oth others ers wh who o are are hu hurting rting

Oth Others ers Wh Who o Are Are Hu Hurting rting Su Suic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

He Help lping ing Oth Others ers Wh Who o Are Are Hu Hurting rting Su Suic icide ide Aw Awar areness eness an and d Pr Prev eventio ention Important to Understand Some individuals struggle with suicidal thoughts

  1. He Help lping ing Oth Others ers Wh Who o Are Are Hu Hurting rting Su Suic icide ide Aw Awar areness eness an and d Pr Prev eventio ention

  2. Important to Understand…  Some individuals struggle with suicidal thoughts and/or self-harm when they are upset over a temporary situation with friends and/or family.  A temporary situation or problem is not the only cause of having thoughts of suicide.  Some individuals struggle with long term situations and mental health issues that impact every day life.  A completed suicide is a permanent decision …once it has happened, it’s final .

  3. Th There re ar are man any y other her options tions to fin ind emotional otional reli lief ef than an to end nd a a LI LIFE. Help He lp is is av availa ailable. ble. It It is is po possi ssible ble to feel el better tter in in tim ime. e.

  4. Wa Warni rning ng Si Sign gns  Suicide Threats  Feeling sad or withdrawn for an extended period of time.  Previous Suicide Attempts  Sudden Changes in Behavior  Depression  Final Arrangements  Severe mood swings  Intense worries or fears

  5. Su Suicid icide e Thr Threat eats What it may sound like:  “I would be better off dead!”  “You won’t have me around much longer to bother you!”  “I wish I was dead.”  “I am going to kill myself”…(this is straight forward, but it happens)

  6. Su Suicid icide e Thr Threat eats These are serious words, thoughts and feelings so if you or someone you know needs help, please tell someone.

  7. What should you do… ACT A cknowledge C are T ell Acknowledge that Let them know Tell a trusted adult your friend has a that you care about your problem and the about them and concerns symptoms are want to help serious them

  8. Li List sten en Th Through ough So Soci cial al Me Medi dia a To Too  Warning signs may come from social media messages…Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites  If you see signs on social media, please tell a responsible adult and/or report the posts to the site.  Click Here to Discuss Specific Examples:  Signs to Look for on Social Media

  9.  It's Up 2 U! It's Up to ALL of US to be proactive in preventing suicide, bullying/cyber-bullying, drug use/ abuse, violence (including dating violence), and all harm to ourselves or our friends. Tell a trusted adult or submit an online anonymous e-alert. Remaining silent is not the solution.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a12wXcsJx0

  10. Frie Fr iends ds Help lping ing Fr Frie iends nds  If you see any of the signs mentioned in a friend or classmate, tell a responsible adult immediately.  Be willing to risk your friendship to save a friend.  Be willing to help even if they are not a friend. REMEMBER Your knowledge of suicidal thoughts could save someone’s life .

  11. Real Stories…Real Help YouTube videos of real-life stories of HELP and HOPE:  Krista's Story  Lynzee's Story ****Not all videos on the internet about suicide prevention promote healthy responses and safe behavior.**** These videos follow best practice guidelines as outlined by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Mental Health America of Texas.

  12. Video Discussion Topics  What were some of the signs of suicidal thoughts and/or self-injury in these stories?  What did they do when they saw these signs of self- injury or suicidal thoughts?  How did these individuals change a friend’s life?  What would you have done?  How can you make a difference for someone?

  13. Possible Places For Help…  Favorite Teacher  Parent  Friend’s Parent  Aunt or Uncle  School Counselor  Medical Doctor  Other Trusted Adult  Local Mental Health Center  Crisis Hotline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

  14. Crisis If someone is in immediate danger do NOT wait for a counselor to call you out of class. If you or someone you know is in danger of getting hurt, please tell another trusted adult immediately. If you are at home and perceive a crisis: :  Call 911  Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) They have trained counselors available 24/7 to provide free, confidential help.  National Suicide Prevention Resources Information found at http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

  15. Every life is special and irreplaceable. It’s Up to YOU to Make a Difference!


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