 3 Committee and to keep us on time, we have to extend the 4 time of the contract. 5 DIRECTOR MOUET: I move to approve. 6 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Second. 7 CHAIR BAGNERIS: It's been motion to accept and 8 second. Is there any discussion? Director Berardino? 9 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Yes. Thank you, Madam Chair. I 10 think I just missed it. So is there any -- I know in the 11 funding -- is that the case for this also? 12 MR. KARNS: Yes. In October -- again, at the 13 direction of this Board -- approved. 14 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Right. Is there anything in 15 addition -- 16 MR. KARNS: No. 17 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Okay. Any other discussion? Okay. 18 Roll call? 19 MADAM SECRETARY: Chair Bagneris? 20 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Yes. 21 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Berardino? 22 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Yes. 23 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Mouet? 24 DIRECTOR MOUET: Yes. 25 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Aitken? Page 28 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  48. 1 DIRECTOR AITKEN: Yes. 2 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Tkaczyk? 3 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Yes. 4 MADAM SECRETARY: Director LaBelle? 5 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Yes. 6 MADAM SECRETARY: Director Cervantes? 7 DIRECTOR CERVANTES: Yes. 8 MADAM SECRETARY: And Director Pham? 9 DIRECTOR PHAM: Yes. 10 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you. Let's see, okay. So 11 we're going to move into the Governance Process where 12 we're going to take our Committee Task Force and Liaison 13 Reports to show compliance with the Bagley-Keene Act, 14 Committee Reports are only for the purpose of the 15 Committee Chair. Task force members are liaisons to 16 provide a verbal update. 17 So does the Board want to discuss any committee 18 work item not already on the agenda? Those will need to 19 be agendized for a future Board meeting. So we do have 20 cards under the Governance Process for 9A. So 21 Reggie Mundekis. 22 MS. MUNDEKIS: Okay. Great. I'm speaking in regards 23 to the Master Site Plan Task Force. So how many school 24 groups have said that they would like to use the 25 Fairgrounds for the events but can't because you don't Page 29 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  49. 1 have a ballroom. Is the Fairgrounds starting a non-profit 2 dance and arts school, which would use the proposed 3 ballroom and adjacent classroom space on a daily basis? 4 Who are the non-profits who told you that you 5 can't use the Fairgrounds because there isn't a brand new 6 expo hall, which is more than three times the size of the 7 hangar? What is the unmet public need that requires 8 several football fields of new building space? 9 We'd like to know who these groups are because we 10 have no idea why all these new buildings are needed now to 11 allow community groups to use the Fairgrounds. The 12 buildings we have now can be used by community groups. 13 One of the most common needs for community groups 14 is meeting space for membership meetings. Simply allowing 15 this very board room to be used by community groups at a 16 reasonable cost will fill that need. Cost, not a lack of 17 space is what keeps community groups from coming here for 18 their events. 19 The largest convention center on the west coast 20 is in Anaheim with Disneyland, hotels, and amenities 21 nearby. And don't think that anyone is confused by the 22 fact that you are calling what you're doing a convention 23 center. Because that is the only use that calls for such 24 massive ballroom and exposition center building. 25 Anaheim has spent years and hundreds of millions Page 30 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  50. 1 of dollars at a minimum to create an entire business 2 district create -- dedicated to holding conventions and 3 expos. It's not clear why the Fairground wants to move 4 into the convention/expo business to compete head-to-head 5 with the city owned and operated -- Anaheim Convention 6 Center. 7 And it's not clear how the Fairgrounds would be 8 successful in using many football fields of space planed 9 to be built because the Fairgrounds can't rent out the 10 space they currently have. Why have more space when you 11 can't use what you already have? Build it and they will 12 come is not a way to do real estate development. 13 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you. So the first item on our 14 Committee Task Force Liaison Reports -- oh, we have some 15 more cards. Okay. Let's see here. Okay. We have 16 another public comment. 17 FEMALE SPEAKER: Hello. I'm here speaking regarding 18 the Equestrian Center. And I know this has always been a 19 hotbed and lots of drama surrounding it. But the Board 20 has indicated that they're very interested in having more 21 community service and community outreach. 22 I have happen to run a program on-site and it's 23 the only non-profit program. It's the only equestrian 24 team in all of Orange County, and we offer prices half to 25 a third -- no, two-thirds cheaper than what the other Page 31 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  51. 1 instructors will offer. We have a lot of programs and as 2 anyone knows, Orange County property values are very high. 3 I'm also a licensed real estate broker, so I get 4 it. I get that it costs a lot. And it costs a lot to 5 keep horses. But if we're really serious, if you guys are 6 really serious about having more community service and 7 community outreach in changing the perception -- not a 8 perception -- it's true, that there's a lot of wealthy 9 people in the equestrian center is an exclusive club for 10 wealthy people. Yes, absolutely. There's that there. 11 But there's also people -- who like in my 12 organization, all volunteers -- nobody's paid. We all 13 volunteer time so that kids can come and take a lesson for 14 $30,not 90. I understand it costs money. I get it. But 15 if you very serious about getting community service -- 16 I've talked to other organizations -- Horse Nation 17 Foundation and there's other groups on site -- who would 18 do more, but there's got to be some sort of subsidy for 19 people who are willing to donate their time and their 20 energy to change the face of the equestrian center and to 21 make it more diverse, and to make it more accessible. 22 And I'm obviously passionate about this, but it's 23 getting to the point now that, even with people that are 24 all volunteers -- I'm not paying any staff. I can't 25 afford to do what I'm doing unless I raise my prices to Page 32 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  52. 1 $90 and hour. And that defeats the whole purpose of what 2 my organization's mission statement is. 3 So I would invite you all to think about 4 subsidies to encourage non-profits that are really giving 5 community service, at-risk youth, veterans -- 6 everything -- that we say we want to do and let's put our 7 money where our mouth is. Thank you very much. 8 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Okay. So the first item is 9 Centennial Farm Foundation, and I think we're going to 10 defer to a later Item 9B. So we will move to the Heroes 11 Hall Foundation Director. 12 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Thank you, Madam Chair. So we 13 have -- the Foundation has been working hard, of course, 14 in trying to raise money and it is a constant slug it's a 15 hard thing, obviously. I think we're doing well. 16 We are in the midst of raising another $25,000 17 that will savant the cost for the Brave Minds, which is 18 the PTSD exhibit that we will have during the fair. I'm 19 pretty open about it because -- I suffer from it. And 20 it's a tough -- it's a tough disease that you bring home 21 from the war. 22 I've been talking to many young -- many, many 23 young vets and it's a tragic thing because it never goes 24 away. You live with it. And even when you are medicated, 25 you still live with it. Page 33 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  53. 1 And this event, I think, this exhibition is going 2 to offer a lot of healing. 3 4 And there's a lot of anger among vets -- a tremendous 5 amount of anger because that's just part of it when you 6 home. And great work by Mitchel and the team. And are we 7 close to closing that deal? 8 MS. RICHARDS: It's in the works. We're targeting 9 late spring for its debut at Heroes Hall. 10 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: I'm talking about this 11 convention. 12 MS. RICHARDS: Oh, yes. No. That's done. 13 CHAIR BERARDINO: It's done? I know checks's in the 14 mail, but we're waiting. And in addition to that, we send 15 a check to the Fairgrounds for the Army birthday. And the 16 swearing in of 50 -- we had 50 brave young men and women 17 who stood on our grounds and swore and were inducted into 18 the United States Army. So the foundation covered the 19 cost for that. 20 In addition to that, we purchased three new 21 plaques which have been installed honoring Masuda, 22 Okamoto, and the Marines that were killed at El Toro in 23 1966. 24 So we have completed the installation of -- paid 25 for that. And so I think we're very far doing our part in Page 34 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  54. 1 trying to progress the Heroes Hall. But as it came in the 2 report from our CEO -- I know Michele is working very 3 hard. Our Chair, I understand, I just this morning that 4 you're also involved in the women's event, which 5 celebrates diversity. 6 I think one of the things that we want to 7 emphasize along with Appellate Court Justice Eileen Moore 8 is going to be part of that event and General Robin will 9 also be part of that event. 10 And the importance of that is women, although, 11 you know, we're hearing their voices roar again, thank 12 God, because we are at a great time in our history where 13 women's voices are being heard. 14 In the military for were not heard. We celebrate 15 that diversity in the second floor of our museum where we 16 give a lot of space -- exhibit space to the contributions 17 of women in the military. And so on March 22nd, we are 18 having a women's event and we hope all the women will come 19 and see this glorious exhibit that exists there now. 20 I mean, just your team is just -- this is an 21 amazing exhibit. I promise you it's about it really is. 22 You see a war and a tragedy through the eyes of a woman 23 and that exhibit is so different than I think it would be 24 through the eyes of a man. 25 So we're making great progress and that's our Page 35 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  55. 1 report. Thank you. 2 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Just something that was disturbing 3 to me and I'd like to ask you a couple questions: You 4 mentioned that you had an event there that people were 5 sworn in in the military and that you had to pay for that? 6 CHAIR BERARDINO: Yes. 7 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: In other words, people came to the 8 Heroes Hall to get sworn in and they were charged for 9 something to do that? 10 CHAIR BERARDINO: Yeah. We charged the Army. Under 11 the -- and this is one of the things with the foundations 12 that -- it's difficult. It's difficult to -- but under 13 the State rules, we have to -- we have waived -- we can 14 waive the -- I don't even know anymore. I think we waive 15 -- 16 MS. RICHARDS: We can waive the facility rental. 17 There has to be a reimbursement for the labor and 18 equipment rental. 19 CHAIR BERARDINO: So that's why. And hopefully, at 20 some point, we can talk about that more because with both 21 foundations -- and it's a good decision we're going to 22 have with both foundations -- it's tough and I always yell 23 at Josh about it -- not yell, but we have good 24 discussions. 25 It's hard for the foundations to operate here in Page 36 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  56. 1 this -- in the State environment. And that's not nobody's 2 fault. I'm not by any way blaming anybody by that, but it 3 creates a lot of -- it's as if in a way you get kicked out 4 of your own house to raise your own money. And I don't 5 know if it's going to take a legislative fix. 6 It's going to be some -- to members of the 7 legislature about how do we get through that. And 8 hopefully, you know, we'll be able to -- 9 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: I find it really disturbing because 10 here we are -- we have military come here and do a 11 swearing in in which I was really please to hear. And I 12 think that was a great function for Heroes Hall, and now 13 we're going to have to charge them and we're not being 14 really user friendly for our own community in our military 15 and that's really disturbing. But thank you. 16 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: It is. But we have to figure it 17 out. And I think we'll keep working on it and trying to 18 figure out a way around so that it's within the legal 19 framework. 20 CHAIR BAGNERIS: This is not especial that were 21 charged anything it was a rental and you had a program; 22 correct? 23 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: I guess, Madam Chair, the 24 question is and the question I think is -- as you know, in 25 the future, if we can all collectively work on this. I Page 37 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  57. 1 mean, I think it's and I think it goes to -- the whole 2 Heroes Hall thing ushers in a question about the use of 3 the facility for the non-profits. We now have a fund that 4 we set aside. 5 MS. KRAMER: $200,000 annual fund. 6 CHAIR BAGNERIS: And that's for rental? 7 MS. KRAMER: Yes. $200,000. 8 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: That's the rental. And so I 9 don't know how we covered this because it is. It puts us 10 in a very embarrassing position and not real proud saying 11 50 brave men and women come raise their hand. You go 12 serve this county and then we have to charge them. I'm 13 not thrilled about that. 14 But it is what it is until we figure out -- but I 15 think everybody is committed to figuring out and figure 16 out in the future how to handle this. 17 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: I don't know. I'm speaking off the 18 top of my head, I find it difficult that we can't do the 19 same things. 20 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Thank you. 21 CHAIR BAGNERIS: All right. 22 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Madam Chair, I would just like to 23 add, the next foundation meeting is going to be on 24 February 7th. 25 CHAIR BAGNERIS: We'll now go to the Financial Page 38 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  58. 1 Monitoring Committee. 2 DIRECTOR PHAM: So we did not meet this month in 3 December. It's a little bit different than the other 4 months of the year. The month of December you have to 5 close the entire fiscal year, which I think staff was -- 6 we need a little bit more time to do. That being said, 7 next month we'll present the entire fiscal year, as well 8 as January. Adam you may want to comment on that. 9 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Madam Chair, so because we didn't 10 have a financial report this month, which is January, and 11 that's because I had a question about that -- that's 12 because we'll do this other thing -- the big one at the 13 end. It closes out the year. 14 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you for that. We're now going 15 to move to the 2018 OC Fair City Liaison Committee, 16 Director LaBelle and Director Cervantes. 17 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Michele, has the date been set for 18 the Mayors and Counsels Breakfast that we normally have to 19 kind of kick this off. 20 MS. RICHARDS: It has not been done, but there will be 21 a specific date to be determined. 22 CHAIR BAGNERIS: So I want to understand the role of 23 this committee. It's to interface with city personnel as 24 we prepare for the fair and what goes on during the fair? 25 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: To work with various cities to Page 39 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  59. 1 develop specific programs for each of the cities to take 2 place during the fair and the committee typically meets 3 with the mayors and counsel members sometime and kind of 4 announce whose day at the fair will be on what date. 5 I know Michel and her staff work very hard with 6 each of the cities and this has expanded significantly 7 over the last three -- four years -- and we get and more 8 cities involved in more things that I think the intent is 9 to kind of spread the word among the cities in Orange 10 County as well as the County of Orange to increase 11 awareness and activities of the fair; correct? 12 MS. RICHARDS: Yes. 13 CHAIR BAGNERIS: All right. Anything else? The 14 Legislative Monitoring Task Force. Director Berardino and 15 Aitken. 16 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Things are legislating along. We 17 have Senator Mendoza was the author of our bill. Senator 18 Mendoza, has come off of that bill. And now the new 19 author is Sharon Cordozoba. And we have made all our 20 deadlines for submission. We have the author. Now, all 21 we need Madam Chair, if you could do so arrange the votes. 22 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Question. 23 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Yes. 24 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: I know you don't have a crystal 25 ball, if the votes were there and they voted, could it Page 40 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  60. 1 take place before this Fair? 2 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: I think -- well, let's talk about 3 it from terms of what? In terms of from a legislative 4 perspective. 5 MS. KRAMER: I just know because I've been working 6 those details. 7 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Let me talk about the fantasy and 8 then the reality. I mean, hypothetically, our bill could 9 move the end of January. Could go into community meetings 10 in February -- could be out early March on the Governor's 11 desk and he signs it and we're done. I've never had that 12 happened in 44 years of experience, ever. But 13 technically, it could. But even under that circumstance, 14 then we have Madam CEO. 15 MS. KRAMER: I think it's the time -- the timing. 16 Even if he signed it in this year that he actually reviews 17 and has the same. 18 CHAIR BERARDINO: He could sign them March if we ask 19 him to. 20 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: So chances of happening for this 21 fair are not realistic. It's just unfortunate because 22 that's another source of revenue that we are talking 23 about. 24 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Our bill is likely to go as a 25 closed session bill. I mean, we could whip it through. Page 41 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  61. 1 It will be the first time a bill this kind in history will 2 happen. 3 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Because the money that will come 4 from that will go to Centennial Farm and Heroes Hall. 5 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: I think there's been some and I 6 know this is an important thing to the public, I think 7 we're facing some increasing opposition to it. 8 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Really? 9 CHAIR BERARDINO: Yeah. Some groups in Sacramento 10 don't necessarily go for the public good. Our fingers 11 crossed. 12 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Based upon my legislative 13 experience, I think Director Berardino is absolutely 14 correct. 15 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Amazing that it happens or amazing 16 that it happens this year? 17 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Amazing that it's happening. 18 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Okay. Thank you very much. Master 19 Site Plan Task Force. Director LaBelle? 20 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Yes, Madam Chair. Vice Chair Ruiz 21 and myself have asked the consultant through staff to 22 develop some cost-benefit analysis on potential components 23 of the ultimate Master Site Plan so that that information 24 is available to the Board when you have your next 25 workshop, and ultimately, when you have your final hearing Page 42 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  62. 1 on what the Master Site Plan is going to be. 2 We anticipate -- Vice Chair Ruiz and myself -- we 3 anticipate to have that information back to us by staff 4 sometime in mid-February and based on that information, we 5 are looking to recommend that the full Board that we have 6 a subsequent workshop, which would be the third workshop 7 that the Board has. 8 Some time in March or early April, I'm looking 9 towards a final decision on the concept -- the operate 10 works concept Master Plan being made some time in April or 11 May -- certainly before the fair -- so that we brought 12 closure to that. 13 Additionally, we made a conscious decision some 14 time ago to not do the CEQA until exactly what the Master 15 Site Plan is going to be. Vice Chair Ruiz and I have 16 asked staff to prepare an RFP for the CEQA consulting and 17 we hope to review some time in February. It's about a 45 18 to 60-day process. 19 The objective would be that -- whoever that CEQA 20 consultant would be -- and there's a number of firms in 21 the immediate area that provide this kind of work under 22 the California Environmental Quality Act -- the objective 23 would be that when the RFP is put out on the street, then 24 ultimately whoever the recommended consultant is, that 25 will come back to the full Board for Board approval, Page 43 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  63. 1 hopefully in March -- early April. 2 Your Committee, Vice Chair Ruiz, and myself we 3 feel that having that consultant on Board at the time you 4 made your final decision, it will be very beneficial in 5 terms of them participating in the process that we've gone 6 through. 7 I think it's fair to assume -- again we don't 8 know because we don't know whether you're going to have 9 the minimal, the maximum, something in between -- so we 10 know lastly what the scope of work would be for the 11 environmental document. 12 I think it's fair to assume that under the 13 California Environmental Quality Act that at a minimum the 14 focus on what the Board's final decision is and then that 15 process going through another vicious cycle and then the 16 final decision is made on your final plan. That's kind of 17 where we stand. So I don't know if Ken or Kathy -- staff 18 was given by the committee. 19 MR. KARNS: Workshop. Bring back phasing and costing. 20 Mark play ownership and get feedback. It has some cross 21 over to the we were asked to do some costing regulation to 22 placement of those facilities. And yeah, so lots of 23 homework to look at, I'll be happy to answer any 24 questions. 25 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you for that report. Direct Page 44 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  64. 1 Tkaczyk? 2 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Nothing new to report. 3 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Equestrian Center Task Force. 4 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Nothing to report at this time. 5 MS. KRAMER: I believe staff -- Ken? 6 MR. KARNS: So again staff and HPIR met came on 7 Wednesday, January 17, and carried out a thorough 8 walkthrough of the equestrian center -- overview and 9 budget report. The team is looking to schedule a meeting 10 with the Equestrian Center Committee. 11 DIRECTOR TKACZYK: Okay. Thank you. 12 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Okay. Pacific Amphitheater Operation 13 Evaluation and Review Task Force. 14 CHAIR BERARDINO: Thank you, Madam Chair. We met. Of 15 course the holidays are in there. We'll be able to report 16 back next month. 17 CHAIR BAGNERIS: And last is Committee Outreach and 18 Education Task Force and I am very pleased what I'm 19 hearing. What's going on with our committee? The work 20 hatch kitchen, the hope builders. What are they -- all 21 the many things and I was very pleased that we do have a 22 budget line item for this meeting and with that, the 23 Sunset Educational Task Force -- and unless there's 24 something that pops up -- we wouldn't be able to report 25 from that committee any longer. Page 45 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  65. 1 And I'm going to be looking at all the comments 2 and be looking at the same thing and if there's a 3 difference task force. If there's something going on and 4 we have a task force that says that you're working with 5 then, we no longer need the task force. 6 We're going to have a report of some sort -- the 7 Centennial Farm because we provide Board members to that 8 Board and the Heroes Hall, so the other committee, the 9 tenant likewise committee -- not sure if that ones looks 10 to -- by a committee has I'm going to talk on that so the 11 purpose is if the western fairs can convenience if you 12 chance to go. 13 This one was in our backyard in Anaheim. With 14 others, we got to talk and kind of share ideas and I 15 learned a lot. We do need to have action type of thing so 16 I'll be talking sunsetting some of these to go along, but 17 today we're going to here. 18 We are so excited what's going on in that area 19 and so proud of the board for approving that and also to 20 the staff for what they do to support it. Yes? 21 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Madam Chair, I want to -- I 22 support your ideas, but as you review this, I know you 23 will because of your great commitment to the committee, I 24 can understand it but the committees are in the public 25 sector are the vehicle that exists between the public and Page 46 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  66. 1 access to the staff. 2 Because you know it's policy, people we -- we are 3 -- it's important. Tension is healthy. There would be 4 strong just like everybody should be -- contractors and 5 other people that we do business with and so I support 6 you. I support your view. Certainly support this 7 committee. 8 I would follow the Chair as you consider -- of 9 committees please keep in mind that this is the vehicle of 10 the general public to communicate and participate in terms 11 of staff interaction. 12 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you. With that, we're going to 13 move to Item 9B. Mr. Marc Van Eden, I had a chance to 14 meet him this morning and I'm looking forward to your 15 presentation. 16 MR. VAN EDEN: Great. First of all, Marc Van Eden. 17 I'm a biochemist. I work at a biotechnology company. I 18 don't know if you heard San Diego, but they make these 19 overcome and we modify this technology a little bit, so it 20 can also be applied to plants and animals and we use to 21 monitor fitness. 22 This is how we react and assimilate to our 23 advisement and how our environment can affect us and who 24 we will become. PTSD -- so some very interesting work 25 with folks you might know and it's just a really exciting Page 47 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  67. 1 field. If I could invite any of you to our facility. We 2 have anything -- open door. I'd like to really infuse 3 knew the excitement and hopefully with some of that 4 excitement I can bring that to the Centennial farm 5 foundation. 6 I've had the honor of motivating, she does a 7 fantastic job running the farm and I'll be honest with 8 you. I know very little about farming. Although I just 9 recently raised an avocado ground in Temecula. But 10 they'll be no interest in doing that and I think that's 11 something -- very informant is to the future generation is 12 they're spreading seeds of interest. 13 If this organizations weren't there, there would 14 be a great loss and you might have to call the Orange 15 County Fair because there might not be any people enjoying 16 these things. So it's a very important section, I think. 17 So last year I was he elected to this Board and 18 take this role. However, thank you for the invitation 19 here and after a while it's starting to finally soak in 20 and how things are really setup to this moment and I want 21 to thank everyone leading me through this. 22 So for all of the general public. I can 23 barely -- I'm writing all things that the Centennial Farm 24 is organize is one I have to check out the oil event as 25 well with my wife. But the purpose of the Centennial Farm Page 48 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  68. 1 Foundation is to run the operation and related to exhibits 2 to youths or organization on farming and animals and 3 providing valuable education in these areas. 4 So the current structure of -- we have much, 5 like, Heroes Hall a foundation that's a -- I believe none 6 provide if I'm not mistaken -- and as the by-laws as 7 well -- you know after being able to wait through all this 8 as well as legally. 9 So I'm trying to be in sync as all not to bore 10 anybody. I'll basically say that I think we can bring 11 some excitement into the Centennial Farm. If so, an 12 exciting place. And I think with the correct resources, 13 especially the Committee, they'll start thinking the about 14 having chefs there bringing farm to table events so 15 when -- together and that's why I'm here. I. 16 Met with each of the Centennial Farm and try to 17 keep things very light, but in the discussion, one thing 18 came up consistently and that's a notion of a reset. I 19 think there needs to be a reset between this Board and the 20 foundation so we understand each other. 21 One thing I've learned, there's nothing better 22 than -- that speaks better than success so if I think we 23 can focus on those -- just to bring you up to speed. And 24 I'm getting brought up to speed. You probably know this 25 better than I do. Last year there's been some private Page 49 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  69. 1 donations. There's been also some small fund raising 2 events poker tournament thing of this nature and most 3 tricks thereby. 4 And I think to date since November 20, we have 5 amassed $579,000 worth of grants and that's due to a 6 retainer that we have in -- a retainer ship. You're 7 review these. These have passed currently on a grant and 8 we have three pending. Now what's -- we have to wait and 9 see between those grants that were looked after and the 10 mission of the farm -- goals. 11 I would like to work -- I believe we should work 12 with Orange County Fairs and Events Committee on resetting 13 between so we understand the mission. We have some 14 vacancies as well. We have three that we need to fill on 15 our board. 16 I lived in Texas for a while while doing some 17 training and they had a fair -- Houston Fair, but some of 18 those things, you know, they like to eat. All these 19 children programs make any away of the Centennial Farm so 20 I believe it starts there. I also -- people here need to 21 know more about the Centennial Farm and it's mission. 22 I was born in Newport Beach and now I'm back. 23 People are people and the priority should be our children. 24 Okay. So additionally, Michele was nice enough to send me 25 and I don't go to let the cat out of the bag and does Page 50 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  70. 1 that -- 2 MS. RICHARDS: Should I just keep it quiet? Anyway. 3 So last year, it was Farm Fresh Fun. 4 MR. VAN EDEN: I believe that, again, stress the 5 important primer in awareness and appreciation of what the 6 fair is all about, where food comes from and believe it or 7 not, if a kid grows a plant tomorrow, they want to eat 8 tomorrow. 9 So I think. This type of exposure is a fantastic 10 opportunity. So with that, I'd like to leave you again 11 and thank you everybody for your attention. And I'll just 12 give my best shot this year and see what we can do to fuse 13 a little excitement and pro-activeness. 14 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Let me ask you this, about a half a 15 million dollars since 2010 and how are those resources 16 used in support of the Centennial Farm? Do you happen to 17 know any of that? 18 MR. VAN EDEN: I don't know. 19 CHAIR BAGNERIS: I think this would be good to know 20 about how this money is being used. Is there any 21 chance between now and this Board -- to this point, no, 22 but I'll bring that up in today's agenda. I did read 23 through it, I believe. There's just one out, if I'm not 24 mistaken, or some sort of office space. But anyway, 25 not -- I'll bring that up today. Page 51 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  71. 1 MR. CAPLAN: Because I was asked by this Board and 2 staff, so I reached out to somebody on the Board of 3 Centennial Board but was told that they needed counsel. 4 I'm not allowed to communicate with individuals or 5 entities that are represented by counsel, so that came a 6 couple months ago. 7 I can't send an email back to the Board that are 8 on. So this committee could do that follow-up and whether 9 or not is not represented by Counsel. If they're not and 10 I'm I would just need something in writing if the Board 11 wants me to continue to work through the outstanding 12 issues. 13 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Yes. The Board does want you to 14 continue. 15 DIRECTOR AITKEN: Yeah. I just wanted to say welcome 16 and I'm really excited about you taking on this new 17 position. Having grown up in Anaheim, I remember walking 18 through Orange -- come back to my house -- clearly 19 trespassing -- but it's something that my kids won't have 20 the luxury of seeing or doing. 21 We remember, but I'm really excited about you 22 taking this position because I feel like my children's 23 interest in agriculture in the egg plants but really 24 having that bio and that business exhibit, I think maybe 25 if we can turn this, the generation is going to view Page 52 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  72. 1 farming through a who different perspective and that's 2 going to be trying to talk to about seeds have their own 3 path. 4 And how do you grow things inside when you're not 5 really using photosynthesis infused into the farm because 6 there's a lot of potential there and you're just going to 7 be the perfect person to bring in. 8 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you. 9 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Centennial Farms and it's been a 10 fantastic experience for them. They take the little 11 radish seed home and watch it grow and I also want to 12 welcome you and thank you very much for your expertise. I 13 was going to ask you based upon what you saw on this 14 avocado festival -- 15 MR. VAN EDEN: I had 1,400 trees planted in the 70s 16 and you know I probably have 30 that are still alive but 17 I'm appealing to the water myself, to see if we convert it 18 to grape. But the water has been turned off already for a 19 year. The poor things have been like that for quite a 20 while. 21 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: And it's in -- if you want to do 22 something with that that land, I'm completely open as 23 well. Thanks again very much. 24 CHAIR BAGNERIS: I really want to thank you, but I can 25 just -- I'm excited about the reset button and what we Page 53 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  73. 1 have to look forward to and I know you have a meeting this 2 afternoon and maybe we can have you at least once a year 3 to come speak to us and give us from your perspective the 4 update from the Centennial Farm. 5 DIRECTOR CERVANTES: I also want to say thank you. 6 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Offer to tour your facility down 7 there. 8 CHAIR BERARDINO: Do you give free food? 9 MR. VAN EDEN: We can always arrange something. 10 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you so much. I know Director 11 Cervantes, I really didn't call you on. Did you have 12 anything else to say? 13 DIRECTOR CERVANTES: No. 14 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Well, thank you. 15 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Very good. 16 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Next, is discussion and we have two 17 cards. Next is Mr. Clayton. 18 MR. CLAYTON: Also from Temecula also have a ranch. I 19 don't think I need this. Thank you very much for having 20 me. I'm here to just kind of touch on the cannabis 21 events. I just attended a western fair association that 22 the purpose of the Fairs and Fairgrounds and that's what 23 I'm in. 24 My company where we own a management and we are 25 the agency of cannabis brands. I am a non-participant and Page 54 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  74. 1 non-patient myself; however, I come as an outsider with 2 socially responsible and physical. I produce a number of 3 other events. I work for a number of other fairgrounds. 4 I also started and currently still for UC 5 Riverside. Somehow the last five years I fell into the 6 cannabis industry and cannabis I produced and consulted on 7 festivals and projects with Blazers Cup and two in High 8 Life produced Happy Place with National Cannabis and 9 Flower Festive. Both of the last two where in Washington 10 DC on Federal property. 11 I currently am working on some on Boston, Nevada, 12 and New Jersey in on the rise of cannabis festival in 13 America as your western fairs association board 14 representative on state properties. We've been this new 15 and I know I'm running short but this guideline says new 16 which is the largest industry that has passed cannabis is 17 suspected to bring 10,000 new jobs and a billion in tax 18 revenue. 19 Our events that I produced bring -- spent upwards 20 of 5 million in production. My purpose today was 21 basically to be a resource to you. You know if you have 22 any questions or like any answers on specific topics I've 23 worked with all of those different numbers of different 24 locations. 25 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Thank you very much. Jay Humphrey. Page 55 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  75. 1 MR. HUMPHREY: Good morning, again. I've been here 2 before. I appreciate that you want to figure out what you 3 want to do about cannabis and I can understand it and I 4 would like to remember that the people of Costa Mesa voted 5 that first only cannabis could be manufactured north of 6 the 405 freeway and west of Harbor. 7 And in that resolution, it basically said you 8 can't sell cannabis anywhere else in the city. You guys 9 are state land but you are completely surrounded by the 10 city and while you have pulled out the specific as allowed 11 by state law. We recognized -- I recognize that you can 12 certainly do what you please, however, this is a community 13 that you guys all claim to be part of. 14 When you make the decisions on this and I hope 15 you bear that completely in mind that what choices you're 16 making will have on Costa Mesa that you will in fact add 17 to that make sure that all things sold whether it be a 18 medical cannabis sales of adult use cannabis it could be 19 used only on the Fairgrounds are taxable items at 6 20 percent to the city of Costa Mesa. 21 You need to have a fix it to figure out how much 22 was actively sold and to make sure that is sent over to 23 the city of Costa Mesa if that allows that process to go 24 on directly against the will of the people of Costa Mesa 25 somewhere below the 405 which this is. Page 56 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  76. 1 You would keep that all in mind when you vote 2 forward on what you think you should vote for this. I 3 should note for you that was a two-day New Year's event 4 and I can tell you one thing, when I walked in the door, 5 there was cannabis and a lot of it being smoked. I don't 6 know how much there was all together, but it was going on. 7 And I didn't see any monitoring of that and, if 8 that will in fact enforce the rules you set up. Thank you 9 very much. I appreciate your time. 10 CHAIR BAGNERIS: With that, we're now going to have a 11 Board discussion before I turn it over to Kathy. 12 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Yes. I would like to move the 13 table. Until we have an opportunity to be briefed by 14 Counsel, I would like to have Counsel look at this look at 15 the policy and provide us a briefing opportunity to the 16 Board. I know you probably reviewed -- have reviewed it, 17 but I'm not comfortable voting one way or another until I 18 directly hear from Counsel. 19 CHAIR BAGNERIS: So Director Berardino, I would like 20 to hear the -- I'd like to hear by having the staff report 21 on this agenda item. 22 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Okay. 23 MS. KRAMER: We also have the City of Costa Mesa and I 24 have Michele. 25 MS. RICHARDS: Okay. We're going to take this one Page 57 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  77. 1 step at a time to research cannabis events and prepare a 2 presentation for the Board's consideration. The 3 California State Department of Food and Agriculture 4 considerations which are incorporated into this 5 presentation. 6 CDFA remains that the Board consider four factors 7 in your decision and that the decision be held in public 8 as we're doing today and those four considerations which 9 you'll see on the slide, number one is values and 10 standards in regards to cannabis as ordinances. Number 11 two, the properties proximity to schools. Three is 12 potential Federal enforcement on cannabis law. 13 And the first consideration is the properties and 14 of course the Board is to discuss that during an open 15 public meeting. So we'd like to take those one step at a 16 time. Specifically, on number one, community values and 17 standards in regards to cannabis as reflected by local 18 city and CDFA guidelines require that the state law 19 becomes the floor and local law becomes the ceiling where 20 the law is concerned so the state in this case does not 21 trump legislative law. 22 So it's very important that the Board understand 23 what local law is. Before you is Article 20 in the 24 marijuana and or medical marijuana uses and activities 25 ordinances from the City of Costa Mesa. We've invited Page 58 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  78. 1 Barry Curtis from the city attorney's office to 2 specifically address the city's position on this issue. 3 MR. CURTIS: Thank you, Michel. Good morning, Madam, 4 and members of the Board. I am the director and with the 5 City of Costa Mesa. With me today is Deputy city 6 attorney. Mr. Preziozy drafted the cities adopted 7 standards related to marijuana related activities. 8 And as such I'm going to ask -- I'd be happy to 9 answer any questions that the Board may have. 10 MR. PREZIOZY: Good morning. The city of Costa Mesa 11 almost all marijuana uses and activities with the -- one 12 exception north of the 405 and west of Harbor Boulevard 13 and those activities are slowly for industrial and 14 wholesale marijuana uses, as much as manufacturing or 15 other uses went type of reality sale or prohibited. 16 Now, in terms of what the community set forth, 17 this has been done two ways. The first one is and March 18 to prohibit and Measure K solely. The city counsel by a 19 5-0 vote recently introduced amounted Article 20th, to 20 basically prohibit any type of medical or adult use 21 marijuana activity whatsoever until it was specifically 22 allowed by either Measure Z. 23 One specific area of the city or and apparently 24 by law. The only thing that is mandatory is prop 6 really 25 is cultivation or six or fewer plants by the residents and Page 59 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  79. 1 that clearly does not apply to the Fairgrounds. 2 CHAIR BERARDINO: Direct Berardino? 3 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: I understand that. The state 4 guidelines become pretty confusing. I think there's focus 5 that are going and that is one of the reasons why I was 6 concerned about discussing this at this point. The 7 guidelines are at this point pretty unclear in terms of -- 8 I know the reduction things. 9 There's a lot of questions. I know some folks 10 are not even sure show they're going to be handling it. 11 So this is a city ordinance, correct? And under the state 12 ordinance, that gives to make their own make their own 13 ordinance in relation to the state ordinance; correct? 14 Business and approves cities have the absolute regulation 15 of cannabis or marijuana activity. 16 And the state, though, Josh as I understand it, 17 the state ordinance is very different than, you know, I 18 mean, and I'm not trying to argue about being a good 19 neighbor you said and I think we have a school that's 20 right across the street that is kind of like takes us out 21 of the ballpark anyway. 22 I'm sure though, I believe it does but now the 23 state ordinance is very different than the city ordinance; 24 is that correct? 25 MR. CAPLAN: Yes, it is. Not with just in regards to Page 60 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  80. 1 cannabis other because this is a state property. The 2 concept of -- this facility to operate here's a great 3 local building codes. When given property with certain 4 buildings because it's a notice the City of Costa Mesa as 5 but that does mean consider the interest of the community 6 as a matter of policy but as a matter of law, there are 7 certain local ordinances that have. 8 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: And I think, also, as I 9 understand it, as they rule out these policies and 10 procedures, there have been meetings held in a variety of 11 places throughout the state with -- what do we call a -- 12 we would call her and she's kind of rolling those out 13 casually there's recently one in long. 14 There's been one in Los Angeles. And there was 15 another meeting that was conducted here in Orange County. 16 There is anticipated litigation that's being -- that's 17 pending because some focus on the distributor end and 18 other things that are going on, how as a state entity, if 19 we are -- we should this -- litigation continue from. 20 I think distributing maybe some people are 21 getting together. I think there's some action going on in 22 Santa Ana right now. That's kind of rising up, are we -- 23 let's say from any action that we take if we're in 24 violation of any of the state regulations or any of that 25 other kind of thing, and it says no because it's a state, Page 61 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  81. 1 you have to provide. 2 MR. CAPLAN: I don't think this Board is required to 3 in the property. I think it's a matter of policy this 4 Board has brought discretion and if inconsistent with the 5 mission. I mean be a content based determination and we 6 had this discussion before, but if this it's inconsistent 7 with the mission of the facility it would be a judgment to 8 the relationship between this reporter and the surrounding 9 communities. 10 Decided not to, A, not to adopt a policy not to 11 allow any events to occur on the property that allow for 12 cannabis related products to be here. And to answer your 13 second question, there's -- there is this Board is 14 generally protected from civil liability when the scope of 15 their role as a direct or officer of the Board so as long 16 as you're complying with state law, so if any event 17 guidelines with California law, then you get individual 18 Board members will be free from liability. That will not 19 be from state criminal action or Federal or civil action 20 but certainly from state civil actions. 21 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Okay. I have another question, 22 does in your view of reading the legislation and I'm not 23 ignoring you, Counsel, I'm just talking to my own, does 24 that eliminate us from being in any way involved any way? 25 We're just cut out? Page 62 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  82. 1 MR. CAPLAN: I can't answer that question on the spot 2 but I can certainly look into it. 3 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: You got former U.S. attorney 4 sitting over there. Okay. Thank you very much. 5 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Okay. Does that -- I think we're 6 okay. Are we going to move forward with our discussion? 7 Thank you for being here. 8 MS. RICHARDS: Thank you. The second consideration 9 that the CDFA guidelines call for is the proximity to 10 schools, youth, recreation centers, parks or areas where 11 minors are. Consider that in your discussions as well. 12 CDFA states that quote, "Medical use areas cannot be 13 located within 1,000 feet. Is it a school, daycare 14 center, youth center, or recreational area where cannabis 15 within this distance is illegal." 16 So I know this map looks a little confusing but 17 let me walk you through it. This is the Fairgrounds 18 property here and buildings equestrian center right here, 19 action sports arena here. This area that you see is 20 essentially a thousand foot board from the north side of 21 the property where we first have Costa Mesa High School. 22 Here that's the Costa Mesa football stadium there 23 across the street from the Fairground, Davis Elementary 24 school is here with the Davis track there, the baseball 25 fields, the critical point of park and then the skate park Page 63 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  83. 1 and tennis. The red area and the blue is a thousand feet 2 beyond the border of Orange Coast College. 3 So you'll see that here and how that joins with 4 the property. Essentially, on the corner where the 5 Pacific Amphitheater, I think that is true. The third 6 area to consider is Van Guard University and that's the 7 green board here. 8 Here, the board also should consider that on the 9 property hitting where youth or minors congress and where 10 youth activities are held is Heroes Hall and Centennial 11 Farm. There's also the Orange County Market Place on the 12 weekend and the Equestrian Center where lessons are held 13 throughout the week. So that's the second. 14 DIRECTOR LA BELLE: Junior high school next and the 15 middle school. 16 MS. MUNDEKIS: There's also a daycare center like 17 right there. There's a daycare center there. No, it's -- 18 it's they have a day care center and a school so 19 there's -- need -- must be. Okay. 20 MS. RICHARDS: The third consideration is potential on 21 cannabis law. So regardless if marijuana is still 22 considered a schedule one controlled one under Federal law 23 posing or participating in the depending of and CDFA maybe 24 subject to Federal enforcement, which is carried out by 25 the U.S. Department of Justice, however, the Board should Page 64 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  84. 1 also understand that through a budget act first passed by 2 Congress in 2015 and the DOJ from using Federal funds to 3 take enforcement actions against medical cannabis 4 operations and medical cannabis users -- under a state 5 regulated program and note that this only applies well 6 what happens after the extension from 2017. 7 It's a little fuzzy right now. Budget and there 8 has been an amendment in the budget each year that allows 9 for that exemption that to take actions because there's 10 not a budget in place for 2018. That amendment currently 11 is not in place either. 12 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Yes, Direct Berardino? 13 DIRECTOR BERARDINO: Congress lucky placed on that. 14 Committee and they are working out more guidelines. And 15 as we consider this, I would urge us to reach out to the 16 Congressman's office and have a discussion with 17 congressman. And I think he could give us a pretty good 18 update now. He may be not the Chair but he may be ranking 19 on that information. I think he would be a wealth of 20 information. 21 And I also have one more question and Counselor 22 in the law, is it one thousand feet from -- is it one 23 thousand feet from like the point of or is it one thousand 24 feet from the property upon which the sale is being made? 25 So in other words, is it one thousand feet from our Board Page 65 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

  85. 1 or is it one thousand feet where we're to sell it in the 2 middle of the Hangar building. Is it one thousand feet 3 from there? 4 MR. CAPLAN: You know, it would be can't the facility 5 is renting space as a my guess would be murder from the 6 board of that tenants space so I could check that but I 7 would presume that that would thirty sub spaces within the 8 border of property but I can certainly check that. 9 CHAIR BERARDINO: And I know myself and I think Robert 10 who's not here some saw were called in as for when prop 64 11 when it was done there was a dispute as to how the 12 marijuana was going to leave the field and get to the labs 13 for testing and then leave the labs for testing to come to 14 the dispensary and then Robert and I were both involved 15 who was going to transport it and I think there was some 16 discussion about that. 17 MR. KARNS: Can I offer clarity on this. When you 18 move that it's very difficult that you're not within a but 19 we're being asked to vote on something and it's going to 20 be it is going to be litigated up the nose here. 21 CHAIR BAGNERIS: Yeah. We actually talked about it at 22 the western fairs and that's what they talked about, but 23 Josh, you'll look at that. I think you're right, Josh. 24 But I just want to know before I vote. 25 MS. RICHARDS: Okay. Is prohibited for individuals Page 66 Hahn & Bowersock, A Veritext Company 800.660.3187

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