long range facility plan

Long-Range Facility Plan 30 March 2020 WELCOME! Pre-meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mercer Island School District Long-Range Facility Plan 30 March 2020 WELCOME! Pre-meeting assistance (Meeting will start at 5:30) 2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS Mercer Island School District Long-Range Facility Plan 30 March 2020 WELCOME! >

  1. Mercer Island School District Long-Range Facility Plan 30 March 2020 WELCOME! Pre-meeting assistance (Meeting will start at 5:30)  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  2. Mercer Island School District Long-Range Facility Plan 30 March 2020 WELCOME! > Please put yourself on “mute” and turn off video for the duration of the presentation > There will be periodic opportunities in the presentation to ask questions > Please open the “chat” function and type your name to sign in (press escape key to dock chat and participant windows) > Thanks for being flexible !  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  3. FPC Meeting 5: Final Plan Development Agenda 30 March 2020 Introduction, Objectives & Review 10 min 5:30 FPC 4 Findings & Analysis 20 min 5:40 Consolidation 20 min 6:00 Guiding Principles 15 min 6:20 Final Prioritization 15 min 6:35 Committee Input 10 min 6:50 Break 10 min 7:00 Review Committee Input 10 min 7:10 Next Steps 10 min 7:20  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  4. Process Community Outreach Bond Campaign Summary of Need Plan Development ?  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  5. Objectives 1. Finalize prioritization of District need over time and understand the rationale 2. Ideally develop 1-3 scenarios that the Committee is comfortable taking out to the broader community for input  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  6. Review of Need & Goals 5:35 – 5:40  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  7. Comprehensive Summary of Need Goals Goals & Vision Enrollment & Capacity Growth Educational Educational Program Utilization Program Boundaries Education Specification Consolidation Kindergarten / Pre-K PE / Athletics / Fields Facility Condition STEM | STEAM Special Education Health and Safety Facility Enrollment College & Career Readiness Accessibility (ADA) Condition & Capacity Infrastructure Technology Target Capacities Sustainability / Resilience Life Expectancy Academic Suitability Vision  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  8. Committee Input APPROACH PRIORITIZATION GOALS (What to do) (What sequence) (What guides it) SECOND ROUND FPC Prioritization % of Votes (27 January 2020) Provide built-in, flexible, and adaptable 1 ADAPTABILITY 13% spaces Provide more opportunities for 2 CCR 11% occupational learning Provide visible sustainability (and 9% 3 SUSTAINABILITY explain why) Improve traffic impact around schools 5% 4 SAFETY Provide next-generation project-based 5% 5 PROGRAM learning labs for science Create spaces that students are excited 6 CHARACTER & FEEL 5% to be in Provide small, collaborative spaces 7 DIVERSITY OF SPACE 5% throughout the schools Plan for safer pedestrian / bike access 8 SAFETY 4% to school 9 TEACHER SUPPORT Provide support spaces for teachers 4% Improve gymnasium / athletic spaces 10 ATHLETICS 4% and fields Rethink outdoor spaces (for use during 11 OUTDOOR SPACE 4% the rainy season) Create adaptable environments that 4% 12 TECHNOLOGY accommodate future technology needs  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  9. Goals > Provide built-in, flexible and adaptable spaces > Provide more opportunities for occupational learning > Provide visible sustainability (and explain why) > Improve traffic impact around schools > Provide next generation project-based learning labs for science > Create spaces that students are excited to be in > Provide small, collaborative spaces throughout the schools > Plan for safer pedestrian / bike access to school > Provide support spaces for teachers > Improve gymnasium / athletic spaces and fields > Rethink outdoor spaces (for use during the rainy season) > Create adaptable environments that accommodate future technology needs  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  10. Strategic Management of Facilities STRATEGIC PHASED BAND-AID FIX IT ALL  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  11. FPC 4 Findings and Analysis 5:40 – 6:00  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  12. Prioritization Exercise: Round 1 & 2 Projects  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  13. Prioritization Exercise: Round 1 & 2  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  14. Prioritization Exercise Results Round 1: Round 2:  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  15. Prioritization Exercise Results Round 1: Round 2:  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  16. Adjustments in Prioritization Sequence Round 1: Round 2:  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  17. Prioritization Exercise Results Round 2: Use Round 2 scenarios as a basis for planning. > Represents Committee’s most recent thinking > Identifies priority of potential interim projects and locates them in proposed sequence  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  18. Analysis: Interim Projects Interim projects are consistently located within the first three priority items. Committee Comments/Rationale > Completing interim projects early creates better equity > Interim projects proposed for either one, two, or three elementary schools > Interim projects proposed either before or after the replacement of Island Park Elementary School > It was noted that it was difficult to determine the right amount of time between interim projects  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  19. Analysis: Island Park Elementary Island Park is always the first priority of the three elementary schools. Committee Comments/Rationale > Central, visible, and has a lot of needs > Replaces an old building that has had safety issues and does not have good use of the site > Improves traffic impacts for the school and the surrounding community > Elementary parents are very invested and involved and want to be represented  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  20. Study and Survey Update. September 2018 Source: Mercer Island School District Island Park ES: Facility Condition FACILITY ASSESSMENT (ICOS SCORE) 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 76.32 Island Park ES 80.92 Lakeridge ES Northwood ES 98.91 West Mercer ES 85.60 IMS: Main Building 74.07 IMS: 300 Wing 71.46 96.94 IMS: New Building Mercer Island HS 85.40 84.63 Crest Learning Center Mary Wayte Pool Facilitynot scored Administration Facilitynot scored MOT Building Facilitynot scored Maintenance Shop Facilitynot scored GOOD POOR FAIR EXCELLENT UNSATISFACTORY  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  21. Analysis: West Mercer Elementary West Mercer is always the second priority of the three elementary schools. Committee Comments/Rationale > Addresses potential additional population growth from downtown > Reduces reliance on portables  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  22. Analysis: Lakeridge Elementary Lakeridge is always the last priority of the three elementary schools. Committee Comments/Rationale > Lakeridge happens later because it is in fairly good condition  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  23. Analysis: Goals  Provide built-in, flexible, and adaptable 1 ADAPTABILITY Preferred Approach spaces Provide more opportunities for 2 CCR > Replacement of existing elementary schools occupational learning  Provide visible sustainability (and 3 SUSTAINABILITY > 450 – 500 student capacity, with flexibility for explain why)  future expansion Improve traffic impact around schools 4 SAFETY Provide next-generation project-based 5 PROGRAM learning labs for science  Create spaces that students are excited 6 CHARACTER & FEEL to be in  Provide small, collaborative spaces 7 DIVERSITY OF SPACE throughout the schools  Plan for safer pedestrian / bike access 8 SAFETY to school Provide support spaces for teachers 9 TEACHER SUPPORT Improve gymnasium / athletic spaces 10 ATHLETICS and fields  Rethink outdoor spaces (for use during 11 OUTDOOR SPACE the rainy season)  Create adaptable environments that 12 TECHNOLOGY accommodate future technology needs  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS

  24. Analysis: Islander Middle School Phase 2 All groups put IMS Phase 2 (Buildings 100/200 and 300) within the first three priorities. Committe ttee C Comments ts/Ra Rati tionale > Affect cts all s stud udent nts i in the he d district ct / / serve ves e everyone ne / / impact cts g greatest n num umber o of stud udent nts > Greatest f facilit cility co cond ndit itio ion ne need / / addresses si signif ific icant build uildin ing i issu ssues / s / ne needs ne new roof i immedia iately ly > Expected by t the he co communit ity / / finis ishes wha what wa was a s already st started ( (Phase 1 1 Build uildin ing) > Potential t to o crea eate a e a com ommunity s showcase: e: a all el elem ementary students to have a a place w where t they a are e excited t to go > Cons nsolidates b building ngs / first place ce s stud udent nts u unite f from acr cross t s the he d dist stric ict, so so important t to ha have a a co cohe hesive ive f facilit lity > Addresse ses g goals ls: sa safety, f flexib ibil ilit ity/adaptabilit lity o of sp spaces  2020 MAHLUM ARCHITECTS


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