radaropus 2 2 your success is our priority

RadarOpus 2.2 Your success is our priority Our latest software - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SAFETY. ELEGANCE. PERFORMANCE. RadarOpus 2.2 Your success is our priority Our latest software technology and security features bring you - 64 BIT compatibility (works with the Mac OS out in fall 2019) - A new and even faster Database


  2. Your success is our priority Our latest software technology and security features bring you… - 64 BIT compatibility (works with the Mac OS out in fall 2019) - A new and even faster Database (PostgreSQL 11) - GDPR and HIPAA modules (for guaranteed data protection) - NEW TOOLS: Hide remedies in the analysis - BETTER Keyless protection (unlimited license migration!) - More FREE documents than ever! - EASIER installation process - EASIER Content Updater (to get your new documents!) - Peace Of Mind Cover (free updates and Support for 12 months) - NEW Family and Energetic Remedy Picture modules (payable separately) … And more!

  3. Privacy, GDPR and HIPAA We’re keeping an eye on regulations for you… GDPR and HIPAA are privacy regulations implemented in USA and EUROPE. They are regulations that must be followed by anybody saving personal/sensitive data. If you use a Homeopathic Software like RadarOpus and use a Patient Management System (or even simply save repertorizations and name them with your Patient’s info), then you need to comply . This is why we have implemented compulso ry passwo r d , enc ry pted backup and many mo r e f eatu r es you can find by reading the technical description of RadarOpus 2.2 update (www.radaropus.com/whatsnew). What if I live outside the EU or USA? You are also likely to need this if you live in countries outside of Europe and USA. Most countries have similar rules so our privacy modules will help you regardless of where you live!

  4. AHEAD OF THE GAME 64 bit compatibility before you need it BIG NEWS! Our 2.2 update comes in 64-bit. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? The number of bits in a processor refers to the size of the data types that it handles and the size of its registry. A 64 - bit processor is capable of storing 264 computational values, including memory addresses, which means it's able to access over four billion times as much physical memory than a 32 - bit processor! WHY DO YOU NEED IT? 
 Apple’s next update (due out in fall 2019) will only be 64-bit, so any software you have that does not run on 64-bit will NOT wo r k with the new Apple update. It is likely that Microsoft will also soon go the same way… so we’ve prepared everything for you way ahead of time!

  5. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER More FREE documents than ever! We have a “continuous flow” approach at RadarOpus. This means that we have a dedicated team working regularly to provide you with USEFUL and FREE Homeopathic content! SOME UPCOMING FREE PROVINGS: DOMINICI G., DODESINI M. – Hydrogen peroxide in Humans and Animals FATULA O. - Proving of Colibri amazilia - Humming-bird HILDEBRANDT - Homöopathische Arzneimittelprüfung von Dolomit JOHNSON G. - The Dream Proving of GNRH - Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone MERIALDO G. - Seminar remedios marinos … As well as Insect themes Sea Animal themes Snake themes

  6. YOU DREAM, WE CREATE NEW TOOL: Hide Remedies in the Analysis We always listen to our Homeopathic Community and aim to constantly improve RadarOpus with unique features that make your daily practice easier and your results more accurate. One of the requests was the possibility to hide remedies in the analysis.. and so here it is for you! Included free of charge with the 2.2 update (on Silver Engines and above) . HOW DOES IT WORK? In the analysis, one or more remedies can be hidden . This is particularly useful when the patient has taken (many) remedies without result. As more symptoms are added, only the remaining, interesting remedies are updated in the analysis. The user can hide one or more remedies as well as all remedies to the left or to the right of a selected remedy. Also family members of a remedy can be hidden, e.g: by selecting Lachesis, all snakes can hidden.

 WE ARE ENERGY Degroote’s Energetic Picture Filip Degroote (Belgium) has a lifetime experience investigating and confirming set energetic pictures of remedies . This module brings you the detailed energetic picture of more than 1.300 remedies! The text version is accompanied by a visual representation plotting the related muscles, nerves and vertebrae on the body. This information can be looked up by right clicking on a remedy abbreviation in any repertory and in the analysis, making it easily available during daily practice. See below for more…

 FAMILY TIME Vervarcke’s Family Finder Find a family entering the keywords of your patient! Anne Vervarcke’s (Belgium) module does not use the repertory rubrics, but responds to queries based on the most important words, expressions, themes of your patient. If the suggestion is close, but not perfect yet, the module helps you to navigate to related families to solve your case. In addition, Anne has added specific information on numerous small remedies, which might pop up as well as a response to your query. In the example below “speed” and “proud” lead to the birds family (aves), Nevertheless, also other families and remedies are presented as a suggestion for this query. This very interactive module is designed to help you work through the toughest cases.

  9. For more information on 2.2 features please visit: radaropus.com/whatsnew Check your “ FreeNotes” regularly for the latest themes and useful Homeopathic content! Get instant access to the latest releases Discover RadarOpus through our improved Content Updater ! Discover Homeopathy Support the Community www.radaropus.com


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