guidelines for poster presentation

Guidelines for Poster Presentation Date: June 3(Mon) ~ 4(Tue), 2019 - PDF document

Guidelines for Poster Presentation Date: June 3(Mon) ~ 4(Tue), 2019 Venue: 1F Event Hall, Jeju ICC, Jeju Island, Korea A. Aging B. Bioinformatics and systems biology C. Biotechnology and molecular imaging D. Cancer biology 6/3(Mon) E.

  1. Guidelines for Poster Presentation ⚫ Date: June 3(Mon) ~ 4(Tue), 2019 ⚫ Venue: 1F Event Hall, Jeju ICC, Jeju Island, Korea A. Aging B. Bioinformatics and systems biology C. Biotechnology and molecular imaging D. Cancer biology 6/3(Mon) E. Cell adhesion and cytoskeletal dynamics Posting Time 9:30-17:00 F. Cell biology Presentation Time 13:20-14:30 G. Cell differentiation, division, and death H. Cell signaling O. Microbiology P. Molecular medicine and imaging I. Chemical biology and drug discovery J. Chromatin remodeling and epigenetics K. Development and regeneration L. Genetics and genomics M. Immunology N. Metabolism and metabolic diseases 6/4(Tue) Q. Neuroscience R. Organoid Posting Time 9:00-17:00 S. Plant biology Presentation Time 15:00-16:00 T. Protein modification and regulation U. Protein structure and function V. Proteomics W. RNA biology X. Stem cell biology Y. Vascular biology

  2. ⚫ Poster Board Size: 95 (w) x 235 (h) 포스터 발표시 유의사항 : 1. Presenting author 는 2019 KSBMB International Conference 에 등록한 후 포스터장에 입장이 가능합니다 . 2. Poster board 의 크기는 95 cm ( 가로 ) x 235 cm ( 세로 ) 이며 , 포스터 인쇄물 전체의 넓이가 Board 면적을 초과하지 않도록 준비해주시기 바랍니다 . 3. Poster 의 내용은 Title, Name, Institution, Abstract, Introduction ( 또는 Purpose), Results (Figure 와 Table), Conclusion, References ( 대표적인 것 5 개 정도 ) 의 순으로 합니다 . 4. Poster 내용은 전방 1~2 m 위치에서 쉽게 읽을 수 있도록 굵고 명확히 표기하여야 합니다 .

  3. 5. 포스터 발표시간 (Presentation) 에는 반드시 등록한 Presenting Author 가 포스터 앞에서 발표를 해야 하며 , 현장 발표자만이 우수포스터상 심사를 받을 수 있습니다 . ( 발표시간에 잠깐 자리를 비울 경우에는 반드시 자리비움 표시를 하시기 바랍니다 .) 심사에서 통과한 우수포스터상 수상자에게는 내국인인 경우 Presenting author 로 등록한 저자에게 6 월 5 일 오전 10 시 이전 안내문자가 발송됩니다 . 또한 심사가 완료되면 1 층 Event Hall 과 3 층 로비에 설치된 안내보드에 수상자의 명단이 소속과 함께 공지됩니다 . 우수 포스터상은 행사 마지막날 열리는 폐회식에서 시상되며 , 이때 참석하지 않으시면 자동 수상 취소됩니다 . 6. 포스터는 부착시간 (Posting Time) 이내에 반드시 부착하시기 바랍니다 . Presentation 시간까지 부착되지 않은 포스터 등록자에게는 차후 불이익이 있을 수 있습니다 . 7. Poster 부착은 투명테이프나 양면테이프를 사용하되 발표자가 준비해주시기 바랍니다 . 8. 모든 Poster 는 발표 종료 시간에 발표자가 철거해야 합니다 . Posting Time 이 끝난 후 수거되지 않은 포스터는 자동 폐기됩니다 . 9. Poster 의 등록기간이 마감되었으므로 수정 및 철회는 불가합니다 . 불가피한 경우 로 초록제목 및 상세한 사유와 함께 요청해주시기 바랍니다 . Rules for Poster Presentation: 1. The presenting author is expected to attend the Conference and present their abstract. Presenting authors of abstracts must be registered participants. 2. The size of the poster is limited within 95 cm (wide) and 225 cm (high). 3. The template of the abstract is structured with the following subheadings: Title, Name, Institution, Abstract, Introduction (or Purpose), Results (Figure or Table), Conclusion, References. 4. Presenters will be asked to stand in front of their posters during the poster presentation time. 5. All presenters must remove their poster until the end of posting time. 6. Eligibility for Best Research Awards: Presenting author who have made outstanding contributions to Poster Presentation. The awardee is given prize money and certificate of award at a Poster Award & Concluding Remarks. If the awardee (Presenting author) not attend at a Concluding Remark, the prize will be automatically

  4. canceled. When the examination is completed by the Committee, the list of awardees will be announced on information board in the 1F Event Hall and 3F Lobby. Awardees are to be announced by email until AM 10:00 of 5 June. 7. Presenters should prepare to all materials such as a tape for posting the poster. 8. Abstract submission is now closed. More submissions and changes are impossible. For questions regarding the posting or presenting process, please contact (Poster participant Only). ⚫ Poster Number Category No. Title Presenting Institution Author A. Aging 1 Metabolic diseases are related to physical activity depending In Sik Kim 을지대학교 on age in Korea A. Aging 2 Association of thymus and activation-regulated chemokine In Sik Kim 을지대학교 (TARC) with IgE in elderly asthmatics A. Aging 3 Effect of phosphatidylcholine on aging and amyloid-beta- Bo-K young Kim Soonchunhyang University induced toxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans A. Aging 4 Dietary supplementation with ezetimibe modulates response Suhyeon Park Soonchunhyang University to environmental stressors and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans A. Aging 5 Dephosphorylation of p53 Ser 392 enhances trimethylation Jeong-Woo P ark K yungpook National University of histone H3 Lys 9 via SUV39h1 stabilization in CK2 downregulation-mediated senescence A. Aging 6 Improvement of Skin elasticity after application of Da Som Kim 부산대학교 Microneedle patch using natural polymer A. Aging 7 Deletion of Pontin induces senescence in cells and in animal Park Koog chan 숙명여자대학교 models A. Aging 8 mRNA quality control systems are essential for C. elegans Eun Ji E. Kim KAIST longevity A. Aging 9 A Golgi protein MON-2 extends lifespan of mitochondrial Y oonji Jung 한국과학기술원 respiration mutant C. elegans via increasing autophagy A. Aging 10 A PTEN variant uncouples healthy longevity from impaired Hae-Eun Park KAIST development and motility in C. elegans via tuning the activity of FOXO

  5. A. Aging 11 Lipin1 protects C. elegans from lifespan-shortening effects of Sujeong Kwon KAIST dietary glucose A. Aging 12 MED15 permits longevity in C. elegans via proper Seon Woo An KAIST maintenance of lipid and protein homeostasis at low temperature A. Aging 13 Analysis of putative transcription factor binding to age- Seokjin Ham KAIST dependently regulated genes in Caenorhabditis elegans A. Aging 14 G2019S LRRK2 promotes senescence via the upregulation of Dong-Hwan Ho 인암 뇌신경 연구센터 the p53- p21 pathway and α -synuclein accumulation in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells A. Aging 15 VRK-1 is an anti-aging protein kinase that activates AMPK Sangsoon Park KAIST A. Aging 16 Autophagy-dependent regulation of amyloid-beta in mouse Jin Seok Hwang Gyeongsang National University astrocyte and neuronal cells A. Aging 17 Mitochondrial translation defect induces telomere attrition- Seongki Min Ajou University School of Medicine mediated cellular senescence A. Aging 18 A crucial role of B-RAF for alleviation of senescence- Jaewon Kim Incheon National University associated phenotypes A. Aging 19 Dual oxidase 2 regulates reactive oxygen species production Jae Won Ha 경북대학교 induced by PM10 in human epidermal keratinocytes A. Aging 20 Luteolin 7-sulfate attenuates melanin synthesis through Hyerim Song 경북대학교 inhibition of CREB- and MITF-mediated tyrosinase expression A. Aging 21 New small peptides that inhibit melanin synthesis Jae Won Ha 경북대학교 A. Aging 22 The Relationship between Muscle Function and F arida Sukma Korea University of Science and Mitochondrial Changes According to Aging Nirmala T echnology A. Aging 23 Cellular senescence in cancer Ga Y eon Lee Ajou University School of Medicine A. Aging 24 Senescent fibroblasts drive aging pigmentation Ji Hee Park Ajou University School of Medicine A. Aging 25 Abrogation of B-RafV600E induced senescence by FoxM1 Y oung-Sam Kim Ajou University School of medicine. expression A. Aging 26 Shaping rotator cuff proteome with aging Sang Hoon Ha 전북대학교 A. Aging 27 Effects of lysosomal exocytosis inhibition on α -synuclein and HOANG-ANH HO Seoul National University T au release in NPC1-deficient cell line A. Aging 28 Increased consumption of branched chain amino acid Jae woong Lee Chungnam National University prolongs longevity in fission yeast and nematode A. Aging 29 Genetic study of longevity related genes using the fission JI HYE WOO Chungnam National University yeast gene deletion library A. Aging 30 Fermented blackberry inhibits UVB-mediated photoaging in Kim Ha-Rim ( 재 ) 전주농생명소재연구원 human skin cells and hairless mice through inhibition of ROS and MAPK/NF-kB signaling


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