f ive p athways


F IVE P ATHWAYS , O NE D ESTINATION D RAFT S TRATEGIC P LAN 2016-2021 Educational Affairs Committee May 17, 2016 2 Do not confine your If you want to go fast, children to your own Strategic go alone. If you want to Plan learning for

  1. F IVE P ATHWAYS , O NE D ESTINATION D RAFT S TRATEGIC P LAN 2016-2021 Educational Affairs Committee May 17, 2016

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  3. “Do not confine your “If you want to go fast, children to your own Strategic go alone. If you want to Plan learning for they were go far, go with others.” born in a different 12 SPILT - African Proverb Members time.”- Hebrew Proverb 113 Steering Panel Members & Meeting Attendees 185 Focus Group Participants 31 Stakeholders Interviewed 2,158 Stakeholders Surveyed 6 Design Team Members Participation 3

  4. Design Team Enid Banton, Crystal Clark, Christopher Edelstein, Brian Gocial, Sherri Hazlewood, and Carrie Turner SPILT Dr. Wagner Marseille, Superintendent Dr. Tamara T. Smith, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Beverly Gallagher, Director of Special Education Susan O'Grady, Director of Communications & Development Timothy McCleary, Supervisor of Technology Cara Michaels, Director of Finance Dr. Cheryl Horsey, Director of Student Services Gerald Aungst, Supervisor of Gifted & Elementary Mathematics Dr. Gerry Fitzpatrick-Doria, Principal of Elkins Park School Dan Tahaney, Principal of Myers Elementary Marcy Hockfield, Principal of Cedarbrook Middle School Lynn Hindermyer, Vice Principal of Cheltenham High School Karen Shaffran, Teacher on Assignment

  5. Steering Panel • • • Aaron Ngo Ezinne Ottih Michelle Fella Przybylowski • • • Abby Fishman Gerald Aungst Michelle Robinson • • • Abigail McMahon Heather Blumberg Mu’min Islam • • • Amy Flynn Iris Parker Nancy Hniedziejko • • • Andrew Smith Jacob Margasak Napoleon Nelson • • • Angie Schell Jacob Smith Nicolas Perez • • • Anne Rubin Jaime Osea Nicole Warren • • • Barbara Shoap James Taylor Nina Gordon • • • Ben Hammond Jane Donohue Nissim Lebovits • • • Beth Kenna Jenette Oddo Oliver Snook • • • Bethel Xu Jennifer Wasserman Paige Kytzidis • • • Beverly Gallagher John Moran Pat Gallagher • • • Bill England Jon Shina Paul DeSipio • • • Brian Gocial Julie Haywood Paula Glazier • • • Brian Malloy Karen Shaffran Peggy Cooper • • • Cameron Carty Kathy Wasserman Ray O'Brien • • • Cara Michaels Kennedy Clark Rebekah Taboada • • • Carli Segal Keziah LaTorre Roberta Jacoby • • • Carrie Ochs Toledo Kyle Griffin Roshanna Floyd • • • Cheryl Horsey Kiara Bass Sarah Demaria • • • Christina Morton Kim Rose Scott Layer • • • Christopher Edelstein Kurt Ahrens Sherry Hazelwood • • • Cindy Charlton Kwang Lee Siouda Douglas • • • Crystal Clark Laurel R Doran Stephanie Gray • • • Dan Levy Laurie Shirley Sue Dunham • • • Dana Walker Leah Matusow Sue Nathan • • • Danelle Witkowski Lilly Phung Susan Austin • • • Daniel Tahaney Linda Jepson Susan O'Grady • • • Danielle Schueller Lorna Rosenberg Tasha Holland • • • Dave Clark Louis Alloro Taylor Laing • • • David Burton Lynn Hindermyer Terri Kelly • • • David Cohen Marcy Hockfield Timothy McCleary • • • David Rackow Mark Cheramie Walz Tom Hasty • • • Dayna Gibbs-Bowser Mark Hoff Tracey Oliver-Davis • • • Delores Wells Mark Woodcock Tracy Keeley • • • Denise Allen Mary Aiken Wagner Marseille • • • Gerry Fitzpatrick-Doria Matt Moore Will Longstreet • • Emily Brecker Greenberg Meredith Gapsis

  6. Agenda • Welcome • Strategic Plan Big Goals & SMART Objectives o Curriculum & Instruction o Student Achievement o Professional Learning o Holistic Experiences o Communication and Engagement • Questions & Discussion 6

  7. What is a Strategic Plan? • An approach to growth or change o “The set of actions an organization chooses to pursue in order to achieve its objectives. These deliberate actions are puzzle pieces that fit together to create a clear picture of how the people, activities and resources of an organization can work effectively to accomplish a collective purpose.” • A set of self-created guidelines, a roadmap, a reasoned starting point and orders of magnitude from which to embark on growth and change • A living document that will be revisited and revised on a regular basis • It is NOT a tactical plan: It is NOT a static document: It is NOT everything everyone wants nor everything the system does It is a set of of carefully considered pathways that bring focus to our Instructional Core (Students-Educators-Curriculum) and guide decisions that will help us achieve our mission and vision. 7

  8. Strategic Thinking: Sinek’s Golden Circle Why do we need to do this? How will we do this? What will we do?

  9. Mission of Cheltenham School District Drawing on its cultural richness, creativity, and tradition of scholastic excellence, Cheltenham School District strives to nurture each child through a wealth of academic endeavors and community partnerships that provide the skills and vision needed to lead a productive and meaningful life beyond our classroom walls. 9

  10. We create experiences that drive innovation and ignite passion for teaching and learning. In doing so, our culturally diverse community becomes a model for excellence in education . Strategic Pathways • Curriculum and Instruction • Student Achievement • Professional Learning • Holistic Experiences • Communication and Engagement

  11. Planning with the End in Mind Planning Vision for Tasks, Initiatives & Milestones, Impact Understanding Observable Metrics & SMART the Organization Outcomes, The Why Measures Objectives & Its Environment Resources, The or The Leads, Timing The Research Progress The How End What (Phase 1) (Phase 3) (Phase 3) (Phase 2) (Phase 3) 11

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  16. Curriculum & Instruction Working Group Co-Leaders: Marcy Hockfield, Keziah LaTorre, and Abby Fishman Chris Edelstein Beth Kenna Kurt Ahrens Peg Cooper Taylor Laing Rebekah Taboada Lillian Phung Michelle Przybylowski Susan Nathan Linda Jephson Angela Schell Roberta Jacoby Mark Hoff Cameron Carty Paige Kytzidis Matt Moore

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  19. Curriculum & Instruction Objective 1: Aligned, 21 st Century Curriculum By 2021, CSD will develop a K-12 curriculum that fosters creativity, provides opportunity for personalization, and develops global, 21st century skills that lead to college and career readiness. It is horizontally, vertically, and standards aligned, and is a living document that incorporates ongoing stakeholder input and is accessible through multiple platforms.

  20. Curriculum & Instruction Objective 2: Assessment By 2021, CSD will create common (by grade-level or course) assessments that are standards based and include authentic real-world modalities. CSD will minimize the impact of standardized assessments on instructional time. Systems for reporting multiple measures of student growth and achievement will be adopted district wide.

  21. Curriculum & Instruction Objective 3: Instructional Strategies By 2021, all CSD educators will utilize a variety of instructional strategies to engage their students, maximizing active learning and personalization of curriculum. Instruction will utilize technology skillfully and intentionally. CSD will adopt assessment, assignment, and homework policies that are aligned with best practices while supporting the holistic needs of students.

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  23. Student Achievement Working Group Co-Leaders: Lynn Hindermyer and Julie Haywood Crystal Clark Laurie Shirley Dan Levy Jacob Smith Mark Woodcock Bethel Xu Ezinne Ottih Jon Shina Ray O'Brien Mark Cheramie Walz Tasha Holland Andrew Smith Carrie Ochs Toledo Jennifer Wasserman

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  26. Student Achievement Objective 1: Academic Interventions By 2021, CSD will increase equity and close gaps in achievement by implementing strategies and protocols utilizing best practices to provide ongoing and responsive academic interventions.

  27. Student Achievement Objective 2: Measures of Growth By 2021, CSD will increase equity in student achievement by identifying, recognizing and valuing multiple forms of student growth and success. CSD will redesign current practices for measuring and reporting student performance utilizing academic and non-academic metrics.

  28. Student Achievement Objective 3: Non-Academic Interventions By 2021, CSD will optimize structural conditions (e.g. scheduling, use of instructional space, physical environment) for student achievement by applying best practices regarding non-academic interventions.

  29. Student Achievement Objective 4: Equity in Achievement By 2021, CSD will increase equity by maximizing access to all academic and non-academic opportunities, experiences, and programs that support and enhance student achievement.

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  31. Professional Learning Working Group Co-Leaders: Gerry Fitzpatrick-Doria and Dan Tahaney Sarah DeMaria Jim Taylor Denise Allen David Clark Michelle Robinson Ben Hammond Tracey Oliver- Dana Walker Davis Sherry Hazlewood Jaime Osea Mary Aiken Laurel Doran Bev Gallagher Ali Michael

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