ex examining th the impact t of of non on st state a act

Ex Examining th the Impact t of of Non on- St State A Act - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ex Examining th the Impact t of of Non on- St State A Act ctors o on C n Civic Spa c Space ce In Inter erim im Fin indin ings fr from om Ban anglad lades esh, Pales alestin ine e & & Zimb Zimbab abwe Seminar on

  1. Ex Examining th the Impact t of of Non on- St State A Act ctors o on C n Civic Spa c Space ce In Inter erim im Fin indin ings fr from om Ban anglad lades esh, Pales alestin ine e & & Zimb Zimbab abwe Seminar on Civic Space and Non-State Actors – 25 th June 2019

  2. Missing Pieces : • Youth wings of political parties (pro- government militias?) • GONGOs or state aligned CSOs • State owned media • Private security firms The Puzzle • ….In countries rated as “Repressed”

  3. Headlines : 90+ hours of interview • NSA restrictions have a more drastic • impact on NGO activity NSAs are freer to impose harsher • Clean Hands… restrictions Dirty Gloves Delegation of “nastier” restrictions to • NSAs by states to evade international scrutiny

  4. Confrontations : GONGOs • Private companies • Settlers groups • Impact on NGOs: Palestine Rapid decrease in funding via • accusations of terrorism Tarnished international • reputation/travel ban Some violence against staff/people • Increased public support for work •

  5. Confrontations : GONGOs • Youth wings of political parties • War veterans • Partisan media • Impact on NGOs: Zimbabwe Decrease in funding due to corruption • scandals Meetings disrupted, activists attacked and • beaten Mental health issues reported by key • activists Public mistrust NGOs and climate of fear •

  6. Confrontations : GONGOs • Youth wings of political parties • Co-opted media/partisan media • Impact on NGOs: Bangladesh Enforced disappearance, torture & • extrajudicial killings of dissidents Severe mental health issues reported • by key activists Fear of affiliation with critical NGOs • High climate of fear and co-optation of • NGOs by state

  7. Typ ypology y of NSA Restrictions Action Targeting Organisations Action Targeting Individuals Increased competition for funding from GONGOs Personal harassment/intimidation (including family • • Legal challenges over NGO activity or bureaucratic of activists) • restriction i.e. the revocation or suspension of Travel ban/restriction of access • existing licenses as a result of NSA activity Threats and smears/incitement to hatred or • Co-optation of civic actors/vocal CSO staff by NSA violence • Project sanction by NSA i.e. SLAPP Criminal defamation • • Internet/ communication restriction /censorship Surveillance • • Office raid/destruction/NGO equipment Illegal detention of activists/abduction/kidnapping • • confiscated Torture and ill-treatment • Threats and smears/public vilification of Violent physical attack on activist • • organisation Killing/death of activist • Criminal defamation of organisation Sexual and other gender-based assault • • NSA’s surveillance of organisation /harassment •

  8. Con Conclusion on • NSAs play an important role! • NSA are an additional burden or cost to activism in all three cases • Shift from “proactive” to “defensive” strategies • Resistance is tough • Naming and shaming is futile, does resolve hold the key?

  9. Thank you https://monitor.civicus.org @CIVICUSMonitor monitor@civicus.org


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