intuitive eating

INTUITIVE EATING 3. Discussion and Questions AN EVIDENCE-BASED - PDF document

3/15/19 What to Expect 1. State of the Union 2. Principles of Intuitive Eating INTUITIVE EATING 3. Discussion and Questions AN EVIDENCE-BASED APPROACH TO FOOD PEACE & BODY RESPECT Kate Morris, LMSW, M.Div. Certified Intuitive Eating

  1. 3/15/19 What to Expect 1. State of the Union 2. Principles of Intuitive Eating INTUITIVE EATING 3. Discussion and Questions AN EVIDENCE-BASED APPROACH TO FOOD PEACE & BODY RESPECT Kate Morris, LMSW, M.Div. Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor 2 STATE OF THE UNION I. ○ “obesity epidemic” STATE OF THE UNION 3 4 1

  2. 3/15/19 STATE OF THE UNION ○ obesity epidemic ○ weight stigma Subsequent comparisons of data from 2003-2004 with data through 2011-2012 showed no significant increases for men or women (Flegal, Kruszon-Moran, Carroll, Fryar, Ogden, 2016, p. 2284). 5 6 “ “Weight stigma is defined as the social devaluation and denigration of people perceived to carry excess weight and leads to prejudice, negative stereotyping and discrimination toward those people.” Janet Tomiyama 7 8 2

  3. 3/15/19 $ 70.3 billion STATE OF THE UNION diet industry ○ obesity epidemic $ 6 billion ○ weight stigma bariatric surgery ○ dieting, or the weight management $ 4.2 trillion industrial complex wellness economy 9 10 STATE OF THE UNION ○ obesity epidemic ○ weight stigma ○ weight management industrial complex ○ eating disorders 11 12 3

  4. 3/15/19 35% of “normal dieters” progress to pathological dieting II. 20-25% of those INTUITIVE EATING go on to develop eating disorders 10-20% women of college have eating 4-10% men of college disorders 13 14 INTUITIVE 1. REJECT THE DIET MENTALITY EATING a weight-neutral approach to health and wellness that helps you tune into your body signals, break the cycle of chronic dieting and heal your relationship with food. In short: intuitive eating is normal eating. 15 16 4

  5. 3/15/19 THE RESTRICT/BINGE CYCLE dieting or restriction guilt and hunger shame, and need for depriv- redemp- ation tion bingeing obsess- or over- ion and eating struggle 17 18 2. HONOR YOUR HUNGER 19 20 5

  6. 3/15/19 COMMON FEARS 3. MAKE PEACE WITH FOOD Once I start, I won’t restriction inhibits • stop. habituation I’ve tried it before; it pseudo permission ≠ • didn’t work. unconditional permission I think I’m addicted. restriction is gateway • I won’t eat healthfully. eating well feels good • 21 22 DESTRUCTIVE DIETING VOICES Food Police 4. CHALLENGE THE FOOD POLICE “I didn’t exercise today; no dinner for me.” “I can’t believe I ate that.” Nutrition Informant “Let me check the label. Look how much sugar is in here! No way I can eat that.” Diet Rebel “You think I need to lose weight, huh? I’ll show you!” “Let’s see how many cookies I can stuff in my mouth before mom gets home.” 23 24 6

  7. 3/15/19 POWERFUL ALLY VOICES Food Anthropologist 5. FEEL YOUR FULLNESS “I didn’t eat breakfast and was ravenous at 10am.” “I ate six cookies.” Nurturer “I ate past hunger today. Was there something I was feeling that made it harder to hit that mark?” “This is hard, but I deserve to keep trying.” Nutrition Ally “I won’t have a chance to eat a snack this morning, so I’m going to eat a breakfast with a good mix of carbs, protein, and fat.” 25 26 6. DISCOVER THE SATISFACTION FACTOR 27 28 7

  8. 3/15/19 7. COPE WITH YOUR EMOTIONS “ WITHOUT USING FOOD 29 30 8. RESPECT YOUR BODY 1. Am I hungry? 2. What am I feeling? 3. What do I need? 31 32 8

  9. 3/15/19 9. EXERCISE & FEEL THE “ DIFFERENCE 33 34 10. HONOR YOUR HEALTH WITH GENTLE NUTRITION By Kylie Mitchell @immaeatthat 35 36 9

  10. 3/15/19 “ III. RESOURCES 37 38 BOOKS PODCASTS 39 40 10

  11. 3/15/19 THANK YOU! “ Any questions? You can contact me at: 41 42 REFERENCES REFERENCES (CONT.) American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and NORC at the University of Chicago. Obesity Survey, 2016. Sole-Smith, V. (2018). The eating instinct: Food culture, body image, and guilt in America . New York: Henry Holt and Company. Bacon, L. (2010). Health at every size: The surprising truth about your weight . Dallas, TX: BenBella Books. Smink, F. E., van Hoeken, D., & Hoek, H. W. (2012). Epidemiology of eating disorders: Incidence, prevalence and mortality rates. Current Psychiatry Reports ,14(4), 406-414.) Bacon, L., Stern, J. S., Loan, M. D., & Keim, N. L. (2005). Size Acceptance and Intuitive Eating Improve Health for Obese, Female Chronic Dieters. Journal of the American Dietetic Association,105 (6), 929-936. Tomiyama, A. J. (2014). Weight stigma is stressful. A review of evidence for the Cyclic Obesity/Weight-Based Stigma model. Appetite, 82, 8-15. Boero, N. (2006). All the news that’s fat to print: The American “obesity epidemic” and the media. Qualitative Sociology, 30 (1), 41-60. Tribole, E., & Resch, E. (2012). Intuitive eating: A revolutionary program that works . New York: St. Martins Griffin. Dulloo, A. G., Jacquet, J., & Montani, J. (2012). How dieting makes some fatter: From a perspective of human body composition autoregulation. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society,71 (03), 379-389. Vadiveloo, M., & Mattei, J. (2016). Erratum to: Perceived Weight Discrimination and 10-year Risk of Allostatic Load Among US Adults. Annals of Behavioral Medicine,51 (1), 105-105. Flegal KM, Kruszon-Moran D, Carroll MD, Fryar CD, Ogden CL. (2016). Trends in obesity among adults in the United States, 2005 to 2014. JAMA, 315(21), 2284–2291. Vartanian, L. R., & Shaprow, J. G. (2008). Effects of Weight Stigma on Exercise Motivation and Behavior. Journal of Health Psychology,13 (1), 131-138. Gianini, L. M., Walsh, B. T., Steinglass, J., & Mayer, L. (2017). Long-term weight loss maintenance in obesity: Possible insights from anorexia nervosa? International Journal of Eating Disorders,50 (4), 341-342. Yale University. (2008, March 28). Weight Bias Is As Prevalent As Racial Discrimination, Study Suggests. ScienceDaily . Retrieved January 3, 2019 from Hallberg, L., Björn-Rasmussen, E., Rossander, L., & Suwanik, R. (1977). Iron absorption from Southeast Asian diets. II. Role of various factors that might explain low absorption. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 30 (4), 539-548. Hobbes, M. (2018, September 19). Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong. Retrieved from Hotchkiss, J W, and A H Leyland. “The Relationship between Body Size and Mortality in the Linked Scottish Health Surveys: Cross- Sectional Surveys with Follow-Up.” International Journal of Obesity, vol. 35, no. 6, 2010, pp. 838–851. 43 44 11


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