examples of obstructions to apex graphs edge apex graphs

Examples of Obstructions to Apex Graphs, Edge-Apex Graphs, and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Examples of Obstructions to Apex Graphs, Edge-Apex Graphs, and Contraction-Apex Graphs International Workshop on Spatial Graphs Mike Pierce August 2016 University California, Riverside Contents Introduction Graph Minors Robertson and

  1. Examples of Obstructions to Apex Graphs, Edge-Apex Graphs, and Contraction-Apex Graphs International Workshop on Spatial Graphs Mike Pierce August 2016 University California, Riverside

  2. Contents Introduction Graph Minors Robertson and Seymour’s Graph Minor Theorem mmna Graph Research What is an Apex Graph? Brute-Force Search Building Triangle-Wye Families mmne & mmnc Graph Research Edge-Apex and Contraction-Apex Contact Info & Links 2/42

  3. Introduction

  4. Graph Minors A simple minor of a graph is the result of performing any one of these actions on a graph. 3/42 A graph H is a minor of a graph G if performing some sequence of vertex deletions, edge deletions, or edge contractions on G results in a graph isomorphic to H .

  5. Graph Minors 4/42

  6. Robertson and Seymour’s Graph Minor Theorem Graph Minor Theorem The set of finite, undirected graphs form a well-quasi-ordering under the graph minor relationship. That is, given a countable finite. 5/42 sequence of graphs { G i } with i ∈ { 1 , 2 , . . . } there must exists some j > i ≥ 1 such that G i is isomorphic to a minor of G j . Corollary: There are Finitely Many Minor-Minimal Non- P Graphs Take some graph property P such that any graph either does or does not have P , and such that P is minor-closed. Consider the set of all graphs { G i } such that each G i does not have P , but such that every (proper) minor of each G i has P . This set of graphs { G i } must be

  7. Minor-Minimal Non-Planar We can imagine that there are some graphs that are not planar, but that every minor of these graphs are planar. According to Robertson and Seymour’s Theorem, there must be a finite number of these graphs. 6/42

  8. Minor-Minimal Intrinsically Linked contains a pair of linked cycles. There are exactly seven minor-minimal intrinsically linked graphs. This set of graphs is called the Petersen Family . Source: Wikimedia Commons 7/42 A graph G is intrinsically linked if any embedding of G in S 3

  9. Minor-Minimal Intrinsically Knotted contains a knotted cycle. Classifying the entire set of minor-minimal intrinsically knotted graphs is still an open problem. We know that there are at least 263. www.jmu.edu/_images/mathstat/sums/sumsknot15.jpg 8/42 A graph G is intrinsically knotted if any embedding of G in S 3

  10. mmna Graph Research

  11. What is an Apex Graph? A graph is apex if there is a vertex in the graph that we may remove to make the graph planar. We can think of these graphs as “one vertex away” from being planar. 9/42

  12. Minor-Minimal Non-Apex Graphs This means that a minor-minimal non-apex ( mmna ) graph is a graph that is not apex, but such that every minor of the graph is apex. 10/42

  13. Examples of Minor-Minor Non-Apex Graphs All intrinsically linked graphs are non-apex. It also turns out that all minor-minimal intrinsically linked graphs are minor-minimal non-apex. 11/42

  14. Examples Based on Connectivity The first thought is to try to classify the mmna graphs based on their connectivity. necessary to disconnect the graph into nontrivial compenents. 12/42 We say a graph has connectivity n if the removal of n vertices is

  15. Examples of Minor-Minor Non-Apex Graphs There are exactly three disconnected mmna graphs. They are each a 13/42 disjoint union of a pair of graphs from { K 5 , K 3 , 3 } .

  16. Examples of Minor-Minor Non-Apex Graphs 14/42 There are no mmna graphs of connectivity 1 .

  17. Since apexness is based on graph planarity, many mmna graphs 15/42 Examples of mmna Graphs with Connectivity 2 appear to have K 5 and K 3 , 3 as “building blocks”.

  18. Since apexness is based on graph planarity, many mmna graphs 16/42 Examples of mmna Graphs with Connectivity 2 appear to have K 5 and K 3 , 3 as “building blocks”.

  19. Minor-Minimal Non-Apex Graphs 17/42

  20. A Few Initial Restrictions on mmna Graphs 18/42 The minimum vertex degree in any mmna graph is 3 . Given a graph G with order v and minimum vertex degree δ , the size of G is at least ⌈ δv 2 ⌉ . Given a graph G with order v , the maximum size of G is 1 2 v ( v − 1) .

  21. Minor-Minimal Non-Apex Graphs 19/42

  22. Minor-Minimal Non-Apex Graphs 20/42

  23. Brute-Force Search on 8, 9, and 10 Vertices For doing this project, it is convenient to establish some functions to 21/42 determine if a given graph G is mmna . MMNAGraphQ[G_Graph] := Module[{}, Return[ (!ApexGraphQ[G]) && !(MemberQ[ApexGraphQ /@ SimpleMinors[G], False]) ]; ]; ApexGraphQ[G_Graph] := Module[{}, Return[ MemberQ[ PlanarGraphQ /@ Union[{G}, Table[VertexDelete[G, i], {i,VertexList[G]}]] , True] ]; ];

  24. Brute-Force Search on 8, 9, and 10 Vertices 22/42

  25. Brute-Force Search on 8, 9, and 10 Vertices 23/42

  26. Brute-Force Search on 17–21 Edges 24/42

  27. Brute-Force Search on 17–21 Edges 25/42

  28. Triangle-Wye and Wye-Triangle Transforms 26/42 Let T be a 3 -cycle (triangle) in a graph. We can perform a triangle-wye move on T by deleting the edges of T , and adding a new vertex to our graph adjacent to the vertices of T . Let v be a degree 3 vertex in a graph. We can perform a wye-triangle move on v by adding edges to connect the vertices adjacent to v , and then deleting v .

  29. Triangle-Wye Often Preserves NA Theorem So unless the vertex that gets added when we perform triangle-wye causes a graph to become apex, then the graph will remain non-apex. Since performing triangle-wye on a graph preserves its size, no graph in a triangle-wye family can be a minor of another, increasing the likelyhood that some members of the triangle-wye family of an mmna graph are mmna . 27/42 Let G be a non-apex graph with triangle T and let G ′ be the result of performing triangle-wye on T where the vertex added to G ′ is v . The graph G ′ is non-apex if and only if G ′ − v is non-planar.

  30. Building Triangle-Wye Families We can write some functions to automate the process of constructing the triangle-wye family of a graph. 28/42 TriangleWyeFamily[G_Graph] := Module[{}, Return[ List[#, TriangleWyeFamily[#]] & /@ TriangleWyeCousins[G] ]; ]; TriangleWyeCousins[G_Graph] := Module[{}, Return[ DeleteGraphDuplicates[Table[TriangleWye[G, t], {t, TriangleList[G]}]] ]; ];

  31. Building Triangle-Wye Families 29/42

  32. Building Triangle-Wye Families 30/42

  33. The Current mmna Total We did a more liberal computer search on graphs with a minimum We performed a “smart search” for mmna graphs by looking at the simple minors of simple extensions of mmna graphs we already had. We (at least partially) created the wye-triangle-wye family for each of the new mmna graphs. 31/42 We continued to construct mmna graphs by “gluing together” K 5 and K 3 , 3 subgraphs. vertex degree of 4 , 5 , and 6 .

  34. The Current mmna Total 32/42

  35. The Current mmna Total 33/42

  36. Examples of mmna Graphs with Higher Connectivity 34/42

  37. mmne & mmnc Graph Research

  38. Edge-Apex and Contraction-Apex A graph is edge-apex if there is some edge in the graph that we may delete to make the graph planar. A graph is contraction-apex if there is some edge in the graph that we may contract to make the graph planar. 35/42

  39. mmne and mmnc are not as nice as mmna The minimum allowed vertex degree of simple mmne graphs and Neither of the properties edge-apex or contraction-apex are closed under taking minors (but just barely). 36/42 mmnc graphs is 2 .

  40. Properties of mmne and mmnc Graphs vertex must themselves be neighbors. The three disconnected graphs that are the disjoint union of a pair of mmnc graphs. vertex. 37/42 Given a degree 2 vertex in an mmne graph, the neighbors of that graphs from { K 5 , K 3 , 3 } are exactly the disconnected mmne and There are three mmne and mmnc graphs of connectivity 1 that are each the result of gluing together graphs in { K 5 , K 3 , 3 } on a single

  41. Examples of mmne Graphs 38/42

  42. The Current mmne Total 39/42

  43. The Current mmnc Total 40/42

  44. Contact Info & Links

  45. Contact Info Mike Pierce math.ucr.edu/~mpierce mpierce@math.ucr.edu Supervised by Dr Thomas Mattman www.csuchico.edu/~tmattman Current as of August 2016 41/42

  46. Links Online Link to this Presentation math.ucr.edu/~mpierce/files/conferences/iwsg2016/presentation.pdf Six Variations on a Theme: Almost Planar Graphs Lipton, Mackall, Mattman, Pierce, Robertson, Thomas, Weinschelbaum CSU Chico Summer REUT; 2014 arxiv.org/abs/1608.01973 Classifying the Finite Set of Minor-Minimal Non-Apex Graphs Mike Pierce, CSU Chico Honors Thesis in Mathematics; 2014 math.ucr.edu/~mpierce/files/papers/CFSMMNAG-pierce.2014.pdf Mathematica Code Created for this Research github.com/mikepierce/MMGraphFunctions github.com/mikepierce/YTYGraphTransforms Current as of August 2016 42/42


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