ageing well age friendly cities

Ageing Well Age Friendly Cities Helen Chambers Public Health, SCC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ageing Well Age Friendly Cities Helen Chambers Public Health, SCC Bernadette Elder Inspiring Communities Together Jean Rollinson Age UK Salford Age Friendly Cities The H&WB Board are the sponsors for the Age Friendly

  1. Ageing Well

  2. Age Friendly Cities Helen Chambers – Public Health, SCC Bernadette Elder – Inspiring Communities Together Jean Rollinson – Age UK Salford

  3. Age Friendly Cities • The H&WB Board are the sponsors for the Age Friendly Cities work • Age Friendly Cities Salford video link WHO definition of AFC “An Age Friendly City encourages active ageing by optimising opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age. In practical terms an age friendly city adapts its structures and services to be accessible to and inclusive of older people with varying needs and capacities”. Global Age-friendly Cities: a Guide (WHO 2007).

  4. Why work on becoming Age Friendly? • Our population is ageing • Health and social care expenditure in Salford relating to older people in excess of £100 million per annum • The Age Friendly City model focuses on wider determinants within the built environment, planning and housing which can support the reduction of the key areas of poor health in Salford • Older people are frequently socially isolated, with a poor quality of life. – “as many as 1 in 10 patientss arriving at GPs surgeries are there not because they are medically unwell, but because they are lonely” – 50% boost in longevity in people who have a strong social network which is as good for long term survival as giving up a 15 a day smoking • Actively promoting an ‘Age Friendly’ mindset and approach to our services, society and environment is in everyone's interest

  5. Developing the plan 2014 -2015 Initial engagement of older people • What motivates you to get up in the morning – Socialising • What do you do that makes you feel good – Activities • How do you find out about things – Friends and family 2015-2016 Wider engagement activity • Focus groups across the city • Older person day event • Long list of priorities created • 4 visions for Age Friendly Salford Created 2016-2017 Sense checking • Engagement events with older people to check priorities • Stakeholder event with partners to share what we have learnt and seek their ideas • Draft Age Friendly Cities Base Line plan developed • Small scale activities taking place with older people

  6. Next steps 2017- 2018 Governance • Older person Networks set up and meeting – bringing together older people from across neighbourhoods • Ambition for Ageing funding secured – Resources to enable small scale investment projects • Age Friendly City film produced • Salford Age Friendly Action Alliance to be set up The plan 2018 • The Health and Wellbeing Board to endorse the plan • Plan to be submitted to WHO (we will lose our Age Friendly City status if a plan is not presented by June 2018) 2018-2020 Delivery • Implement the action plan • Develop smart targets • Report back to relevant boards on progress

  7. Age Friendly Cities – What is already happening? • GM Ageing hub – aiming to create the first Age Friendly Region in England • Ambition for Ageing (AfA) - £650k over 5 years – to test AF work • National Age Friendly Cities network / Centre for Ageing • There are many and varied opportunities for Older People to engage in a wide range of activities locally • Monitor progress through AfA data system

  8. Age Friendly Salford 2017 7, 5% 10, 8% 16, 13% 24, 19% Not at All Not Really Somewhat Very No View 71, 55% How Age Friendly do older people feel Salford is now?

  9. Recommendations and discussion 1, Note and consider the Age Friendly city baseline plan and the progress made during 2014-17. 2, Support establishment of the Salford Age Friendly Action Alliance and partners to nominate membership. 3, Endorse the Age Friendly City baseline plan and action plan for 2018 – and consider the role of partners in its delivery. 4, Note performance across the HWBB ‘Age well’ outcomes.

  10. Ageing Well Overview of three Outcomes – Progress to date Helen Chambers – Public Health SCC Gordon Adams – Public Health SCC

  11. Emergency Admissions injuries due to Falls 65+ • The rate of admissions due to falls has remained steady over the last three years. • Salford’s admission rate is amongst the highest of our peers. • The rate is 52% higher than the national rate and 31% higher than the GM rate.

  12. Salford Together Integrated Falls Project Recruit and training Falls prevention 200 volunteer falls training champions Six steps to preventing falls programme Marketing and Set of tools communication developed messages

  13. Falls prevention discussion What can group members do to ensure the system change we are trying to achieve is supported across partners?

  14. Salford Over 65s Seasonal Flu Vaccination Rate 84 82.3% 81.1% 82 80 77.2% 77.1% 77.1% 78 76.3% 75.4% National target (75%) 76 Other 74 GP Local Trajectory 72 70 68 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Projected 2017/18 • In 2016/17 over 28,000 over 65s received a seasonal flu vaccination in Salford • Annual programme runs from Sept to Jan (projections based on Nov data) • Majority are vaccinated by their GP practice (the national measure uses GP vaccination rate) • More recently other providers, mainly pharmacies, have been commissioned to deliver provide flu vaccinations (local measures uses total vaccination rate)

  15. Salford Flu Vaccination Programme • Year round, multiagency programme to maximise flu vaccination led by the CCG involving various local agencies (e.g. City Council, GPs, Pharmacies, Integrated Care Organisation, Hospital, Schools, etc.) • Salford-wide vaccination rates hide considerable variation at GP practice / neighbourhood levels (the local programme targets areas where vaccinations rates have historically been low). • Lower uptake in our Jewish population • In recent years national strategy has been to expand the cohorts eligible for vaccination. Increasing “herd immunity” reduces the likelihood that flu will be passed on to the most vulnerable. The over 65s represent less than half the total number of Salfordians who will receive an NHS commissioned flu vaccination – other cohorts include: • People with long term conditions including pregnant women • Frontline healthcare workers • Carers • Children (the age range for the schools programme is gradually increasing) 45.5% vaccinated in schools 2016-2017, increasing Her immunity • Care homes staff (a new 2017/18 initiative)

  16. Facts about Flu in Salford • Looking at local GP data alone you may think uptake in some groups appears as if it has declined over recent years. • Pharmacists are now providing vaccinations to all those over 18, giving eligible groups more choice. • Flu season 2018-2019 NHS England are commissioning adjuvanted trivalent flu vaccine for our over 75’s year olds. This has been shown to be considerably more effective in an older population. • Salford CCG have now agreed to fund adjuvanted trivalent vaccine for 65s to 74 year olds next year (as above NHSE are funding 75+) Salford Royal acute and community staff vaccine uptake as of 5 th January • uptake at SRFT was 74.6% with vaccinations still being provided. • Registered carers can get the flu vaccine through their GP. • Anecdotally in 2017-2018 we are seeing an increase in cases of flu, there isn’t a clear rational for this. Highlighting the importance of getting the vaccination due to the unpredictability of the flu virus. • Health & Well Being board members can help with promoting the facts and myths programme.

  17. All Ages 3-year average shows performance consistently better than national average Worsening trend in recent years but still amongst best of our peers Over 85s 3 year average shows performance consistently better than national average and all peers. Improving performance levelling off in last 3 periods

  18. Reducing Excess Winter Deaths & Falls in Salford 2016-2017 • 704 h/holds aged over 75 visited by Operation Snow Patrol. Of these 548 were referred for schemes delivered by Helping Hands/Age UK/Care-On-Call & the Council. • 3,160 h/holds were helped to remove hazards from around their home that cause trips, slips & falls by Helping Hands. • 2,500 h/holds received free rock-salt delivered by Helping Hands. • 2,800 green-makeover visits by the Green Handyperson scheme. • 263 visits to carry out a H&S check on gas boilers & fires via the Council’s Affordable Warmth scheme. • 38 new gas boiler fully or part funded by the Council through their hardship grants.


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