student accommodation liberty park

Student Accommodation Liberty Park Individual flats with 5 or 6 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Student Accommodation Liberty Park Individual flats with 5 or 6 students sharing Centrally heated throughout En-suite study bedrooms Fitted kitchen with dining and lounge area with sofa S tudents provide their own bedding and

  1. Student Accommodation

  2. Liberty Park • Individual flats with 5 or 6 students sharing • Centrally heated throughout • En-suite study bedrooms • Fitted kitchen with dining and lounge area with sofa • S tudents provide their own bedding and kitchen utensils • TV and telephone points in each room • Internet access available (included in rent) • Commercial laundry service Liberty Park is centrally located within 15 minutes walk • Bicycle storage facilities of College and the city centre giving you easy access to • Garden area your studies, shopping and nightlife. • Management office • 24-hour S ecurity/ CCTV / Access entry system Re n t - £ 1 0 5 p w + £ 2 0 0 d e p o si t • Non smoking building Marlborough S treet, Leeds LS 6 1QL Telephone +44 (0) 113 243 3618 (figures above based on 2013/ 14 costs)

  3. Carlton Hill • Individual flats for 5 or 6 students to share • Centrally heated throughout • Fitted kitchen, with dining and lounge area • S tudents provide their own bedding and kitchen utensils • TV and telephone points in each room • Internet access available • Bicycle storage facilities Carlton Hill consists of 42 self contained flats and town • Car Park permit system in operation houses, each with their own front door. Centrally located within • Garden area 5 minutes walk of College and the city centre giving you easy • CCTV cameras fitted in the external areas which access to your studies, shopping and nightlife. can be viewed through tenants own TV Rent - £96-98pw + £6 energy + £ 2 0 0 d e p o si t Carlton Hill, Leeds LS 7 1JA +44 (0) 113 205 3424 (figures above based on 2013/ 14 costs)

  4. What to Bring D O C U M E N T S- Don’ t forget things like the information the College has sent to you and will need for instance, student loan details and bank details etc. If you are going to get a j ob you may need ID like your passport, drivers license or birth certificate and your National Insurance number – keep them safe. B E D D I N G - Duvet, pillows and covers as well as a spare set of sheets. F O O D - There’s no need to bring too much with you, but essentials like tea, coffee and snacks may come in handy before you make it to the supermarket. C L E A N I N G P R O D U C T S- Amazingly the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom do not clean themselves. Equip yourself with some basic cleaning products and become a domestic God or Goddess. P E R SO N A L I T E M S- Toiletries and make-up, CDs, DVDs, books etc. T H I N G S F O R Y O U R R O O M - Posters, photos etc … Anything to make it that little bit of a home from home.

  5. UNIPOL Unipol S tudent Homes is a charitable trust supported by Leeds College of Art, their advice is free and unbiased. They provide a range of managed flats and houses. Only landlords with a good track record can advertise through Unipol and many voluntarily agree to meet standards over and above the legal requirements. Located 5 minutes walk from the College, their staff are happy to assist you in finding the right accommodation suitable for your needs. HOUS E HUNTING Unipol organise house hunting events for our students who wish to go straight into shared housing in the Leeds area. These events are advertised and bookable on the Unipol website. This gives students the opportunity to meet other like minded students from Leeds College of Art. CONTACT INFORMATION HOUS E HUNTING DATES Unipol S tudent Homes House hunting events are held in May and June 2014. 155-157 Woodhouse Lane Leeds LS 2 3ES To book go to: Click on S tudents / house hunting/ house hunting events Tel +44 (0)113 243 0169 and scroll down to Leeds College of Art.

  6. How to Book Accommodation C O L L E G E A L L O C AT I O N Undergraduate students have priority for the allocation of rooms. An accommodation preference form will be sent to you j ust after or with your offer letter. This form must be returned as soon as possible as rooms will be allocated on a ‘ first come first serve’ basis. The rooms will only be allocated to students who have made a ‘ firm’ acceptance either on a conditional or unconditional offer. Upon allocation a contract will be forwarded to you via your email. There will be instructions on how to complete and return the contract and a deadline will be given. S hould the contract not be returned by the stated date the room will be offered elsewhere. O T H E R A C C O M M O D AT I O N If you are not allocated one of our rooms don’ t panic. There are other excellent accommodation providers in Leeds and we will send information to you about these options.


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