software defined networking at scale

Software Defined Networking at Scale Bikash Koley on behalf of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Software Defined Networking at Scale Bikash Koley on behalf of Google Technical Infrastructure BTE 2014 Software Defined Networking at Scale Bikash Koley on behalf of Google Technical Infrastructure Software Defined Google Networking at

  1. Software Defined Networking at Scale Bikash Koley on behalf of Google Technical Infrastructure BTE 2014

  2. Software Defined Networking at Scale Bikash Koley on behalf of Google Technical Infrastructure

  3. Software Defined Google Networking at Bikash Koley on behalf of Google Technical Infrastructure

  4. Software Defined Networks require Software Defined Operations Google made great progress in SDN data and control plane It is time to transform the management plane with the industry! Google Confidential and Proprietary

  5. Warehouse Scale Computers 100 Billion Source: Google, 2012 searches per month on Google Confidential and Proprietary

  6. Google’s Global CDN Google Confidential and Proprietary

  7. B4: Software Defined inter-Datacenter WAN Google Confidential and Proprietary

  8. History of B4 WAN SDN Fully Deployed SDN Exit testing Rollout "opt in" network Central TE Deployed Google Confidential and Proprietary

  9. B4: SDN Architecture Mixed SDN Deployment OFA OFA Cluster Data Center OFA OFA Border Network Router OFA OFA EBGP OFA OFA Quagga OFC IBGP/ISIS to Paxos RCS remote sites TE Server Paxos Paxos Ready to introduce new network function virtualization (NFV) ● Google Confidential and Proprietary

  10. B4: SDN Equipment ● The only way to get well defined control and data plane APIs on a routing HW at that time was to build it ourselves Built from merchant silicon ○ OpenFlow support ○ Does not have all features ○ Multiple chassis per site ○ Fully centralized software ○ controlled Google Confidential and Proprietary

  11. Why SDN? ● SDN ⇏ Cheap Hardware ● SDN = programmatic decomposition of control, data and management planes ● Well defined APIs ⇒ fundamentally easier operational model ● Separation of control and data planes ⇒ much higher uptime ● Network function virtualization ⇒ new functions rolled out in days (vs years) Google Confidential and Proprietary

  12. Why SDN? ● SDN ⇏ Cheap Hardware ● SDN = programmatic decomposition of control, data and Virtual Network management planes ● Well defined APIs ⇒ fundamentally easier operational ⇔ model ● Separation of control and data planes ⇒ much higher Physical Network uptime ● Network function virtualization ⇒ new functions rolled out in days (vs years) Google Confidential and Proprietary

  13. Many Networks → One Network Software Defined Network Layer-cake Network EMS NMS App EMS NMS App EMS NMS App App App App App App App App App App Optical MPLS IP Network Operating System Control Control Control Plane Plane Plane Trans Data Optical rt Optical nsport Optical Router Router LSR Transpor lane LSR port Plane tical ptica Transport Transport Plane • Common network OS • Heterogeneous control plane • Common network apps • Heterogeneous network apps • Global view of network states • Large inefficiencies Google Confidential and Proprietary

  14. Anatomy of a Software Defined Network Topology Config Management Plane Config Workflow Analytics Model Model Config API??? Control Plane Optical BGP IGP TE Restoration Telemetry SNMP OpenFlow/PCE-P/... SNMP Data Plane switches/routers Optical Transport Google Confidential and Proprietary

  15. Anatomy of a Software Defined Network YANG/..? Topology Config Management Plane Config Workflow Analytics Model Model Netconf/JSON/..? Control Plane Optical BGP IGP TE Restoration Telemetry JSON PUB/S OpenFlow/PCE-P/... UB? Data Plane switches/routers Optical Transport Google Confidential and Proprietary

  16. Software Defined Network Configuration Config Model Content [config data] Topology Model Operations <get-config>, <edit-config>,<notifications> RPC Transport Protocol [ssh, https,..] Google Confidential and Proprietary

  17. Towards Declarative Transactional Semantics Good progress in control plane -> dataplane APIs and ● protocols (OpenFlow, PCE-P.. ) Limited progress in management plane -> control plane ● protocols and APIs Netconf (RFC 6241) is promising, need universal adoption ○ Very limited progress in standard network data model ● definition YANG as modeling language is promising ○ No vendor-neutral data model yet to describe network/device ○ configuration No standard network topology model ○ No progress in streaming transfer of bulk-variable/data ● SNMP is clunky and not that simple ☺ ○ Google Confidential and Proprietary

  18. Towards a Common Network Model Network Config model to describe declarative ● configuration Google is working on a rich vendor-neutral network data ○ model described in YANG Network Topology model to describe multi-layer network ● topology (Layer-0 - 7) Google made significant progress in structured hierarchical ○ description of multi-layer connected graphs using protocol buffers* (aka protobuf) ● We welcome collaboration in developing common config and topology models as the basis of true software defined network operation * Google Confidential and Proprietary

  19. SDN: Beyond the Network Boundaries Goal ● Exchange traffic optimally between provider networks (ASNs) ○ Limitations today ● Mutual intents of traffic exchange are expressed via BGP as *hints* ○ Suboptimal traffic exchange as the peer networks *guess* optimality ○ SDN advantage ● A common network model and a rich pub/sub API , leveraging cloud ○ Declarative intent expressed by an ISP: ○ e.g. deliver to Denver, to San Francisco, ■ do_not_deliver traffic in {Portland, Los Angeles}, avoid_congestion in topology_A, use augmented_topology_B Google Confidential and Proprietary

  20. SDN: Beyond the Network Boundaries We welcome collaboration with the ISPs in developing programmatic traffic exchange Google Confidential and Proprietary

  21. Questions? Google Confidential and Proprietary


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