program initiatives 3 2016 2021

Program Initiatives 3 (2016 2021) In March 2015, Council approved - PDF document

12/7/2016 PROGRAM INITIATIVES 3 UPDATE Program Initiatives 3 (2016 2021) In March 2015, Council approved PI3 (50% Set Aside) Covering Three Areas Environmental Contributors to Breast Cancer Health Inequities/Disparities and

  1. 12/7/2016 PROGRAM INITIATIVES 3 UPDATE Program Initiatives 3 (2016 ‐ 2021) • In March 2015, Council approved PI3 (50% Set ‐ Aside) • Covering Three Areas – Environmental Contributors to Breast Cancer – Health Inequities/Disparities and Breast Cancer – Population ‐ Level Interventions Intended to Prevent Breast Cancer • Currently in the Planning Stage – Implementation Plan – Timeline with Key Milestones 1

  2. 12/7/2016 Key PI3 Planning Tasks 1. Award Competitive RFQ for Convener 2. Design and Launch PI3 Challenge 3. Explore Funding Partners/Sponsors 4. Recruit Steering Committee 5. Develop Strategic Development Plan 6. Create Community Stakeholder Engagement Plan 7. Integrate Evaluation Efforts into the PI3 Process 8. Identify Strategy Advisors 9. Summarize SRI (and when available, CBCPI) Outcomes 10. Conduct Initial Science Reviews SRI Evaluation 2

  3. 12/7/2016 In Context Special Research Initiatives (SRI) 2004 ‐ 2009 In 2004, CBCRP launched Special Research Initiatives (SRI), which devoted 30% of CBCRP research funds to support coordinated, directed, and collaborative research in two areas: 1. The effects of the environment on the development of breast cancer 2. Disparities in breast cancer Vision : To fund research that not only increases knowledge about these areas, but also points to solutions that will reduce the suffering from breast cancer and move us closer to eliminating the disease. Goals: Support coordinated statewide effort to explore innovative ideas + theories. • Leverage California’s unique and diverse geographic and population resources. • Undertake critical studies that significantly move these fields forward. • SRI Strategy Development Plan • Leadership Phase 1 •Recruit and form SRI Steering Committee (SC) to provide guidance throughout the strategy development process. CBCRP Advisory • State of the Science Review Council •CBCRP staff, SC, and Science Advisors generate a document with comprehensive information on current research and Phase 2 funding surrounding questions investigated under SRI. Strategy Steering Team Committee SRI Planning • Involve Stakeholders Advisory Groups •Inform stakeholders and engage them in developing strategy for SRI. Phase 3 •Recruit and register interested investigators. Science • Identify Strategies/Initiatives Stakeholders Advisors •Brainstorm, prioritize, and develop strategies that coordinate and leverage California resources to conduct Phase 4 research. that will have the greatest impact. • Adopt Strategies/Initiatives •Advisory Council reviews recommendations from Strategy Report and identify strategies that CBCRP will begin Phase 5 implementing. 3

  4. 12/7/2016 Special Research Initiatives (SRI) A collaborative strategic planning effort between CBCRP and more than 50 scientific and advocacy experts in breast cancer, the environment, and disparities which led to an extensive literature review titled “Identifying Gaps in Breast Cancer Research,” that played a role in identifying 9 initiatives for breast cancer research in disparities, the environment, or both disparities & the environment. Topic Area: Topic Area: Topic Area: Disparities (13 projects) Disparities & Environment (7 projects) Environment (6 projects) Initiative: Initiative: Initiative: Initiative: Initiative: Initiative: Initiative: Initiative: Initiative: Demographic Questions Toward the Development of a Making Chemicals Testing Understanding Piloting an Integrated Statistical Methods Toward an Ecological Environmental Environmental Racial and Ethnic for California Breast Approach to Understanding California Chemicals Policy Relevant to Breast Cancer to Study Interacting Model of Breast Causes of Breast Exposures & Breast Differences in Stage ‐ Cancer Research Behavioral, Social, and Factors that Impact Cancer causation and Cancer Across that Considers Breast Cancer Cancer in a Large, Physical Environment Factors Specific Breast Breast Cancer Prevention Generations Diverse Cohort Cancer Survival and Breast Cancer Among Immigrants Race & Ethnicity in Model ‐ building with New Paradigm of Environmental Causes Persistent Organic Breast Cancer & Biologically Relevant Demographic Immigrant Experience & Stage ‐ specific Complex Pollutants & Breast Chemicals Policy Screening of Endocrine Breast Cancer of Breast Cancer Questions for CA Breast Cancer Risk in Cancer Risk Disruptors Breast Cancer Environmental Causation and Across Generations BC Research Asians Survival* Exposures Prevention Exploring Disparities, Xenoestrogen ‐ Specific Environmental Risk Perturbations in the Human California Breast New Methods for Breast Factors in Teachers Cancer Survivorship Genomic Studies in Cell Bioassays for Detection of Consortium** African American Women Aromatase Gene Activators Biomarkers for Environmental Exposures in Breast Cancer Cancer Mapping: Making Spatial Models Work for Building on National Initiatives Communities for New Chemicals Screening Total Topic Areas: 3 Total Initiatives: 9 *multi ‐ site collaboration: 6 grants awarded to 4 institutions & organizations Total Grants: 26 **multi ‐ site collaboration: 5 grants awarded to 4 institutions & organizations Total Funding Amount: $20,593,655 Special Research Initiatives (SRI) Evaluation Framework Process/Short Term Outcomes What investment did the CBCRP make in SRI? How were the SRI initiatives structured? How were the SRI initiatives identified? What types of projects were funded in the SRI? Did SRI build on existing data but avoid duplicating funding strategies by other research funders? Did SRI choose topics based on the most up ‐ to ‐ date knowledge and opinion of experts? Medium Term Outcomes Were the goals of each initiative met? Did the grants within these initiatives meet their goals? Do the research findings from the SRI grants lead to increased knowledge to reduce the burden of breast cancer? Do the research findings from the SRI grants lead to increased opportunities to move these fields forward in research and/or advocacy? How did the structure of SRI impact the research initiated within each initiative? How did the SRI funded grants leverage California’s unique and diverse, geography, demographics, and research resources? Long Term Outcomes Did SRI reach its overarching goal? Did the research produced as a result of SRI stimulate the field of breast cancer research? Was the research produced innovative and/or theory generating? How did the research portfolio change for the researchers who received a SRI grant? How did the SRI influence: CBCRP research portfolio? CBCRP funding priorities? Who benefitted from the research produced by SRI funded grants? Did SRI serve as a pipeline for new investigators interested in these areas? 4

  5. 12/7/2016 Evaluation Methods • Mixed Method Approach – Document Analyses (Grant documents, SRI planning documents, preliminary evaluation, Council meeting notes) – Database Extraction (internal systems, ICRP, NIH RePORTER, UberResearch) – Survey/Interviews with SRI investigators – Focus Group with SRI advocates – Independent Expert Panel 5

  6. 12/7/2016 SRI Descriptive Analyses SRI INITIATIVES BY TOPIC 14 n = 3 1 12 1 10 8 n = 4 n = 2 6 11 3 4 5 1 2 2 1 1 0 Disparities Environment Both Disparities & Environment Initiatives: 3 Initiatives: 2 Initiatives: 4 Grants Grants Grants Awarded: 7 Awarded : 13 Awarded: 6 6

  7. 12/7/2016 APPLICATIONS RECEIVED VS. GRANTS AWARDED by topic area 25 21 20 16 15 13 Applications Grants Funded 9 10 7 6 5 0 Disparities Environment Both 62% of applications 67% of applications 44% of applications funded funded funded GRANTS AWARDED BY FUNDING MECHANISM: RFPs, RFQs, & Program ‐ Directed Awards 10 9 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 RFP 5 RFQ 4 Program ‐ Directed 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 Disparities Environmental Both Total Between topic areas, the frequency of each funding mechanism in grant awards is different. Disparities: Environment: Both Disparities & Environment: 1% RFP 83% RFP 43% RFP • • • 54% RFQ 17% RFQ 14% RFQ • • • 38% Program ‐ Directed 0% Program ‐ Directed 43% Program ‐ Directed • • • Across all SRI projects, funding mechanisms are distributed more evenly . 7

  8. 12/7/2016 FUNDING Total Funds Distributed by Topic Area $4,196,664.00 20% Disparities Environment $11,253,042.00 55% Both Disparities & Environment $5,143,949.00 25% Mean Award per Grant by Topic Area $1,125,304.20 $1,200,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $857,324.83 $800,000.00 $600,000.00 $322,820.31 $400,000.00 $200,000.00 $ ‐ Disparities Env Both FUNDING BY INITIATIVE Understanding racial and ethnic differerences in stage ‐ specific breast cancer survival $1,037,347.00 5% $3,043,978.00 Piloting an integrated approach to understanding 15% behavioral, social, and physical environment factors and breast cancer among immigrants $722,098.00 Demographic questions for California breast cancer 3% $4,850,028.00 $430,588.00 research 24% 2% $234,739.00 Toward the development of a California chemicals 1% policy that considers breast cancer Making chemicals testing relevant to breast cancer Toward an ecological model of breast cancer causation and prevention $4,909,210.00 24% Environmental causes of breast cancer across generations $5,106,704.00 25% Environmental exposures & breast cancer in a large, $258,963.00 diverse cohort 1% Statistical methods to study interacting factors that impact breast cancer 8


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