integrated studies of climatic studies of climatic



  1. INTEGRATED STUDIES OF CLIMATIC STUDIES OF CLIMATIC INTEGRATED CHANGES IN SIBERIA: METODS AND CHANGES IN SIBERIA: METODS AND INVESTIGATION RESULTS INVESTIGATION RESULTS RAS Corresponding member RAS Corresponding member Kabanov Mikhail Mikhail Vsevolodovich Vsevolodovich Kabanov Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Tomsk Systems SB RAS, Tomsk

  2. Main investigation fields of IMCES SB RAS Main investigation fields of IMCES SB RAS Scientific and technological basis for monitoring and modeling climatic and ecosystem changes under impact of natural and anthropogenic factors Basic foundation for designing new instruments, elements and materials for environmental monitoring IMCES projects carrying out in the context of RAS programs, Depa IMCES projects carrying out in the context of RAS programs, Department of Earth rtment of Earth sciences sciences 16.5. Comprehensive monitoring of contemporary climate changes in West Siberia (RAS Corr. member M.B. Kabanov) IMCES projects carrying out in the context of SB RAS Projects IMCES projects carrying out in the context of SB RAS Projects Investigation of climate forming atmospheric processes accounting for impact of global and regional factors (RAS Corr. member M.V. Kabanov, Doctor of Sci..(Phys.&Math.) I.I. Ippolitov) Development of information and measuring technologies for monitoring and modeling atmospheric, hydrospheric and lithospheric processes in Siberian geosystem (Doctor of Sci..(Phys.&Math.) V.A. Krutikov) Investigation of ecosystem changes in Siberia and associated land use risks (Doctor of Sci. (Geogr.) A.V. Pozdnyakov) Development of methods and instruments based on optical, radiowave and acoustic effects for studying natural and technogenic systems (Doctor of Sci. (Engineering) A.A. Tikhomirov) Diversity of boreal forests ecosystems: dynamic and functional aspects (Doctor of Sci. (Geogr.) A.G. Dyukarev Development of scientific basis for information-calculation system based on Web and GIS- technologies for studying regional climate processes Doctor of Sci. (Phys.&Math.) E.P. Gordov

  3. Regularities of warming observed in Siberia Regularities of warming observed in Siberia Analysis of unterannual changes of temperature regime Leading role of atmospheric circulation is characteristic for warming in Siberia in 20 th century (mostly due to winter months of recent decades) From correlation analysis of wavelet spectra the climatic phenomenon has been revealed in the middle of 20 th century, namely, high correlation between T and NAO index periodicities with the scale of 30-50 years Periodicity scale, years Analysis of phase shifts for T and NAO index wavelet spectra revealed delay of up to 7 years between the above periodicities . This fact is associated with inertial mechanisms of heat transfer by oceanic fluxes Wavelet location, years

  4. Regularities of zonal atmospheric circulation in Northern Hemisphere here Regularities of zonal atmospheric circulation in Northern Hemisp Analysis of interannual interannual changes of subtropical stream flux changes of subtropical stream flux Analysis of Analysis of troposphere zonal circulation in Northern Hemisphere has shown has shown Analysis of troposphere zonal circulation in Northern Hemisphere increase of wind velocity at subtropical stream flux axis by 1 m/s m/s for 10 years for 10 years increase of wind velocity at subtropical stream flux axis by 1 for sequence of cold seasons in 1948 1948- -2005 2005. . for sequence of cold seasons in January Long- Long -term mean distribution of zonal wind term mean distribution of zonal wind Distribution of linear trends of zonal wind Distribution of linear trends of zonal wind component at 200 200 hPa hPa level level ( (~ ~11 11 km km) ) component at 200 200 hPa hPa level level ( (~ ~11 11 km km) ) component at component at

  5. Regularities of warming observed in Siberia Regularities of warming observed in Siberia Analysis of unterannual unterannual changes of temperature regime changes of temperature regime Analysis of Surface temperature, o C Diurnal and seasonal temperature variations (weather station Bakchar, Tomsk oblast). Vertical bars correspond to difference between maximum and minimum diurnal temperature Amplitude of interseasonal Surface temperature, o C temperature variations А is determined by variations of winter temperatures Т and described by formula (in ºС ): = − A 17 . 3 0 . 94 T Seasonal and annual mean temperature obtained from Seasonal and annual mean temperature obtained from data of Irkutsk weather station in 1882- -2006: summer (1), 2006: summer (1), data of Irkutsk weather station in 1882 annual mean (2), winter (3). annual mean (2), winter (3).

  6. Regularities of changes observed at Siberian bog ecosystems Regularities of changes observed at Siberian bog ecosystems СО 2 term observations of СО Results of long- -term observations of emission at Great Vasyugan Vasyugan Bog (GVB) Bog (GVB) Results of long 2 emission at Great Empirical dependence of Empirical dependence of СО 2 СО 2 emission on emission on meteorological conditions : meteorological conditions : = − CO + F a bC cT , 2 where F where F is emission flux is emission flux, , С СО С is СО СО 2 2 is 2 concentration, concentration, СО 2 Т is air temperature Т is air temperature. . Forecast made to 2080 2080 Forecast made to accounting for IPCC scenario accounting for IPCC scenario shows that carbon balance carbon balance shows that at GVB will remain positive . . at GVB will remain positive Map of Great Vasyugan Bog (peat deposits) and и � landscape profile with observations sites � , �

  7. Regularities of changes observed at Siberian bog ecosystems Regularities of changes observed at Siberian bog ecosystems Results of paleoresearch paleoresearch of peat deposits at Great of peat deposits at Great Vasyugan Vasyugan Bog Bog Results of V ac C g/m 2 /year Scales, years Stratigraphic column of peat deposit for a set of characteristics (degree of decomposition, accumulation rates for carbon and organic matter, content of microelements, etc.) Wavelet analysis of bog-forming process development on organic matter content (g/dm 3 ) Regional peculiarities of bog- -forming process have been revealed, as well as its forming process have been revealed, as well as its Regional peculiarities of bog relation to climatic, cryogenic and pyrogenic relation to climatic, cryogenic and pyrogenic processes of peat accumulation at GVB processes of peat accumulation at GVB Cycles in peat forming process have been found for natural (without anthropogenic Cycles in peat forming process have been found for natural (with out anthropogenic impact) site at GVB with scales from 500 500 to to 2300 2300 years. years. These cycles are similar to These cycles are similar to impact) site at GVB with scales from hydrological cycles of European and North American bogs, as well as to hydrological cycles of European and North American bogs, as well as to paleolevels paleolevels of Caspian Sea. of Caspian Sea.

  8. Innovation project of IMCES SB RAS : : creation of information creation of information- -analytical analytical Innovation project of IMCES SB RAS center for ecological monitoring of man- -induced risks under induced risks under center for ecological monitoring of man development of Bakchar Bakchar iron iron- -ore deposit ore deposit development of Analytical center of IMCES SB Key sites for ecological RAS monitoring network 1. Key sites in Polynyanka village Quantulus Biochemical (IMCES SB RAS) Radioisotope laboratory for spectrometer sample 2. Key sites in Plotnikovo village preparation (Finland) (Japan) 3. New key sites

  9. Regularities of changes observed for forest ecosystems in Siberia a Regularities of changes observed for forest ecosystems in Siberi Results of long- Results of long -term observations of Siberian stone pine growth term observations of Siberian stone pine growth Analysis of phytonomic Analysis of phytonomic, morphological and molecular , morphological and molecular- -genetic features of 5 genetic features of 5- -needle needle pines of Northern and Eastern Asia shown that cedar pines form common ommon pines of Northern and Eastern Asia shown that cedar pines form c phylogenetic system. This system is formed as a result of alternation of cyc system. This system is formed as a result of alternation of cycles of les of phylogenetic climatically stipulated species divergence and their natural hybridization. climatically stipulated species divergence and their natural hyb ridization. Mountain pine Mountain pine ( (at the left at the left), ), Siberian stone pine ( (in the in the Siberian stone pine center) ) and their natural and their natural center hybrid (at the right) at hybrid (at the right) at Sokhondo Sokhondo mountain mountain (Baikal region, altitude of Baikal region, altitude of ( 1700 700 m m) ) 1


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