funding for early stage investigators needs and

Funding for Early Stage Investigators: Needs and Opportunities - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Funding for Early Stage Investigators: Needs and Opportunities February 2009 NIGMS The Need for Support for Early Stage Investigators Early stage investigators require substantial funding to launch their independent careers and make

  1. Funding for Early Stage Investigators: Needs and Opportunities February 2009

  2. NIGMS The Need for Support for Early Stage Investigators � Early stage investigators require substantial funding to launch their independent careers and make exciting contributions to science � Many standard peer review processes tend to be conservative, favoring a high likelihood of success over innovation � Substantial preliminary results are often needed for a successful application February 2009

  3. NIGMS 1980 2008 All PIs Median Age Fraction of PI Pool 0.1 New PIs 1980 1990 2000 2008 Year 30 40 50 60 70 Age of PI February 2009

  4. NIGMS The NIH Director’s New Innovator Award � Designed to encourage and support early stage investigators (within 10 years of doctorate) to do innovative research � Launched February 2007 � 14 awards budgeted February 2009

  5. NIGMS The NIH Director’s New Innovator Award � >2000 applications received in 2007! � 30 awards funded in a range of biomedical research areas in 2007 � 31 awards funded in 2008 � Competition for 2009 ongoing February 2009

  6. NIGMS The NIH Director’s New Innovator Award � Letter to Science Magazine “Unfortunately…Dr. Jeremy Berg perpetuates the myth that “early career types are historically the ones who come up with the most innovative ideas”…The available empirical evidence suggests that middle-aged scientists are more apt… to make revolutionary discoveries.” � K. Brad Wray, State University of New York February 2009

  7. NIGMS The NIH Director’s New Innovator Award � Data from Wray’s references � Key scientists from Thomas Kuhn’s “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions: Average age 37.4 years � Collection of Nobel Laureates: Average age 38.7 years � New Innovators: Average age 37! February 2009

  8. NIGMS Other Early Stage Investigator Programs � NSF CAREER Award Program � DOD Young Investigator Programs � DOE Outstanding Junior Investigator Programs � NASA New Investigator Program February 2009


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