mrs heth s 2018 2019 back to school night presentation

Mrs. Heths 2018-2019 Back to School Night Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mrs. Heths 2018-2019 Back to School Night Presentation COMMUNICATION Email me (, but if time sensitive please call Ask another classroom parent Check my website Check the weekly Newsletters! Wednesday

  1. Mrs. Heth’s 2018-2019 Back to School Night Presentation

  2. COMMUNICATION ● Email me (, but if time sensitive please call ● Ask another classroom parent ● Check my website ● Check the weekly Newsletters! ● Wednesday Folders Notes ● Conferences via

  3. Supplies ● Supply list posted on Oak Chan’s website ● water bottle ● Red and yellow folders as well as a testing folder ● Mechanical pencils preferred ● Headphones

  4. BIG CHANGES FROM 2ND -3RD GRADE ● Increased pace ● Nightly home practice/homework ● Weekly homework sheet ● More problems in math ● Tests harder ● Typing/Writing google classroom (docs) ● Grades online

  5. SCHOOL RULES S afe K ind O n task R esponsible R espectful

  6. BOOKS ● Any classroom book (including my classroom library books) can be taken home ● 2 books checked out at the Library returned weekly ● Scholastic Book/Computer Club (when no book fair) -- Optional with a one week turn in

  7. Curriculum ● Language Arts Series -- Benchmark -- AR tests; weekly reading log; consumable books; fewer spelling words; and book reports once a trimester ● Social Studies -- NEW ( California Communities ) TCI -- Open Book Tests and reports ● Math -- Pearson (Can access through student login on PowerSchool) ● Science -- New NGSS based, Supplementary Packet/ Scott Foresman/Mystery Science experiments

  8. ● Nightly homework sheet -- students fill out from list on board-- parent signature ● Generally 3 Items: Reading Log, Math Practice Page, Cursive, (and Thursday night spelling) ● For clarification on assignment: call neighbor, check newsletter, or website for big projects ● Monday - Thursday ● Filed papers sent home in Wednesday folders -- check for redo's hold on to papers until grade check-- errors occasionally made ● Please proofread/check work ● Due the next day by 8:25

  9. GRADES ● M=Meets 85-100% D=Developing 60-84% L=Limited 0-59% ● PowerSchool Portal access to grades-- Updated at least once weekly ● Most classwork/homework is 2 points ● Rubrics are used for larger assignments ● Quizzes are generally 5-25 points ● Math, Science and Social Studies tests are generally 100 points ● Late work is half credit or 10 percentage points per day on large projects ● redos not fixed -- after a week become permanent ● can’t redo tests ● Missing work = 0% and is a major grade drop!

  10. CLASSROOM HELPERS ● I LOVE PARENT HELPERS! ● Must have a TB test, category 2 form, and be fingerprinted ● Parent Helper sign up sheet ● PTO


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