n e u r a l h e a l t h n e t w o r k

N E U R A L H E A L T H N E T W O R K Shantanu Pandey | Engineer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

N E U R A L H E A L T H N E T W O R K Shantanu Pandey | Engineer - shantanu.067@gmail.com Dickens Chong | Artist - dickens.chong@gmail.com Utkarsh Agrawal | Producer - utkarsh.agrawal@utah.edu Spring 2018 Our Goal Our Goal To make an

  1. N E U R A L H E A L T H N E T W O R K Shantanu Pandey | Engineer - shantanu.067@gmail.com Dickens Chong | Artist - dickens.chong@gmail.com Utkarsh Agrawal | Producer - utkarsh.agrawal@utah.edu Spring 2018

  2. Our Goal Our Goal To make an online hub around a set of brain games that help solve geriatric depression. The hub should provide access to these games and also help overcome various barriers. It should provide patients with motivation, social engagement, de-stigmatization from depression and education on depression. Spring 2018

  3. Overview of Features Overview of Features - Backend Framework on GApp server - Messaging System - Bio | Avatar - Education on depression - Goals and notifications Spring 2018

  4. Backend Framework Backend Framework - Databases on GApp server to store user information and app data (Goals, stock messages) - PHP scripts for communicating with database - SSL communication protocol for secure communication between the database/server and the app Spring 2018

  5. Messaging System Messaging System - Categorized stock responses - Send gifs and texts based on categories - Send emojis - View other users Bio Spring 2018

  6. Bio | Avatar Bio | Avatar - Enter name, bio and random facts about yourself - Choose your avatar Spring 2018

  7. Goals and Notifications Goals and Notifications - Give player daily goals - Let them refresh goals and get new ones - Automatic refresh when player completes 2 goals - Direct link to the game if the goal is related to certain game Spring 2018

  8. Education Education - Images and facts about depression pointing to them. Spring 2018

  9. Milestone Map for Spring 2018 Milestone Map for Spring 2018 Week 4 Week 5 (Pre-Alpha) Backend Setup Week 6 Week 7 (Alpha) Messaging system Week 8 (Playtest) Week 9 (Pre-Beta) Bio | Avatar | Education Week 10 Week 11 SPRING BREAK Week 12 (Beta + Playtest) Goals | Setup on GApp Server Week 13 Week 14 (Pre-Gold) Setup on GApp Server Week 15 Polish & Bug Fixing Week 16 (Gold) Week 17 (Finals Week) Spring 2018

  10. Burndown Chart Burndown Chart Spring 2018

  11. Where can we go from here? Where can we go from here? - Giving more agency on messaging - Analytics dashboard - Custom avatar system - Geriatrician dashboard - Move to commercial server Give us your suggestions! Give us your suggestions! Spring 2018


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