nfrfiortl 0f detectti stfrtic

Nfrfiortl 0F DETEctti STfrTiC AS OF D?UIl}Ttc PTEOPERfi gA161Q - PDF document

Nfrfiortl 0F DETEctti STfrTiC AS OF D?UIl}Ttc PTEOPERfi gA161Q ft urr'orfs 6 n U eeD W el5F f-*n SLrct I rvPE rlfEcl(iile DNn WPes ., +he +6pe "t fluqrnA ofhec pw porc$ ''Y'''.i ir !3 delumin . serues to o, t J?"e

  1. Nfrfiortl 0F DETEctti STfrTiC AS OF D?UIl}Ttc PTEOPERfi gA161Q ft urr'orfs 6 n U eeD W el5F f-*n SLrct

  2. I rvPE rlfEcl(iile DNn WPes ., +he +6pe "t fluqrnA ofhec pw porc$ ''Y'''.i ir !3 delumin € . serues to o, t J?"e l'' on$ m"U be JPPCIoJ ,rh-c), oPerchi ol^re . *haF u * t) opercvfion + 9P CX e(: t' uo € *. + I 'i t6Pa d.'eok'n 'oce {t'= t} € > nirXf"l"J rr ir* (ct) .11,, , fl 68, T\rr r"P" is not ober6.,J tf,l pro]:ee faueor ....) : ?ast,rL noh t"?{t aienb i eck,n6 b rE llali e tgf* oh f .*' o*.Ffcnciog X 4 poinhr [r x iI n*csseril6 .-) eicnl t? X ls dt - rch u"ffr * tirn' nol' 6eo*pila chQcl^^it. h :. lfro frtr I *{..'loo ) T r EItd- )., .{oe .*. 9?. T ? [t+u] irr16 *ee$

  3. PitE - Tf llE tysTe)'t TfPA corJt & 'w?8, svsTE - Ti tr H R.uN B ti,nc tgeel rrrn- irn pltcti' - -rhcrn *he onorg e.? inc^J erplicif bg pilc - linr c prouioled {-dP* corn c^e \* g c?o.rri .roE.A : s*.-- c pciohr. "-\ ^l' \ nrl *."-(t . o FUr pcinkf 1mi +Spa eln,eek'"at 14 c*rr'b,'ng rhcong [tt ptouides o' necclsatb cnd one is condil'tan f* ofera,h s*$pioicnt ) , \ic,alole to ue0ocr )rc. oypf dncck;n6 .^ r*n -ticne tU* t dcnt i ophen reJn*n * x + nil thcn t... x s; +

  4. tilr 1'lr.c. d'*,, l'i,ne I ),. . ' "'. C!\Slf .! g sL.c.n.f*{ t,e rf: rr led. pile .r' c{rm. *'i.m € +fial' rA i '4 ClarriJ - hf* wQJ sho be A l v i * httrur*g ef ub. [cel g - $tteng 5ba,tie *Sfre ohccl*io.6 sho* € J be *hc- ruPr, ; &rG sho*ld Aotcrmine 0- ceelL @eGrrrGnGG e$ e uericble ,sh*t' fe,i0e of rub-bpc$ A ua0urr *qU agu'c d*rio6 3.x?Gulirn . o bh6 trn't it, the, caAe ? C-e) o t$hel erc the possiHe t.ene&br P Two op?fo..oheo : ler dcsi6n 'o epproee&" i ,1 Er 'r conpi € Pc.l*r S,oFl en*[grir 4 tt,c ?qS*. f" too,P bpc rcFomioch'co. {.q Er "*tr dc$ign " apprea,efu i Ortiln rlnteoha ecrrl h.r4l far -d"lornrrhetir locqP iE* r

  5. corrPiLEC. Cfi 6^f' 6t?F"oF DESi (Fto*p!.. : peiolcr t'"nd;n6) *4Z 5card,ir,6 tincer e linkcJ lrrt L.d=|rFF -F globcrl +Up" coa,rtra"in; (dcclara,Fi*.s ) r = r..od : poioher tpg- cell ; .... gd. nexk ccll L : poiahf cetL ) I r . l : tsgq Ptan nertr : tecotd A - r PE r3 L ) I ,ohilc, pU t ail dE - ! € pbt.m*; PE !- g od,: - a 4 TSp. eno0gsis i -, t$pa lgrl'crn : 1 X Pb'J t*11 \ \/ \r*r ;,g/ l*-nit t...r =- locel \pc conlhelns i LJ' <p& rtceQtl> *+ - ( Pt. E Pts) d F* non-nil a ifcxff (pts) Ptg rt O <@b . et[eJ> f = (?\ q'. pE) qad sS &

  6. -- loce,L *E* daler'mfna,herr rrhe sgslrem coor{hs r\^ rolu;n, of egua,horu : ( fnqlr , t""tt! > ( P L ^ s pt"= I (ptn o! pt3) and nan- nil P*s' 4 1 poinfen , pb* [eJ > | . p L r = (ph ef ptr ) and d! tcrsL*hinn rrr.ec4;,riue *pptoirm 6,}1on f : U { cll, ptrr! pgirnLr noo-nt! + t*e?j td.-J p h = p h . p 4 = Fb. = C L , / > -l (p@r s ) [cotlJ Pb'r - (t,c>) &- @il (.es!scrtsdJ> o! lbg - (5 rrulr, l*ltj >) - I . l oas @ 6 < les'gi! ' t'otll > t pts = < P$$s ) {eot} > Ptr g fccfQ > ) d t oJ <p'inhr, [.gh"rl.rQ) <d! , *QQ" ) E <re@rtotrJ - Pt"= > e >) 'at Qo^--^ff <Prsb, P"bc, l*ttJ> ?r t.CfJ Pt € t< ( nsr-nil > ' - , [."ttJ = <Pgb Pts ) t.ruJ> ( sP ) t*ftj > Ptr, g : bo*P *-jt* cltcctcql , F nol nil av pinl { .

  7. 6SiCu fr?PRoncfl D LftNGURGE (ero*p\c : poinlrr h. an Cli^5 ) )eald,ig a \inhrJ lrrrear lrrk ;{?l L .rl]EHE*e... pt 3- L1 ) , - ' - , d9, pL ia € 3 l . f i ) i pt i' pt'. nGrts trtl ccll fico. - Pt'+ r l oil gtil, ,- -* r S ) i od' ll - a , - D G . - - toce\ tS* : c.ol-rer'rns = ) < p"inhr , {ec0?$ PLa fpt" E pt.) sd > ( ncn-nil ) [..rU.J Fte s Pbi G - ni.l, @tr ( non ) (poi^hr, - ptg Lel> Pbg pti = ?bL , t*$ > (pt"r or ptg) sC <oil P h = . P u ' = pEq toca\ +glc, chcckia6, - . no na,ed to ro,uf+le elrr*[ionr tfFJ f d ) necc$;l'a,tng lnf.rmal;on a ttrc fc*h*rcs pofo3rhon afc c,hminabJ . nplrci\ popgtd bf' = fe pgi.qbf := qil 'm fitbrdca r.ricc +hG Pli*t! r- =z-- pnopa6.ld +o5F ra o$.d. .

  8. ouR Poirur oF uietf ! the . trn - t'uhe d*r]a bftna cil r.rn pli - +{.'c, rhc"Pd be rnaJc .ul.*?obPe tra : Pregcenhfncc tcC 'lro.^l.r!.t Er,: braorg + noCt , Po'inl-.I ) ... ed ; h?t, c'ghh oo& e "Jgd tae r ne& ) oofalcr .tF_i. uYaslt : lhack -nlf .r.r(;c aoa 4 ) 4$(rl'crek).1 b G g trce + qS +hs alr' ' 1L6' ttrae. aQ r,r$h ls {.cc.?efFi 4rce 'tctt 5l'aok df gp]A els;B -l rlraat<; PgP- lcet fce.rr1 f ".r. . fia[u] ; i : *.*,.. dle ult ; - t & , e!i

  9. t"1 be- $G |qp. .F an c\iccf sho,*QJ censdcra to bc a, ioca.Q p,op € rl',*{ '?b AecP"'*i {e '*blg?c ol the Ettb € n6w of tf.e oh-ol.) . Ex : Collceheas -r rgn infornrot'.o pm eho*U k ?re3leJ "'o[o$urt" neshenif l*r ) *liFh flne q sornG *i-rl of. to.a0 c*blgpe d$cli m 1n al;r,E eonslrr,.*S ( F", .rro.llr.6 uiJA ue a..fJec Aeai prtiblc " rA lt ,rn &i oo-uu6 cr13r ,*rhcrc o"tltgF ) : ,'nle$r r,*bc*6e frOf* Ex

  10. ,lrnlrod.err;5 *lrc necd h, cDLLEcii'apS Ite [n" "f a,n o\b* d.f.,nca orrf lt oh o\coh ttlalct aFhcr to o\inh . Er , R: parenkJio rF Esqwnceo + * -, ?,-.J hngllu ,L 9g , eGil. .4,. (v 9f,. S., g1" € g ; + ne shsioq loelqreca *he t*ro salutn.rro S{ ar,d { - vnr;a,He ilu len6 Esrr tn @d[ s r3F-, relnc eh,l'ea € r' I t - a t - ne*t f cert ) d; : t cdf Qrt ) + sp € ra,ll*s oa S4 -*{9 hqlre sidc effccls oa t ( bclo*ac, oF podibte $en$

  11. (s aucr'io) CoLtECTtotlS Ca Sdr *. al.ioiacd ArHcruic qg vi;ablcl eje-l Ca : etllrGcliro. Ef 4 = EcetC lrs elernC. r l c t g nocb g S+ I tct ,raf Cg : cellccha. 9F L . l ' r r . " ' r c,cocd dern € TF , l c e I uac nerl' - aad fr, S. , tcg' t3 3{ *f Is hsc' t6ftr. ? the nlugh b( ihmr t,:E o.%o, d.v har,C Hrrr tw*cc , wri +Sl* pafomehrie*li*'t ts occessafg

  12. '.s coLLE griau EUctiD +4tr aleln (c).) C", co\hetier:. q[ ctcr" = Asod vqr nert. t c. rnd r n ) J vaf e4 3 @. (,ct) 4 ePern 1g. s{ I tc1 c{. :};an J g. { eft,,r, (eo) Ln* Ss. , fQ porem*e,r;ecd lirl, hs,Jl,ng aPno.;tl, ors ; iawln- (. c : coileelion "p ePe. (.e) ) _pr*rd^rqr, t l e . \ i c r f S : " ' ) Dctcctr r * 'fr € n.mbcr 4 octlcaheng ,h {slrer,,ni aeJ t ,. of **l ,t.-- Tbl € l a a Ctt-t r['.J Cn rcd ,gl.!&l anC 6[cd;oal dcda cfc 4 r!na[- Grr , r.e|+hcJ [rg lo concalcrtofc (s.,, Ss -rf,$flf,tf . "" . {^83*EF ". -flE .- >EEr+ 1 1 t { r y

  13. cor{?iLER }iscouE? 7 oF Locnr, oP'.S Cgll.F-,c,Ti Er r opt 4 c1'nrC f;orar 0sh r , ? ( \ '**f,V ->jy' I tn.-EF-D#Jg- .ep$ (S. : lilE I ug $ r tirh _pcoccollrr € = ); \ r a l Q r P s r L : lirb ) hn,; .+ S r i r- aif; L := nil I P{ :r t & "rhilc Ft t slt A f. nc*t jc nil ) Pr. i tJq --1, r D ! = n i l f$ * Pz) sg :t $3 Lt.ncrt r= ?c) &; L:' Ps Pa :r P^, AcxE ) ,1 o { i Ec.,i

  14. y i.scouFP CoM ?iLER. X 0F L.ocn L Co[.Ecfiou,S r o P s 4 . fintrd lio:er 4rh lr' Bt n 1 3 t /so P, /t L?. \ / ..p$ (.1. : lilk ; u4f { r lrlh -pcoccdlm. ); Pg , L. : lirh ) 141 Q, hea f" ,-,1 ls, sn./ p, -F S r . 1 r t , , = a i l l L : = n ; | . ; l r r /s, ?, / so,l ?n! L/ "rhilc. ftf ail & ls, Prl ?t te Ll -G. + ^rrl . a ra; .ll , / , t , l , r / r a l v _ / ' * L=nil fu /s. n / p"/ss/l*l Sg :r Pz) p , / s , / ? r \ / a t & / s , p , / P . l S a u l Lt.mrE := ?c ) / s; a / ?. S.-L/ $; /s^ ?^/gu $ L l P s ) L:' Pa :E 14. nrrt ; ?^/0" ./S, t L / e!. / ?. L/ so ls, lp, Ec.,i

  15. gp./ Cg1LLEelioM'S. LoCnU Coif,STRni,tr'E g , = / x x f . . , l n / y , o h , l X , = t l l ,0 U' X',!il & .,a, tgg L = /X / x, ,,. Xn Qg ly, ,,, h, / = erf'ra* (x, c,) o cr= /xv/rw/?,ul /vetu. lw/ -cq= \,'/ t cr 3 lxv € rr ltvl c., 0 x*/Y y,.." /x r,.." Vn C r = .". / z, z,c. I X : 3 Y \* / x y y. 2r. ' / 1r.,, ... Y n / ? 1 . . . ? E / /x v/ .rt-d' (x , C,) U yn / V y, r., / x xr..- c C r r XrL X t. nc*t, is Y c a - v yr...: /x xr... xru Yn q r - c{ u lrvl (o"r *"&ft.atias r/i *t^c lal. obtuu"J') nok

  16. (gxn'< PuF) LoCIL @NtTRAltu.S o$ CuLL9CXI'0^/,J ptoecdn ceru (s, , lilb ) g Se : L) lir r v e f B ; F g r L I l d l f , ; o 2 4 : F S . r tl' g[ ,l ) t , ' d ! ) l - - while. P, + lLP & € - Pz) ^qrr Af.ncrhr? tL., 3 _ ! F L = n i ! f u ' __. \ fu i= Pe) 9 - , .ls 3 - L'l .ncrl :s P..'. f; - . | l - . Pe,) Pt :, P, , aerEl L l-- s - i - , l o "rr'd' q = /s, !r, I p, Fi ,-. ,' c f a s ! ( L , 8 ( t , , g ! ( q , c o ) D / n \ | ) q = c 1 0 c a p. (. ca : :gh r Ca) C r : S I ( ! , Q ' ) g / s" ?"1 C; 3 ?r! (r., Cr ' C3 C5 s C5 0 lu?. I e1 Q r C y U C t D ? r t ( u , C t ) C s U l u ? n l Cb a g /?,, C, E cg)

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