international neuroscience

International Neuroscience Study Abroad and Global Learning - PDF document

7/31/2017 International Neuroscience An Evolving Spectrum of Unique Opportunities and Experiences for Students and Faculty Michael G. Ruscio and Chris Korey Psychology and Biology Departments Program in Neuroscience College of Charleston

  1. 7/31/2017 International Neuroscience An Evolving Spectrum of Unique Opportunities and Experiences for Students and Faculty Michael G. Ruscio and Chris Korey Psychology and Biology Departments Program in Neuroscience College of Charleston International Neuroscience • Study Abroad and Global Learning • Different Couse Formats for Study Abroad • Working with Affiliate Programs or Third Party Providers 313,415 US students studied abroad for academic credit 2014/2015 1

  2. 7/31/2017 Study Abroad in Neuroscience • Is it a substantive and beneficial experience? – Foundational knowledge and skills are not location specific. • Can relevant neuroscience skills develop simultaneously with global learning skills? • How is global learning beneficial for neuroscience students? • How do we quantify global learning? Components of Global Learning Global Learning: for Neuroscience Study Abroad Intercultural Experiences • Ability to address contemporary global issues • Meaningful interactions with people from other Scientific Career Knowledge Development cultures and and Experience Opportunities • Live comfortably in an unfamiliar culture • Master skills and knowledge to participate in their chosen field. Intercultural • Think globally about career prospects and Experiences collaborative possibilities. Global Learning: Study Abroad Programs Scientific Knowledge and Career Development • Different Formats of Three Types of Short Term • What are the cost and benefits to different study Study Abroad Programs abroad formats? • How can a study abroad experience be more than a “trip” or a show ‐ and ‐ tell experience in the lab? • Research Experiences & Internships • How can a study abroad experience have a • Summer Programs meaningful impact on career development? • First Year Programs 2

  3. 7/31/2017 Research Internship Research Internship Exchange Program Exchange Program • Applications and pairing of • Advanced Undergraduate and Master’s Students student faculty interest by internship coordinators at each location. • 8 ‐ 12 week program. Bremen Town Musicians, 1951 by Gerhard Marcks . Objectives and Goals Program Design and Content • Understanding of the international and • Application includes letter of intent with specific research interests. collaborative nature of current neuroscience • Preliminary correspondence between student, mentor, research. and internship coordinator from home university. • Recognition of new experimental approaches • Research project detailed prior to departure. to scientific questions. • Background reading completed prior to departure. • Development of critical analysis and scientific • For CofC Undergraduates writing skills. – Biweekly submissions of progress, building towards a publication style write ‐ up. • Familiarity with specific laboratory techniques, – Post ‐ experience interview and assessment. ideally expanding a student’s repertoire of – Contribute to CofC Undergraduate “Guide to Bremen” skills. Practicalities and Logistics Practicalities and Logistics • Students from CofC enroll in a 3 credit • Timing Relative to independent study. Academic Calendar – No formal enrollment required at U Bremen – From Charleston to Bremen: admissions. May to July • Students from Bremen are designated at – From Bremen to Charleston: February ‐ April visiting research assistants. – No tuition, no formal transfer of credit. Fulfills requirement for Master’s degree Bremen waterfront by the Weser River 3

  4. 7/31/2017 Research Projects Practicalities and Logistics • Brain Maturation as Measured by Event ‐ • Budget: Related Oscillations in – Flight Adolescents through – Room and Board Electroencephalogram Recording. • ~700 per month in Bremen – Tuition for CofC students Downtown Bremen – Dr. Birgit Mathes, • ~1400 in ‐ state, ~1800 out ‐ of ‐ state University of Bremen • Funding – Holly Fleischmann, CofC – Bremen: Grants for Student Travel 2017 – CofC: Scholarships and Grants up to ~3000. Time ‐ frequency line plots for single ‐ trial theta amplitude during the novelty oddball task. Grey lines represent over 18 participants and black lines represent under 18 participants. Outcomes and Assessment: Outcomes and Assessment Challenges • Timing relative to research • Substantive Intercultural Experience programs • Focused Research Experience – Interested faculty vs. Practical Abroad research constraints – 2014 ‐ 2017 • Funding – 4 Poster Presentations • Highly specialized program – 2 Manuscripts in Preparation for top students with course background and experience. Students Tim Howard, 2014 • Student Enthusiasm: Continued and Abigail Asper, 2015 • Large time investment for Interest in Neuroscience Abroad discussing their research small number of students • Development of Faculty (1 ‐ 3 students each year). Professional Research Programs Bürgerpark, Bremen and Relationships Research Internship Exchange Program Challenges • Exchange between three very different institutions and administrative structures. – International Exchange Agreement • Timing relative to research programs – Interested faculty vs. Practical research constraints • Funding • Highly specialized program: Large time investment for small number of students. 4

  5. 7/31/2017 Summer Abroad Program Outcomes and Assessment • Focused Research Experience Abroad – Oxytocin, Stress & Methamphetamine: New Avenues for Treating Addiction . Costanza Carmi, LMU to MUSC 2016. • Pedagogy Seminar and Teaching Mentorships available at CofC. • Substantive Intercultural Experience • Summer study abroad course, 4 weeks • Continued Interest in Neuroscience Abroad • Munich and Berlin. • Development of Faculty Professional Research • Programs and Relationships Neuroscience Seminar in Germany: Neuroscience Seminar in Germany: Course Content Partner Universities • History of Behavioral and Ludwig Maximilians Universität (LMU) Charité Medical University Medical Neuroscience (Munich Munich Berlin and Berlin) • Comparative and Systems Level Neuroscience (Munich) • Neurophysiology and Medical Neuroscience (Berlin) Neuroscience Seminar in Germany: Neuroscience Seminar in Germany: Lecture ‐ Lab Organization Global and Discipline Specific Learning • Course Learning Objectives • Background Reading and Lectures • Critical Analysis of Primary Research • Understanding of the international and collaborative nature of Articles and Reviews current neuroscience research. • Student Presentations and Discussion • Exposure to the diverse fields of neuroscience. • Journal Club Style Written Reports and • Recognition of the strengths of different experimental Discussion. approaches to similar scientific questions. • Faculty Seminar / Research Talks • Development of critical analysis and scientific writing skills. • Lab Exercises and Demonstrations • Familiarity with specific laboratory techniques through lab • Information on Graduate Programs; visits/demonstrations and through laboratory exercises. Interactions with Grad Students • Site Visits and Excursions • Culture Junction 5

  6. 7/31/2017 Neuroscience Seminar in Germany: Lectures, Labs, Discussions “ Overwhelming – I did not realize how many opportunities I had available. I found this experience so beneficial. It changed my outlook on the multiple possibilities and options. ” “ Great balance of school and fun. I learned a lot… ” “ You’re making it very difficult to go back to the states. This program was great ” Neuroscience Seminar in Germany: Neuroscience Seminar in Germany: Time and Money Outcomes and Assessment • Course Evaluations • Program Fee ~ $3300 ‐ $4,450 • Question: “After finishing the course I am • Tuition ~ $1900 in ‐ state, $2500 out ‐ of ‐ state (4 credits) likely to consider post graduate studies in • Timeline: Germany” – Application deadline is mid ‐ February – 100% of students highly likely to consider (7 on a 7 – Student deposits are not due until mid ‐ late March point scale) – Travel begins late May – Scholarships – Evaluations were all extremely positive (with no • Application measure falling below a 5 and a modal value of 7 across measures). – Letter of Intent, Transcript, Letter of Recommendation. Neuroscience Seminar in Germany: Neuroscience Seminar in Germany: Outcomes and Assessment Outcomes and Assessment • Challenges: • Benefits: – Exposure to techniques and skills (not competency). – A wide diversity of novel approaches to neuroscience – Limited opportunities for constructive feedback to students. – Continued interest in neuroscience abroad – Intensive preparation and execution. Good • Two Fulbright Awards + One pending partners at home and abroad are absolutely • Graduate School Applications necessary! • Other Research Abroad – Development of Faculty Professional Relationships 6


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