steriliza on of endoscopes

Steriliza)on of Endoscopes And Why We Chose a Low Temperature - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Steriliza)on of Endoscopes And Why We Chose a Low Temperature Reprocessing Method Presenter: Albert Csapo, BA Sponsored by October 6, 2017. About. Vancouver Coastal Health for 24 years Manager of MDRD at

  1. Steriliza)on of Endoscopes And Why We Chose a Low Temperature Reprocessing Method Presenter: Albert Csapo, BA Sponsored by October 6, 2017.

  2. About…. § Vancouver Coastal Health for 24 years § Manager of MDRD at Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) and UBC Hospital since 2009/2013 § Economics, Urban Planning and Healthcare AdministraLon § President Elect & Vendor Director for CAMDR § VCC MDRT Program, Regional Reprocessing standards, Regional MDR CommiOee, MoH Provincial Working Group

  3. The Reason Why…. § SterilizaLon of Endoscopes and Why We Chose a Low-Temperature Reprocessing Method § Duodenoscopes and the challenge of reprocessing § Current standards § Recent CRE outbreaks § FDA recommendaLons § VGH incident & acLons taken § Need for Provincial soluLon § Trial and evaluaLon of new technology § Conclusions/Future ExpectaLons

  4. What are Duodenoscopes? § MulL-channeled flexible scopes that enter through the mouth and travel down into the top of the small intesLne or duodenum. § Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography – ERCP § 650,000 in the US – 2016

  5. The Challenge of Reprocessing Why are duodenoscopes so difficult to reprocess? § Complex design – forceps elevator channel § Lengthy vendor IFU on reprocessing § Delicate and expensive medical device § MulL-channeled endoscope § Material compaLbility issues §

  6. Current Standards Spaulding’s ClassificaLon “ You can clean without disinfec2ng, but you cannot disinfect without cleaning” Dr. Earle Spaulding

  7. Outbreaks of Deadly Bacteria § Despite following the IFU cases of infecLon occurred § Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) § Over 350 cases reported worldwide 2010-2015 § Superbug with 40 - 50% mortality rate § Outbreaks in Los Angeles, SeaOle, Chicago, Philadelphia and PiOsburgh

  8. FDA Response & RecommendaLons § Ensure strict adherence to IFU § Competency tesLng of staff § Device design § RouLne/periodic microbiological culturing § Repeat high-level disinfecLon § Use of a liquid chemical sterilant processing system § ETO sterilizaLon

  9. The VGH Experience A small cluster of 3 paLents was idenLfied in 2016 § Carbapenemase Producing Organism (CPO) § ERCP’s completed in 2016 § Source of the infecLon unclear § Duodenoscopes, Valves, buOons?

  10. Ac)ons Taken VGH immediately put in place a number of measures to miLgate the transmission of CPO infecLons in the Endoscopy Clinic § Complete environmental clean of the Endo Clinic § External audit performed – 100% compliance § Complete ETO sterilizaLon of all endoscopes § Steam sterilized of all reusable adapters § New protocol for adapters HLD to SterilizaLon § Vendor in-servicing of all staff § Developed audit tool for ongoing staff competencies § New informed consent procedures as per PICNet § Duodenoscopes HLD – ETO SterilizaLon

  11. The Provincial Solu)on Challenge: § ETO sterilizaLon requires increase of scope inventories at VGH – capital investment § Scope compaLbility issues with ETO § Infrastructure costs of ETO sterilizers § LogisLcs of sending to VGH Required: § Sterilizer(s) for each site performing ERCP’s § Materials compaLbility with LTS § Maintain scope inventory levels – quick cycle Lmes § Cost effecLve

  12. New Technology Trial § New low-temperature sterilizer which uses vaporized hydrogen peroxide and ozone in a mulLphase process § Validated in Canada – TJFQ180V Duodenoscope § Requires and Oxygen source i.e. O2 tanks, concentrator, direct line. § No special HVAC requirements/renovaLons

  13. Trial Parameters § 6 month trial period § 8 TJFQ180V duodenoscopes - approx. 5 years old § 2 sterilizing units § O2 Bank used as Oxygen source § IdenLfy super users and train specific core group § One scope per cycle, placed in compaLble bin and wrapped § Sterivent caps used on all scopes § ConLnue with current process of manual clean, HLD in AER and then sterilize § 4 scopes not in trial sterilized in ETO sterilizer

  14. Trial Parameters § Scopes randomly placed into 1 of 2 sterilizers § InspecLon of scope pre and post sterilizaLon (both methods) § Monitor cycle Lmes and aborted cycles § Monitor Hydrogen Peroxide InjecLon Times § Record oxygen tank consumpLon § Sterilant consumpLon § Droplets inside container post sterilizaLon § User feedback

  15. Ini)al Clinical Trial Results (Sep 1- Oct 2/17) § 71 cycles logged § Zero aborted cycles § Average cycle Lmes of 58:56 § 9 scopes per oxygen tank § 9 scopes per sterilant boOle § No droplets found in container aoer 49 cycles § PosiLve user feedback

  16. Pre & Post Scope Inspec)ons § Scope D301 -10 cycles § No issues reported § Scope D302 § Not used in trial § Scope D303 – 15 cycles § Sep 12/17 Slight discolora)on noted aXer HLD, prior to Steriliza)on. Removed when rinsed with sterile water. § Sep 28/17 Image brightness isssue. Sent for repair

  17. Pre & Post Scope Inspec)ons § Scope D304 – 3 cycles § Issue with previous repair and sent back to vendor to correct. § Scope D305 – 13 cycles § Sep 12/17 discolora)on noted aXer HLD, prior to steriliza)on. Discolora)on rinsed off with sterile water

  18. Pre & Post Scope Inspec)ons § Scope D306 – 2 cycles § Not used in trial § Scope D316 – 14 cycles § Sep 12/17 discolora)on noted aXer HLD, prior to steriliza)on. Discolora)on rinsed off with sterile water. Sep 20/17 discolora)on reappeared aXer HLD and removed with sterile water. § Oct 2/17 Elevator movement problem. Sent for repair

  19. Pre & Post Scope Inspec)ons § Scope D317 – 9 cycles § Black build up no)ced post steriliza)on. Removed with swab and sample sent to lab. Scope remained in use.

  20. Conclusion § Average cycle Lmes of < 1 hour on target with Provincial requirements § Staff found the process to be user friendly § DiscoloraLon found on scopes post HLD also noted on scopes not in trial (ETO sterilized). Therefore, seems to be residue from HLD and not the sterilizaLon process. § Lab results from black deposit found on one scope returned as non-organic. SpeculaLon this is excess adhesive from a previous repair. Scope returned to circulaLon. § No noLceable degradaLon of scopes compared to those being ETO sterilized

  21. Future Considera)ons § Aoer reviewing IFU’s and in consultaLon with vendor, the discoloraLon seems to be a result of both processes (HLD 7 SterilizaLon). The recommendaLon is to use just one process. Going forward duodenoscopes will be manually cleaned and sterilized, not HLD. § Will review consumable costs to get an accurate comparison of per cycle costs associated with both sterilizaLon methods. Some costs may be offset by reduced HLD costs. § ConLnue to monitor condiLon of scopes and to log specific repairs associated with reprocessing. § Compare scope degradaLon from both ETO and VHP & Ozone

  22. Ques)ons?

  23. References § Centers for Disease Control and PrevenLon hOps:// seqngs/lab/lab-duodenoscope-sampling.html § CRE Superbug Org hOp:// infecLon/ § Fibertech Medical hOp:// how-it-works-the-ercp-elevator-channel/ § Olympus Europe hOps:// medical_systems/products_services/product_details/ product_details_112768.jsp

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