soil testing

Soil Testing be overlooked. Soil test at least every 3-4 years. - PDF document

Topics for Todays Program Turfgrass Management BMPs Can Turfgrass be sustainable? -Soil Testing for the Lawn and Landscape Master Gardener Training, 2016 -Turfgrass selection -Turfgrass establishment Michael Goatley,

  1. Topics for Today’s Program Turfgrass Management BMPs • Can Turfgrass be ‘sustainable’? • -Soil Testing for the Lawn and Landscape Master Gardener Training, 2016 • -Turfgrass selection • -Turfgrass establishment Michael Goatley, Jr. • -Fertility programs and application principles Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist • -Protecting water quality • -Mowing programs and principles • -Cultivation programs and principles • -Quick review of pest management • -Bonus Material (if we have time) Turfgrasses provide outstanding Can Turf be ‘Sustainable’? FUNCTIONAL value. • My definition of ‘sustainable’: maintaining ecological balance… using a resource such that the resource is not permanently • One of the most damaged important means of environmental economic providing rapid, effective soil stabilization. . Social Next step: Identify what it is that you are looking for in a lawn. No matter what level of lawn you desire, the value of a soil test can not Soil Testing be overlooked.  Soil test at least every 3-4 years.  Information will allow you to make informed decisions on the need to apply lime, Check out the VCE Breeze phosphorus, presentation entitled “Soil Testing for the Lawn and Landscape” at potassium, and other nutrients. Master Gardener Training, 2016 1

  2. Before attempting any How often and when should soil type of lawn establishment or tests be conducted? renovation, please understand and appreciate the value of a soil test. Work with your county Virginia Cooperative Extension office or see T&GS representatives in order to conduct a meaningful soil test… the first step towards improving your lawn in an environmentally responsible manner. Why is pH so critical? Acid Neutral Alkaline What piece of information is not provided by the soil test?  No levels of nitrogen reported?  Isn’t nitrogen the nutrient applied in the largest quantities?  Although nitrogen levels are not provided, appropriate nitrogen recommendations will be made for the respective grasses. Master Gardener Training, 2016 2

  3. Seasonal Turfgrass Seasonal Growth Patterns: Cool-Season Turfgrasses Growing Patterns High Shoot Secondary Primary Window window Root Medium CHO Low Winter Early Spring Summer Early Fall Fall Winter Spring Shoot Growth Root Growth Carbohydrates Seasonal Growth Patterns: Warm-Season Turfgrasses Variety Evaluation Trials High Root Shoot National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) Trials Conducted at Blacksburg, Hampton Roads CHO The window of opportunity! AREC, and College Park, MD Be aggressive. Medium These replicated trials are conducted for periods of Establish, up to 6 years. fertilize, cultivate, Data gathered on overall quality, color, spring verticut, greening, pest pressure, etc. apply POST Low chemicals, etc. HRAREC is expanding its research area to include Winter Early Spring Summer Early Fall Fall Winter specific trials to evaluate centipedegrass, St. Spring Augustinegrass, and hybrid bluegrass. Shoot Growth Root Growth Carbohydrates Some general guidelines on the light requirement of Virginia’s predominant turfgrasses Go to the website and search for Kentucky bluegrass 6 hrs or more Turfgrass Variety direct light Bermudagrass Recommendations in required order to help you select Perennial ryegrass the RIGHT grass. Tall fescue 4-6 hrs of Zoysiagrass direct Creeping bentgrass light required Centipedegrass* 3-4 hrs of Fine-leaf fescues direct St. Augustinegrass* light required *Adapeted only in Tidewater Master Gardener Training, 2016 3

  4. Turfgrass possibilities for NoVA (excluding golf turf) •Warm season •Cool season • Best adapted for • Best adapted: Tall sunny/part shade lawns: fescue; Tall Fescue + Ky zoysiagrass (both seeded and vegetative varieties) BG mixtures •Cold tolerant bermudas, • Adapted for mostly sun either seeded or vegetative conditions but with high are possibilities but not as prominent as zoysiagrass. inputs: Ky BG, Ky BG + per ryegrass Put the grass’ genetics to work for you. Want dark green color? Consult • Excellent choice for area • Adapted for shaded NTEP data for cultivars with genetically darker green color. Each of these athletic fields: cold hardy Kentucky bluegrass cultivars receive the same seasonal N program. lawns: FF (heaviest bermudagrasses, seeded and vegetative varieties shade), Tall Fescue (moderate shade) Tall fescue is the best adapted cool-season turfgrass across the state of Virginia Characteristics: • Excellent color and turf quality potential in fall through spring period A Kentucky bluegrass lawn • Deep root system -the use of Kentucky bluegrass should be accompanied by a • Readily available from seed or sod willingness to provide a high level of maintenance • Requires a very sharp mower blade Fine-leaf fescues, particularly “hard fescue” are possibilities in Tall fescue alone dense shade in this area… but do not expect super thick turf in this environment. Bluegrass and tall fescue combos, 5-15% Ky BG -Excellent shade tolerance -Prefer minimal maintenance management programs --seed choices limited; no sod available in this area Bluegrass alone Mixtures of hybrid bluegrass (5-10% by weight) and tall fescue (90-95% by weight) provide desirable aesthetic and disease suppression qualities. Master Gardener Training, 2016 4

  5. A 3-yr old stand of Reliant hard fescue in Spotsylvania Co. that received a supplemental application of 1 lb N/1000 sq ft from methylene urea the first spring after hydroseeding and has had no other chemical or cultural management effort since. Zoysiagrass Yukon bermudagrass (seeded) lawn at 9 WAP (May 31) in central Kentucky. Yukon, Riviera, and Sovereign are all cold-tolerant, improved quality seeded bermudagrasses adapted to this region. Turf paints/colorants? Establishment Not as crazy as it might seem for warm-season turfgrasses. Master Gardener Training, 2016 5

  6. Timing is key to success Site Preparation Cool-season turfgrasses: • Soil preparation… some type of tillage is - late summer to early fall establishment is recommended for a new establishment PRIMARY time for success. Cooling day situation. This is the one time when you have temperatures, sufficiently warm soil temperatures. an opportunity to modify the soil root zone (the top 4-6 inches). Take advantage of this -Secondary window for cool-season turfgrasses is opportunity. mid-late spring, but this is much less desirable than a fall planting. WHY? • Do not “destroy” soil structure… some clods are okay. Don’t make “powder”! Warm-season turfgrasses: -late spring through mid-summer is ideal for • Opportunity for preplant incorporation of any establishment needed lime and “starter” fertilizer at this time -”window of opportunity” begins to close from mid- (recommend to use a 1-2-1 ratio fertilizer at the July forward level of 1 lb of phosphate/1000 sq ft) Seed Application Recommended Seeding Rates Weed control– consider how PRE herbicides will affect turf establishment. Grass Lbs PLS/M sq ft Use soil test data to adjust pH, P, and K Kentucky bluegrass 1-2 levels prior to planting. Tall fescue 6-8 Starter fertilizers (1:2:1) ratios are common, but don’t apply excessive fertilizer expecting additional response. Fine-leaf fescue 3-5 Prepare a seedbed (some type of surface Cool-season Use recommendations on the disruption is recommended to encourage bag. As an example, a 90/10 mixtures? Dependent soil to seed contact). (% by weight) mix of tall on % of individual fescue/Ky BG would be seeded species in mix. at 3-4 lbs/1000 sq ft. Distribute the seed uniformly in multiple directions to avoid skips. Bermudagrass 0.5-1 Zoysiagrass 2-3 Don’t bury the seed! The smaller the seed, the shallower it must be planted. Lightly rake or drag to gain soil to seed contact. Seed Application Consider economics and Maximize rainfall or irrigation environmental implications for all as much as you possibly can establishment methods by use of: -CLEAN small-grain straw (not hay!) at the rate of 1 bale/1000 1)Not all grasses can be planted by seed. sq ft of area. 2)While seed will almost always be a -use a commercially available shredded paper mulch cheaper initial planting alternative, there -use seed germination fabric are environmental and potential economic considerations for the other If water use is restricted, DO planting methods as well, especially sod NOT initiate irrigation if you installations. Consider costs associated can not continue to supplement the process. Just with the plant material, water, the value leave the seed for Mother of your time in maintenance, and your Nature to eventually provide desired use of the turf. adequate moisture. Master Gardener Training, 2016 6


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