new york energy services c coalition chapter liti ch t

New York Energy Services C Coalition Chapter liti Ch t January - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

New York Energy Services C Coalition Chapter liti Ch t January 11, 2011 Agenda Welcome and Check In Elect Secretary and Webmaster for NY Chapter Membership Status p Committee Status Current Member Status

  1. New York Energy Services C Coalition Chapter liti Ch t January 11, 2011

  2. Agenda ● Welcome and Check In ● Elect Secretary and Webmaster for NY Chapter ● Membership Status p ● Committee Status ● Current Member Status ● Chair Selection ● Next Meeting for each Committee N t M ti f h C itt ● Discuss of Business Model Committee ● Outline Key Responsibilities and Role of Committee ● Review Initial Expectations for the NY ESC Chapter from 12/14 Meeting Review Initial Expectations for the NY ESC Chapter from 12/14 Meeting ● Set Goals and Action Items for the Chapter to Accomplish Expectations ● Review Suggested ESC Chapter Activity Concepts ● Discussion and Plan to Collect Data on Previous ESPC Projects in NY ● Additional Questions Regarding ESC’s Webpage ● Set Next Chapter Meeting and Next Committee Meetings ● Closing Thoughts 2

  3. Welcome Back! ● Welcome ● Check In to See Who Is Present ● Elect Chapter Secretary and Chapter Webmaster ● Elect Chapter Secretary and Chapter Webmaster ● ESC Membership: https://www energyservicescoalition org/membership/join aspx 3

  4. Updates From Committees ● Membership Committee ● Outreach Committee ● Current Members ● Current Members ● Michael Hagin c ae ag ● Thomas Segulijic o as Segu j c ● Chris Pimentel ● Tabitha Robinson ● Timothy Casabonne ● Tony Savino ● Ray Hickey ● John Giumarra ● Brian Vattimo ● Brian Vattimo ● John Connorton ● Chair of Committee ● Chair of Committee ● Updates to Share U d t t Sh ● Updates to Share U d t t Sh ● Next Meeting ● Next Meeting 4

  5. Updates From Committees ● Workshop Committee ● State Documents Committee ● Current Members ● Current Members ● Steve Botz S e e o ● Ron Slosberg o S osbe g ● Jeff Martin ● Ron Beruta ● Bill Marzano ● Chair of Committee ● Chair of Committee ● Updates to Share ● Updates to Share ● Next Meeting ● Next Meeting 5

  6. Updates From Committees ● Business Model Committee ● Key Responsibilities of Members ● Current Members ● Wayne Hartslief ● Steven DiRaimo ● Ron Slosberg ● Harris Unger g ● Goals of the Committee to Accomplish ● Chair of Committee ● Updates to Share ● Next Meeting 6

  7. Review Initial Expectations ● Review Initial Expectations for the NY ESC Chapter from 12/14 Meeting 12/14 Meeting ● Set Goals and Action Items for the Chapter to Accomplish p p Expectations 7

  8. Next Steps for the Chapter ● Review Suggested ESC Chapter Activity Concepts ● Discussion and Plan to Collect Data on Previous ESPC Projects in NY j ● Additional Questions Regarding ESC’s Webpage 8

  9. Drill Down into the ESC National and NY ESC Websites ESC Websites ● Helpful Links ● ESC National Site: ESC N ti l Sit htt // i liti /i d ht l ● NY ESC Chapter Site: ● ESC Membership: ● Helpful Information about ESC: ● https://www energyservicescoalition org/news/newsletter/index html ● ● ● ● https://www energyservicescoalition org/about/index html ● 9

  10. Schedule Next Meeting ● Monthly Commitment: 90 Minutes Rotation of Location and Conference Call ● February 8 or 15 th ? ● Location: Albany or WebEx ● Committees Kick Off Conference Call in January 2011 ● Membership Committee ● Outreach Committee ● Outreach Committee ● Workshop Committee ● State Specific Documents Committee ● Business Model Committee ● Business Model Committee 10

  11. Closing Thoughts Closing Thoughts Questions Please Contact: Marissa Ainsworth: 518-867-7175 Scott Smith: 518-862-1090


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