openkeychain an architecture for cryptography with smart

OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks Operating System Email Crypto Provider binds to API key management secret key creation access control Security Token PIN/password caching per client operating system with IM NFC

  1. Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks Operating System Email Crypto Provider binds to API key management secret key creation access control Security Token PIN/password caching per client operating system with IM NFC dispatcher cryptography applet binds to API holds secret key operations restricted to API: access control API: low-level operations selected keys Other Clients by PIN high-level crypto operations PIN/password input potentially common user interactions untrusted OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Dominik Schürmann, Sergej Dechand, Lars Wolf, 2017-09-14

  2. Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks Working Title: “One Ring to Sign Them All” Dominik Schürmann, Sergej Dechand, Lars Wolf, 2017-09-14

  3. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion End-to-End Encryption But let’s start from the beginning... 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 3 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  4. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion End-to-End Encryption But let’s start from the beginning... End-to-End Encryption on Android Messaging: Signal, WhatsApp, LINE, … Cloud Storage: SpiderOak, Boxcryptor, … Email: ? 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 3 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  5. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion End-to-End Encryption But let’s start from the beginning... End-to-End Encryption on Android Messaging: Signal, WhatsApp, LINE, … Cloud Storage: SpiderOak, Boxcryptor, … Email: ? Issues Secret Key is stored on the device Android updates rolled out slowly Malware Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policies 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 3 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  6. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion Goals Architecture for End-to-End Encryption Easy API (no knowledge of public key crypto required) Support for secret keys on external NFC tokens Include UI components 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 4 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  7. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion Goals Architecture for End-to-End Encryption Easy API (no knowledge of public key crypto required) Support for secret keys on external NFC tokens Include UI components Research Goals API Design Comparison with existing APIs Try out new form factors (NFC Ring!) User study of UI components 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 4 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  8. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion Existing Work Crypto API Misuse Egele et al.: “An Empirical Study of Cryptographic Misuse in Android Applications.” (ACM CCS’11) Fahl et al.: “Why Eve and Mallory Love Android: An Analysis of Android SSL (in) Security” (ACM CCS’12) Usability of Two Factor Authentication on Desktop Systems Strouble et al.: “Productivity and Usability Effects of Using a Two-Factor Security System” (SAIS’09) Lang et al. (Google): “Security Keys: Practical Cryptographic Second Factors for the Modern Web” (Financial Crypto’16) 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 5 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  9. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion Existing Work Conclusion No App/Library/Architecture on Android for NFC Security Tokens for End-to-End Encryption Studies only about Authentication, not Encryption No studies on NFC Rings for Crypto 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 6 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  10. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion Architecture Operating System Email Crypto Provider binds to API key management secret key creation access control Security Token PIN/password caching per client operating system with IM NFC dispatcher cryptography applet binds to API holds secret key operations restricted to access control API: API: low-level operations Other Clients high-level crypto operations selected keys by PIN PIN/password input potentially common user interactions untrusted 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 7 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  11. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion API Specificiation (Simple Version) Action Req. Extras Description SIGN_AND_ENCRYPT USER_IDS Encrypt to email addresses and generate signature - Decrypt and verify signature DECRYPT_VERIFY Typically, APIs only provide low level methods In our case it also provides UI components Includes secure password/PIN caching 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 8 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  12. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion Demo Videos 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 9 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  13. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion User Interface Engineering 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 10 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  14. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion NFC Performance Table: Mean durations (w/ standard deviation) of cryptographic operations (10 experiments per operation). Operation Duration σ Signature calculation 787 . 9 ms 3.18 Decrypt session key 830 . 9 ms 55.86 Transfer existing secret key 711 . 9 ms 32.66 Generate secret key on-token a 9476 . 2 ms 2297.71 a Roughly, only every third key generation succeeded 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 11 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  15. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion User Study Try new form factor in comparison to smart cards Forge the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom. 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 12 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  16. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion User Study Try new form factor in comparison to smart cards Forge the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom. (a) IC extracted (b) Circular coil (c) 3D printed from NXP as new NFC ring prototype. J3D081. antenna. 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 12 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  17. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion User Study Study 40 participants from a large company in Germany Password vs NFC card vs NFC ring 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 13 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  18. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion User Study Design 1. Lab experiment observing setup time, decryption time 2. User survey for analyzing perception Within-group design No comparison with biometric features 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 14 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  19. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion Performance 250 70 60 200 50 150 40 30 100 20 50 10 0 0 Ring Card Password Ring Card Password (a) Setup time. (b) Decryption time. Figure: Time measurements (in seconds, no outliers, lower is better). 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 15 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks

  20. Introduction Architecture User Study Conclusion User Perception Card 10% 60% Ring 15% 35% Password 75% 5% 100 50 0 50 100 Percentage Response 3 (Worst) 2 1 (Best) Figure: Aggregated user perception showing the ranking choices in the interview. 2017-09-14 Dominik Schürmann Page 16 of 18 OpenKeychain: An Architecture for Cryptography with Smart Cards and NFC Rings on Android Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks


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