education healthcare vertical markets

Education & HealthCare Vertical Markets Marilyn Collins - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Education & HealthCare Vertical Markets Marilyn Collins Business Developm ent Education and Healthcare 43 Goal of a Vertical Market Sales Call 1. Meet at least ONE of THE CUSTOMERs Goals That means find out what their goals

  1. Education & HealthCare Vertical Markets Marilyn Collins Business Developm ent Education and Healthcare 43

  2. Goal of a Vertical Market Sales Call 1. Meet at least ONE of THE CUSTOMER’s Goals � That means find out what their goals are… 2. Convey Who in the World is ASSA ABLOY? 3. Find Out More About the End User’s Facility, Plans, Needs, Issues & Trends � This helps us configure the right solution… 4 . End Users are our “Voice of Customer” Determ ine if ASSA ABLOY is a potential resource for the com plete door opening package Security – Life Safety – Aesthetic Design - Energy Efficiency 44

  3. W ho ( in the w orld) is ASSA ABLOY? I ndustry Leading Brands…Life-Safety, Security, Access Control… the door AND everything on and around the door! 45

  4. Vertical Market Focus: Becom e a Resource …then Bring in Business in 2 0 1 0 � Our goal is to position vertical market reps as a RESOURCE and a PARTNER to schools, colleges, hospitals, healthcare facilities, military bases, etc – Becoming a “resource” takes building relationship to a higher level � Give reps tools to access decision makers and “purse holders” � Provide reps with useful market information ( dem ographics drive these vertical m arkets) � Let reps know how end users GET money and where facilities SPEND money � Help reps add value to and through the distribution channels Example: REMS grants for K-12 schools; Door gap measuring tools for Joint Commission compliance in Healthcare 46

  5. W hat are W e about? Design Solutions, Preinstalled Doors, Sustainable Buildings, Green Products, I nfection Control, W ireless Access Control, Life-Safety…the w hole package 47

  6. ASSA ABLOY Partners w ith Healthcare From architectural meetings, planning, specification writing, broad distribution, certified installation, after-install service and more… Securing Buildings and Keeping People Safe 48

  7. W hat W ill Business Developm ent Focus on in 2 0 1 0 ? Four Critical Opportunities For Adding Value To DSS Team s… � Supporting Strategic Growth Opportunities DOORS, EEO, etc… � Talent Management – maximize efforts � Tools and Processes – aid productivity � Alignment & Collaboration – Example: working more closely with Architectural Reps to get in on the project at earlier phases, so we can influence the door selection. 49

  8. How can w e help you in 2 0 1 0 ? 50 THANK YOU …


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