su sustainab stainable le la landscape ndscape

Su Sustainab stainable le La Landscape ndscape De Demonstr - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Su Sustainab stainable le La Landscape ndscape De Demonstr onstrat ation ion Ga Garden den SC Hortic icult ulture ure Ind ndustr ustry Conf nfere erence nce Myrtle tle Beach, h, South uth Caroli olina Januar ary y 21,

  1. Su Sustainab stainable le La Landscape ndscape De Demonstr onstrat ation ion Ga Garden den SC Hortic icult ulture ure Ind ndustr ustry Conf nfere erence nce Myrtle tle Beach, h, South uth Caroli olina Januar ary y 21, 2016 Ka Kath ther erin ine e Hollif llifield ield Senior ior, , Hor orti ticultu culture re Major Clemson emson Uni Univer ersi sity ty

  2. The he Cl Clas ass • HORT T 408 Horticulture ticulture Disco cover ery & Inquir iry • Dr. Ellen len Vincent nt • 3 3 Credit edits Proje oject ct Title: tle: Sus ustai ainable nable Landsca ndscapes pes: : Demons emonstrati tration on Garden en • Creat ative e Inqui uiry y #827 • Garden den resea search ch and d maint nten enanc nce •

  3. Gar arde den n Lo Locat ation ion ml

  4. Gar arde den n Lo Locat ation ion ml

  5. Two o Be Beds ds Area: ea: • 1400 0 ft 2 • 1800 0 ft 2

  6. Pu Publ blic ic Gar arde den • Maint intenan enance ce o Mulchi ching o Wee eedi ding ng o Water erin ing • Advice vice • En Entered ered data ata • Cleanup eanup

  7. Cl Clea eanup nup

  8. Co Coar arse se an and Fi d Fine ne Mu Mulch lch Images: Kathy Hollifield

  9. Co Coar arse se an and Fi d Fine ne Mu Mulch lch Image: Kathy Hollifield

  10. Gar arde den 2011 • De Desi sign gn 2012 • Installat stallation ion

  11. Lo Locat ation ion ml

  12. Be Befor ore 18 1800 ft 2 1400 ft 2 Courtesy of Dr. Ellen Vincent

  13. Dur urin ing Courtesy of Dr. Ellen Vincent

  14. Soi oil l Ame mendmen dment • 6” of leaf compost • Tilled to 8”depth • Topped off with 3”of mulch Vincent, E. Sustainable Landscape Demonstration Garden, South Carolina Nurseryman , July/Aug 2013 p 38-39

  15. After er

  16. Summ mmer er 2015

  17. Sum ummer mer 2015

  18. Na Nati tive e Pl Plan ants ts in in the the La Land ndsca scape pe What t come mes s to mi mind? d? Mes essy sy • • Too oo mu much h work ork • Be Beautiful utiful

  19. Courtesy of Dr. Ellen Vincent

  20. No Now wha hat? t? • Pa Passerb sserby y su surveys ys con ondu duct cted ed • Da Data ta ga gath thered ered (database atabase) • Plants ants added dded • Plants ants rem emoved ed

  21. CITI I Cer ertif tifica ication tion in Soc ocial ial and d Be Beha havioral vioral Res esea earch ch (SBR BR)

  22. Sur urveys ys

  23. No Now wha hat? t? • Pa Passerb sserby y su surveys ys condu nduct cted ed • Da Data ta ga gath thered ered • Plants ants added dded • Plants ants rem emoved ed

  24. Rem emoved ed Passiflora flora incarnat carnata : : Pa Passion ssion Vi Vine ne

  25. Vacciniu cinium

  26. Tis issue sue An Anal alysis sis

  27. Def efic icienc iency

  28. No Not App t Appli lied ed • Pest estic icid ides es • Fer erti tiliz izer ers

  29. Remo emoved ed

  30. No Now wha hat? t? • Pa Passerb sserby y su surveys ys condu nduct cted ed • Da Data ta ga gath thered ered • Plants ants added dded • Plants ants rem emoved ed

  31. Where ere can an you u fin ind d out ut mo more e ab about ut th the S e Sus usta tainab inable le Lan andsca dscape pe Dem emonstrat nstration ion Gar arden? den?

  32. htt ttp: p://www //www.cle .clems mson.e du/cafls/dem ls/demo/ o/

  33. The he Gar arden en

  34. The Des he Desig igns ns

  35. The T he Team eam • Planni anning ng Tea eam • Des esig igner ners • Installation tallation & Maint intenance enance (web eb sum ummary) y)

  36. Web Su eb Summ mmar ary

  37. The Pla he Plant nts

  38. Pl Plan ant t Rat Ratin ing Sheets heets

  39. Pla lant nt prof ofile ile she heets... ts...

  40. Echi hinac nacea ea laevigata vigata

  41. Muhlenb lenbergi ergia a ca capillaris illaris

  42. Muhlenb lenbergi ergia a ca capillaris illaris

  43. Eupat patoriu orium m maculatum culatum

  44. Sum ummer er 2015 More e Plants ants In The e Ga Garden den

  45. Hibisc biscus us co cocc ccineus neus Rose se Mallo allow

  46. As Ascl clepiu epius s tu tuber berosa osa Bu Butt tter erfly ly Wee eed

  47. Rudb dbeckia kia fulgida lgida var. sulvantii ‘Goldsturm’ Go Golds ldsturm turm Bl Black ack-Ey Eyed ed Sus usan an

  48. Echi hinac nacea ea purp rpurea urea ‘PowWow Wildberry’

  49. Echinac nacea ea ‘Cheyenne Spirit’ Wildlife e Food Source

  50. Wildlif dlife

  51. Na Nati tive e Pl Plan ants ts in in the the La Land ndsca scape pe What t come mes s to mi mind? d? Mes essy sy? • • Too oo mu much h work? ork? • Be Beautiful? utiful?

  52. Sum ummer mer 2015

  53. Sum umme mer r 2015

  54. Ackn knowl wledgeme edgements nts • SCNLA NLA • Creati eative e Inquir iry y Program gram at Clemson emson Uni Univer ersity sity • Dr. Ellen len Vincent nt

  55. Qu Questions? estions?


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