sarah mccann

Sarah McCann Evidence showed that within the NHSCT 45.6 % of those - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sarah McCann Evidence showed that within the NHSCT 45.6 % of those with a learning disability had epilepsy reviewed by their GP. Of the others, 50% had their epilepsy reviewed by hospital doctor/consultant and 7% by their family/carer. This

  1. Sarah McCann

  2. Evidence showed that within the NHSCT 45.6 % of those with a learning disability  had epilepsy reviewed by their GP. Of the others, 50% had their epilepsy reviewed by hospital doctor/consultant and 7% by their family/carer. This meant that there was no regular review of an individual’s epilepsy and it’s management. The Nurse Led Clinic fills this gap.  Choice of venue means less disruption, familiar environment and a stress free review  for service users. Individual 45 minute appointments ensure that all concerns are addressed by service  users, and their families/carers. For those unable to attend, provision is made for a telephone consultation to provide update since last review. The nurse within the adult centre is pivotal to collating relevant information in relation  to each individual, for discussion at review.

  3. Dear ……………… . Sarah McCann, Epilepsy Nurse Specialist for Children and Adults With A I am offering you an appointment to Learning Disability discuss your epilepsy at your Adult Sarah McCann, Epilepsy Nurse Specialist for Children and Adults With A Centre. Learning Disability The date of your appointment is….. The time of your appointment is…. If you have any questions or worries HELP ?? about attending, please ring me. My telephone number is My telephone number is.. 028 7954 7480 028 7954 7480

  4.  Service User  Family/carer  Adult Centre Staff  GP  Consultant/s  Other ENS  Nursing teams  Social Worker

  5.  Minimum of 6 –monthly review of person’s epilepsy  Bone Health – (44 bone profile investigations) 12 within normal range 32 abnormal range 12 outstanding 2 requiring Dexa scan  Reduction in Use of Emergency Drugs – 5 discontinued  Use of oral rescue medication  Successful transfer to first line Emergency Drug, Buccal midazolam(pre-filled syringes) only 2 remain on RD and one on paraldehyde

  6.  2 individuals successfully discontinued anti-epileptic drugs  2 individuals oxygen and suction discontinued  Accurate description of service users seizure presentation / seizure type  Accurate record of frequency of seizures – seizure diaries  Successful reduction in anti-epileptic drugs  Raised awareness of epilepsy for service user and family/carer  Inclusive service for service user and family.

  7. George Sloan Adult Centre 29% Antrim Adult Centre 37% Hawthornes Adult Centre Millbrook Adult Centre 29% 37%

  8.  All service users with epilepsy have an Epilepsy Management Plan in place.  Minimum of yearly review of Epilepsy Plans.  FRAX screening assessment tool.  Epilepsy Risk Assessments for Transport.  Safe Practice regarding Emergency Drugs – use of pre-filled syringes.  Standardisation of practice throughout the Trust.


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